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2018 Rhode Island Squid Report
I was just reading, on a facebook page, that Newport has started to see some decent activity and that they are large.......probably coming in to drop their eggs.

Quote:Ive been getting good squid since monday night, got a half bucket in just 1 hour. 

Gneral area?  (Ocean, bay, boat, land will do).
Remember, early spring the water temp is still cold.  Look for places where water is warmer.  Somewhere near your famous squid spots.


Think like a squid, eat like a squid, dance and jig like a squid.  Be a SQUID!!    :woot:

Quote:I was just reading, on a facebook page, that Newport has started to see some decent activity and that they are large.......probably coming in to drop their eggs.
Mind sharing the FB page where you the squid reports? Thanks.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Got the day off tomorrow and looking hard at the forecast.  Temps are warm enough, partly cloudy but wind at about 14kts for late evening.  Don't have much else going on so might as well go out.  High tide is about 11pm and water temps are at just about  49 everywhere.  Need to stop at Quaker Lane Tackle.  Then just have to decide where first.  Reminds me, I have to charge the batteries for the lights.


I'm the old guy with the salty dog grey beard.  Say hello if you're out.

Close but no cephalopods.  Spotty with a few people snagging a few here and there in a couple spots.  Once the schoolies stripers started in, it went pretty dead up till high tide when we left.  This feels so familiar to other recent springs past for some reason.  Got to just make that trip and get skunked now and again. 

Quote:Close but no cephalopods.  Spotty with a few people snagging a few here and there in a couple spots.  Once the schoolies stripers started in, it went pretty dead up till high tide when we left.  This feels so familiar to other recent springs past for some reason.  Got to just make that trip and get skunked now and again. 
So you didn't cure Cepthalopodomania. New remedies will present themselves soon. Thanks for the report.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Quote:Mind sharing the FB page where you the squid reports? Thanks.
The FB page is SquidFish RI @ Alaskanaturally
Quote:The FB page is SquidFish RI @ Alaskanaturally
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Quote:Mind sharing the FB page where you the squid reports? Thanks.
It's called "New England Squid Squad".
Last year the water was warmer on this date. It should be heating up fast with these above normal temps the last few days. Caught a bunch last May fourth. Will give it a try this week and report out.
Should be something at GI   Temps showing 50     Have to give it a try this week

Need sea bass bait.  Eat the smaller ones.

GI had nice weather but very slow today. Last Night was “said” to be ok with some large tubes. Should start to get better in a few days when I will report again.
I guess the frances fleet didn't fish saturday night, but they did post this as part of a cod trip report:


<p style="margin-left:40px;">We did mark some squid on the further spots so fluke and season is only around the corner.

<p style="margin-left:40px;"> 

So it seems a body of squid are still holding offshore.

Galilee usually a little later than GI. Have heard anything from there yet
Quote:Galilee usually a little later than GI. Have not heard anything from there yet
Fished GI from 9pm till 2am.  Nice night but foggy.  Ended up with 11 squid.  they would come by in small pods

and many were not interested in even looking at the jigs.  For what its worth I guess its started, just need more

squid to come in, in bigger numbers.  Small jigs were the ticket and no one color was better than the other. 

No squid in pt judith yet.  Out the cape is doing well also.  Mixed sizes from small 4" to jumbo 12" tubes.  Maybe

try again in a couple days.

Going to try again tonight at GI let you know tomorrow how I made out.

Did ok last night 1/2 pail.  Pods of squid would come by, some would ignore

everything, then another pod would come and feed.  water was dirty, very

hard to see.  took 5 hrs.  Mixed sizes from small to jumbo.  eggs were larger

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