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Rhode Island 2023
Went to GI at 5:30 last night. Not one person fishing. Left and came back at 8:45. Only a couple of people fishing on bulkhead with a light. Only four people fishing on bridge. No signs of ink. Will try later next week.

Was out last week on Friday.  Started out pretty windy but eventually calmed down.  Water started out pretty murky but started to clear around slack tide.  Once it settled, we caught 9.  Locals had reported that the previous Tuesday was pretty good.  I'm guessing pretty soon.  Watching the weather and might try a week night if conditions are favorable.

Appreciate the reports and sorry to hear this weekend didn't turn out to be what expected.

I'm still itching to try next weekend or the one after.

I have never tried Jamestown but heard good stories. Are there any public docks that allow fishing legally without being harassed? 

Indeed. I went to Wetherill State Park - Jamestown yesterday and fished from 6pm - 10:pm. Nada  Cry

On top of having no squid for late dinner, I lost 5 jigs from the sea grass close to the bank  :o

A lot of squid fisherman but very few squid hooked.

Does not mean Jamestown is not good place? I wouldn't say that either. But the terrain is too tough. I've been squid fishing in GI for more than 25 years and never lost so many jigs in one trip.

Water Temps.  Having the same issue with Tog season.  Water is just still too warm.  


Wife went up to Gloucester MA Friday night.  She caught 11 but they were mostly really small.  Even further north, the run hasn't started just yet.  Perhaps a week or two if the cold weather holds.  I recall a season perhaps several years ago where the water stayed warm into December.  Was late that year also.


There are a couple of good spots at Ft Weatherill but have had to practically camp out to get them in the past.

I tried Gloucester (forgot the name of that pier) a few years ago in summer.

If squids are in Gloucester, they should be in Salem area too.
Went to GI last night Nov 4 from 6:45-815 pm. Slow! 2 squid (1 very large, 1 very small). Saw one person with 6 large when I got the re. About 30 people with very few squid. They may have done better after I left. There were small sea bass in with the bait balls being caught on sabiki rigs. Squid may have been scattered because of fish. 


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