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Manly Harbour, Qld
cruised down to my local hot squid spot this morning for a session and was not dissapointed as there was plenty of squid along the area where I fish and wasn't long before the first one was in the bag and had a few more to follow after that.

ended up with 7 tigers and the largest weighed in at 635grams which is quite large for a tiger but there are bigger ones than that there but are just TOO bloody smart , after all they dont grow that big being dumbasses and after a couple of casts you know your not taking that one home with you.

also knocked off 3 in a quick session on friday arvo after work and before kid pick up time so thats 10 so far this weekend and still got tomorrow morning to go with a light s/w wind on the forecast it should be another good morning.

will keep you posted.

untill then , duck when they squirt

R U 12 mug
hi ru 12, i guess you were somewhere near Brisbane?

well done!!!

cheers, glen
[quote name='glen' post='12195' date='Jun 22 2008, 10:31 AM']hi ru 12, i guess you were somewhere near Brisbane?

well done!!!

cheers, glen[/quote]

yeh mate , I'm fishing near manly harbour and added another 4 good size squid to my weekend haul this morning and doing well untill bloody flipper and his mate turned up and stuffed the whole show , place just shut down and not another squid to be seen , but on the other hand I saw a huge scoal of bream there yesterday spawing and thats a first for me as I have never seen that before in 42 years , first time for everything and there was some monsters among them , couldn't help but notice them rolling over on the weed bed just in front of me.

R U 12 MUG
went to work on wednesday morning not feeling the best and the boss comes up to me and says "if your crook phark off home we're not busy" and I replied "think I'll take you up on that " so I shot thru home.

gets home to find the wife and daughters just getting up so that stuffed me up for going back to bed , so I thought to myself "when you bunch go I'm going for a aquid bash.

8.00am comes around and they go , just after that so do I.

Gets down to my spot and find a mate already long you been here??

"from first light"....crap he's cleaned them out many you got?????.......0..only seen a couple up the other end.....mmmmmmmmm....not looking good them....oh well better get a jig wet then.

first cast sees a big sucker nail my jig but doesn't conect real good and drops it....BUGGER..

second cast and the squids back and nails the jig well and good this time and gets mate says to me "you assy bastard" and from there on a steady flow of squid were ending up in my bag untill I had 7 nice squid of around 0.5kg each....that'll do...I'm heading home......where's my mate......already back at the many you get and he reply' about you and I replied "7"

well didn't he get a dose of the sheets.

he was using the wrong type of jigs and I offered him one of my YO's to use but he turned it down....suck sheet to you then , I did fine with 7.

just go's to show you can offer friends all the help they need but are too full of themselves to take it up.

R U 12 mug
good work ru12,

where were you fishing? (approximately)

cheers, glen

manly harbour is where I fish , only 10 minutes from my house , thats why I fish it so much , good feeds of cal and plenty of squid heads for snapper bait....speaking of which I'm heading out chasing snapper on monday with my 2 daughters 5 and 8 and have another couple of mates with their boats going as well so should be a good morning.

will keep you posted.

R U 12 mug <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
finally after many great squid chasing trips I finally had a session that I struck out on.

not a squid to be seen , water was as clear as and visssability was near perfect but some one forgot to tell the squid it was going to be a great day and turn up.

they did this last year , turn up in droves untill the middle of winter , come and go for a couple of weeks and come back in untill the end of the season.

they must be breeding on the weed banks now.

see what happens on sunday , I'll give it a crack at first light with a nice tide and see if they are back.

R U 12 MUG
just had a change in weather up yesterday and warmed things up a bit as we have been getting strong westerly's and the squid here at the harbour don't like it.

change came through with a stiff south-easter yesterday and it's some what warmer today , hit the harbour at first light with little hope but some. fished blind for the first 3/4 an hour for nothing and begining to think it was going to be a dud and then the first squid shot up and grabbed the jig..YOU BEAUTY..and the first squid in 4 days is in the bag , not long after the second gets bagged then things go quiet for a while until I find a nice scoal on the point and knock off another 3 , went back to where I dropped a good one earlier and knocked off another good one.

was feeling rather happy with myself thinking I was going to set a pb until some bloke comes along with his dog and what does the mut do..STRAIGHT IN THE PHARKING over , squid took off.

tried for a bit longer along the groin with no luck , so I'm typing this post to kill time until I go back down after lunch for another go at them and see if I can't add a few more to the days tally.

stay tuned folks

R U 12 mug
went back down after lunch to look for some more squidly's and could only muster up another 3 but 1 of those 3 was a pb tiger squid of 825grams and took some getting in cause when it shot off across the water it actually skipped across the surface of the water before losing it's oomph and settled for shooting me with ink when I brought it into the rocks to grab..I didn't mind as the squid was a ripper.

till next time

R U 12 mug
hi ru 1 2,

thanks for the report!!! i don't think i have ever caught a tiger squid yet. that reminds me i need another holiday further north where it is warm! it is miserably cold in melbourne lately.

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

anywhere north of the QLD/NSW

R U 12 mug
Went down to the harbour this arvo for a quick session as I only had an hour and half to fish and knocked off 8 nice squid.

well if I got 8 for an arvo session the morning should be on for young and old.

stay tuned folks

R U 12 mug
[quote name='ru12mug' post='12318' date='Jul 18 2008, 08:54 PM']Went down to the harbour this arvo for a quick session as I only had an hour and half to fish and knocked off 8 nice squid.

well if I got 8 for an arvo session the morning should be on for young and old.

stay tuned folks

R U 12 mug[/quote]

thanks to dolphins and too many of the wrong lures being thrown at the squid yesturday I could only muster up another 5. there was heeps of squid there but they had been spooked to the point of not even looking at the jigs.

can't complain 13 is a good haul for the weekend.

R U 12 mug
[quote name='ru12mug' post='12320' date='Jul 20 2008, 11:51 AM']thanks to dolphins and too many of the wrong lures being thrown at the squid yesturday I could only muster up another 5. there was heeps of squid there but they had been spooked to the point of not even looking at the jigs.

can't complain 13 is a good haul for the weekend.

R U 12 mug[/quote]

hey... i went to manly harbour to check it out yesterday... what exactly am i lookin for before i should throw a jig into the water?? lol, if u dont mind, can u please tell me the exact area u catch squid at? is it behind the boating club? where its fenced off?? there is a rock wall infront of the fenced area.... i also went to check out the jetti where the jetti kiosk was, but i couldnt seem to see any scoals of squid there in the water??

sorry, im new to squidding... am i meant to scope out the area first and look into the water and see if there are scoals of squid there before i throw a jig into the water? im aware of the whole check if there is ink on the jetti as an indication as well.....

your very warm on that one and even if you do find the scoals of squid you have to have your jigs set perfectly or they will NOT touch them. these are very fussy squid with very fussy tatses.

good's only taken me about 18 months to work them out so ...good luck.

R U 12 mug
[quote name='ru12mug' post='12340' date='Jul 23 2008, 08:26 PM']ck

your very warm on that one and even if you do find the scoals of squid you have to have your jigs set perfectly or they will NOT touch them. these are very fussy squid with very fussy tatses.

good's only taken me about 18 months to work them out so ...good luck.

R U 12 mug[/quote]

hmm... thanx for the reply... my problem is, where the rockwall is, the water doesnt come anywhere near the bottom of the rock wall at low tide, and at high tide, there is way too much turbulence in the water around the rock wall to see the scoals of squid? are they really obvious to see???

umm, sorry, i am very new to all of this... do you just tie the jig to a normal fishing rod and cast it out? then just let it float? or do u let it float for a bit, and the reel the line in abit and let it float etc?? thanx in advance~
keep looking around , remember the fence <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' /> start from there.

as for jigs and gear , look thru my posts and you'll dig up most of what you need to know.

R U 12 mug
hi ck1, you don't let squid jigs float on the surface. that would be a waste of time. if your jig floats then it was meant to be used with a sinker (try a paternoster rig). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
ahh.. okok.. thanx heaps for the advice guys.... i look forwards to my upcomming squidding adventures <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />

your right OFF the track with floating jigs as these squid will hit floating jigs in the early dawn and with agression.

after sunrise has broken they start to get very suss on jigs as they have seen all sorts of things thrown at them and the they will only take certain jigs.

if you come up this way (glen) let me know beforehand and I'll take you on a squid bash and I bet I blow you mind with the way I fish for them , there is an art to these buggers and once you've mastered it you rack up a good tally.

I've pulled around 60 - 70 from there this year already.

R U 12 mug

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