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2018 Rhode Island Squid Report
It's been quite some time since I posted, several seasons in fact. I recently purchased a vacation home in South Kingstown. Used to drive 90 minutes both ways to go squiding now I'm very close to the action. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I was looking to get away from GI bridge and try Jamestown or perhaps Galilee. I still have my $300.00 squid jig collection and now I feel it's time to get back into the action. I was in Jamestown this past October checking out the docks and noticed several ink spots. Is it legal to squid there? Do people squid off the rock jetties

at Galilee? 


This site use to jam why not anymore?

Quote:It's been quite some time since I posted, several seasons in fact. I recently purchased a vacation home in South Kingstown. Used to drive 90 minutes both ways to go squiding now I'm very close to the action. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I was looking to get away from GI bridge and try Jamestown or perhaps Galilee. I still have my $300.00 squid jig collection and now I feel it's time to get back into the action. I was in Jamestown this past October checking out the docks and noticed several ink spots. Is it legal to squid there? Do people squid off the rock jetties

at Galilee? 


This site use to jam why not anymore?

I keep my boain in Point Judith, but I've never seen any squid at the marina itself.   I've heard people sometimes see them at the commercial docks where there is a lot more light at night.


I would doubt they can be snagged off the rock piles in the sleuceway; the current is too strong.  It's possible you can get them off the rocks leading to the west gap.  When they are off the beaches, they can be anywhere.  There is no light on those rocks though, and it would be hazardous to be walking around on them at night.  Just saying.


The frances fleet goes out for them though.  At $50 a head, it's a cheap enough trip.  My boat isn't in the water yet, so I have no first hand info to offer this season.


As for site info, well, there are 2 facebook groups that are pretty active.  But even when this board was busy, info would always be a couple of days late and after spots got burned, it became very vague.  But that's actually fine for me since I have a boat.  I don't need exact dock locations.  They are pretty predictable and are either around or they aren't.


Good luck.

Quote:It's been quite some time since I posted, several seasons in fact. I recently purchased a vacation home in South Kingstown. Used to drive 90 minutes both ways to go squiding now I'm very close to the action. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I was looking to get away from GI bridge and try Jamestown or perhaps Galilee. I still have my $300.00 squid jig collection and now I feel it's time to get back into the action. I was in Jamestown this past October checking out the docks and noticed several ink spots. Is it legal to squid there? Do people squid off the rock jetties

at Galilee? 


This site use to jam why not anymore?
We have caught some squid around the commercial docks in Galilee. Even during the day. Not a bail job but sufficient for us. But that was the year before last. Last year they never seemed to show up. At least when we were there.

So it seems to hinge on the run.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Fished newport  last night from 8pm to 1;30am  When I got there the bite was on

while there was still good daylight.   slowed down at dark then picked up around

11;30  ended up with 43 squid all sizes.  My  take for what its worth is cleaning the

squid there hardly any eggs left in them.  Its definitely winding down unless a new

pile of squid move in.  Saw baby squids 1-4 inch long so that also clued me to the

spawn is about over.  Saw different pods of squid come and go.  1 out of 4 pods would

hit agressivley .  Little colder than I like.  that's it.
BTW there were schools of large scup swimming around and hitting the

squid jigs. 

they were catching scup off the wall by the parking area just befor going

over the GI bridge.

Got to say again these are big porgys I was very surprised to see them

that big swimming next to walls and bridges.  Easily caught with squid pieces.

No scup last night.  Slow night but managed some big tubers.  Was near Goat Island, but didn't see any goat.

shitty how the scup just disappeared. Greedy things, eat ton of squid then leave in 1 night. 

Quote:shitty how the scup just disappeared. Greedy things, eat ton of squid then leave in 1 night. 

Still here. They showed up about 1AM. The water was silver with them.

Some caught a cooler full.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
We squided from 5-6:30 then again 8-11. Two of us got 43. For some reason or another we appeared to do better than most. Don't ask me why.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
I got 36 last night at the GI causeway. Many thousands of scup moved in late into the night and the squid action basically shut down. Schools of squid would alternate with schools of thousands of scup passing through. The squid became finicky. The scup were voracious and made squidding nearly impossible. The scup attacked basically any offering (including squid jigs) thrown at them. Most squidders simply gave in and just started scup fishing.

Go figures!  Always on the days I'm not fishing.  That was my fear.  FOMO..

AlaskaNaturally I'll trade you squid jigs for your scups = ).  You were definitely catching better than some because you guys have good jigs. 
Oneeye: Didn't do us much good yesterday. Caught only two. Quit about 11. Big jigs seemed to be the key. By time we figured that out, it was past our bedtime. Left it to the young people.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
How was the squidding last night?
Last night was very slow and slower today until at least 1 pm. It’s not happening yet! The big ones have arrived but very few. A lot of scup if you like scup!!
Water temp is 52. Usaually 56-57 this time of year. A little warmer water temp may turn them on?
Matt. We tried until 3. Nothing. We were going to try Galilee this evening but because of the weather decided to take the night off. Need to rest these weary old bones. Up and them again tomorrow.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Quote:How was the squidding last night?

From our perspective, very poor. Others got a few. We quit at 11.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
For those of you who go every night, have the scup been there every night as well? The night I went on saturday I saw none

Me and a friend fished on the south side near goat Island on Saturday using a green led submersible. We saw plenty of scupp hit our bait ball but only saw a few squid catching none. A young man next to us caught a 13" scupp on a squid jig.


I also noticed Frances Fleet hasn't offered a squid trip yet.

Quote:For those of you who go every night, have the scup been there every night as well? The night I went on saturday I saw none
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 

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