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Rhode Island 2023
Hit Stonington last night from about 8 PM till 10:15. Met a couple cool local dudes new to squiding, Chase and Coleb. Only saw two small ones caught and heard of two others. About six or eight people showed up just as I was leaving...
The squid boats out of Point Judith did very well last night!

I will report from Goat Island in Newport early next week. 

Got out last night and pretty much just did drifts along Watch Hill / Misquamicut area.

Not a bail job at all but still managed a half bucket or so. The "bite" seemed more tentative

Plenty of squid around with a bigger mix of sizes than last weekend. More smaller tubes but still plenty of the larger ones too.

We headed in around midnight but could have stayed and caught more. It was just so sporadic I didn't feel like staying.

Unless a trip comes up that I just can't pass up this will be my last shot for this season. I've got all the bait I need in my freezer.

Good luck to the rest of you if you keep trying.
Went to check out Goat Island at low tide today. Decided to give it a try after seeing ink all over the bulkhead. At first I was the only one there. Then a couple others came and left without mich luck. I was there for two hours with 18 squid to show for it. All sizes. Saw two friends who travel all over! If you are an annual squider at GI you know who they are. They are the salt of the earth. It was good to see them again!

Hey Matt, nice seeing you today. We caught over 50 today. Mostly small with a few mediums mixed in.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Hey Matt, nice seeing you today. We caught over 50 today. Mostly small with a few mediums mixed in.
Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Great to see you! 50 is a good catch!! Thanks for the report. Go on YouTube and look what the the massive Chinese squid fishing fleet is doing off of The Galapagos and Argentina!

Mission accomplished: Spent two days at GIB. Threw squid jigs for about six hours each day. Wound up catching 147 for the two of us. The sizes were a good mix from small to jumbo. So if the two of us caught 147 in 12 person/hours of effort that comes out to six per person hour. There were times of intense action then nothing for long periods of time. The 147 we did catch, while not spectacular, was certainly adequate. We do not need buckets full to have a great time.

Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
Yesterday afternoon 1:30 - 4:30 was slow. Not as good the previous three days. Stripers and sea robins chasing squid. Caught only 8 squid in over 3 hours. One  couple caught a very large sea robin on jig. Cormorants were chasing squid. Large schools baitfish. 

On Thursday morning, I had a big striper pull a very large squid off my jig right at the seawall.

Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
M&R , Everyone,

Went to Check out GI Saturday night until it poured. Didn’t see anyone fishing for squid. Everyone was leaving because of the weather. Fishing reports have been good. I’m sure there are squid around GI as well as the usual. Reports that there are large schools along.the beaches do GI usually follows suit! I’ll try to get over there this weekend. Good Luck!!
2 weeks ago, my wife went out to Ft. Adams on Sunday night.  Caugjht around 40 squid, 2 bluefish, 1 keeper Fluke, a weakfish and keeper scup.  Work night for me, so I missed a decent outing.  Last Tuesday we went, and it was really slow.  Seems the Bluefish might have been spooking the bite.  Went last night and slowest I've seen in a long time.  No one was catching much of anything.  I got one squid early.  Other fishing wasn't producing for anyone either. 


Swung over to a couple other nearby spots including GI.  Seemed a very slow night all around.  I hope the trend doesn't continue.

I don't think you should worry. Squid caught during late summer are local hold over squid, the fall run should be starting in a couple-few weeks.

We went again last Thursday night and managed a dozen.  People were catching scup before it got dark but it became dogfish city after dark.  Noticed a return of bait fish vs small Blues up at the surface with the light shining.  Weather looks good for the next few days.  Thinking about Thursday night again but low tide is just after 10.  Rather the bottom of the tide than the top at null but was hoping to fish till about 11 to get home at a reasonable time.  I got a two hour drive.


Been squid fishing all summer, so I get it.  It's just the return of the Bluefish along with Albies and next will be Stripers.  I threw a few plugs and nothing stirred up.  One way to know if no one else is.


All the squid groups have been really quiet.  RI FB group hasn't had a post in 5 weeks or so.  Pretty quiet here too.  In the past, it would get quiet here during the peaks but as soon as it slowed down, people got chatty.


For us, catch anything or not, it is a beautiful night out on the water.  Hate the drive though.

We're in St Peters, Nova Scotia. The squiding is impressive. Not so much the numbers but the size. Caught 37 yesterday all large, extra large and jumbo. Try again today.

Martin and Ruta

Outdoor writing: Subsistence living, living off the grid, foraging wild plants, mushrooming, prospecting, hunting and fishing. 
 Hi Martin and Ruta, here's a Canadian squid jigging song for you and all other squidders. One of my favorites.<span> </span>

Glad to see your adventures continue. 


Made it out last night.  Managed a couple of Scup, SeaRobin and a keeper Fluke before dusk.  Slow squid night, though lots of positive signs.  Early bait fish at the surface and later sizable pods of small squid at the surface.  I'm used to seeing these later, around mid Oct.  We call these Ramen size squid.  Only managed 8 modest size squid with a couple of these small ones.   About half from the bottom, the rest mid water column.   It was really quiet last night.  Almost like we were the only ones to not get the memo that there would be no fishing.  A few came looking for Stripers early but we fished alone.  Bottom of the tide was around 10 so we headed home reasonably early.

Looking for recommendation from fellow squid fishmen in the NE area the best time to hit Fall squid run in Newport area. I remember I did it once or twice years ago in the end of October but not sure. Thanks!

Right about now the fall run should be on. Very Early Nov is good at times.  Going over to GI tonight. Will report tomorrow. 


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