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Rhode Island 2023
What time did you get there Mat? We have found the best squidding to be about an hour before sunrise until about 7:30 AM. Figured that out because we're too old to stay up very late but not too old to get up early.

Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Your early AM works.  I also find an hour or so before sunset is good when the spring run is happening. After that it continues into the night about an hour or more after the lights are set up. There are some very good daytime runs in the spring and fall. I go at different times but early in the morning is difficult because of grandparent commitments and chores!!!

Matt, The difference between morning and evening is the crowd.

Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Very True!

The Cinder Worm hatch started this evening. It’s usually a sign that it’s time to go catch squid.  Good Luck everyone!!!

Going back down to GIB Friday night. Hopefully catch more than last Friday
It was slow. Full moon strikes again
We gave it a try yesterday. Started out by Pt Judith late afternoon. Marked some, but they weren't interested in eating. We had a long ride home, so we started heading west and tried again at sunset. Ended up with around 20 or so for our trouble.

Thanks for the reports. The head boats out of Point Judith report slower than usual for this time of the year but improving!
Anybody been recently or thinking of giving it a go? I'd like to try again off the south shore of RI, maybe Saturday or Sunday night looking at the weather forecast.

Reports say - still slow but improving with best reports coming from Jamestown, Newport and Sakonnet. Point Judith  boats will add trips when squid numbers improve. Should be very soon!

I'm due to be on a boat out tomorrow night. Don't yet know what area we will be in but I'll try and have a report up sometime Sunday. 

Thanks guys. Im aiming to be out there Sunday night
PT Judith squid boat went out tonight. There are also much improved fluke reports. Where there are fluke their are usually squid this time of the year. 

Ok guys. We started out off the beaches of Misquamicut before dark.

Probably around 7pm. It was very slow .

I got 3 and figured that was going to be it for the night.

But we kept working east and eventually got to Matunck area were the fleet was. Lots of private boats and a couple of the head boats too.

Absolutely nothing happening there. Looked like we either missed the tide or there was a body of squid that moved through before we arrived.

Well at that point we decided to head back to where we started and ran back to Misquamicut area.

Well as soon as we arrived now we had some tide current running and finally got into some squid.

Still not a bucket filling job but at least a half bucket.

Seemed to do better at 30 foot depths than at 50.

Not sure if I'll be out there again next weekend or if the bite wasn't good enough to justify another trip. I'll let you all know if I go back.

Me and a friend hit up Stonington Borough off the dock last night (Saturday) from 12-2. I got 4 and my friend got about 20. Mixed sizes but nothing real big. Enough for us to both make a dish so we were satisfied.

The squid fishing boats going out of Point Judith report “tons of squid chasing the bait balls” on the night trips. Should soon be good everywhere. 

I decided to give it one more trip before i go chasing other things and will be back out again Friday.

I'll post up results sometime Saturday

Thanks for the updates Mike, good luck!
Lasker31, I may hit Stonington Friday or Saturday night.

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