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Manly Harbour, Qld
hi r u 1 2, i know that you will get the occasional squid to grab a floating jig (when i say "floating" i mean literally floating on top of the water) but most shy squid would not be interested. at least that is what i have observed down here in melbourne <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
what I mean by floating is that the jig will leave a small wake if you wind very slowly but will start to sink after it has been siting for a short while.

my jigs do float at first as they are so lightly weighted , once the cloth coating has soaked up enough water is when they will do the ever slow decent and I'm talking 10 or more seconds to sink 1mtr.

near nuetral bouyancy is how I like them for this mob.

at first light the squid will come up and hit a floating jig..what I call a floating jig.. and thats how I locate the scoals in the early hours.

went for a look this morning but to no avail as it's been too cold for them and I'll go back later this morning when it warms a little.

stay tuned.

R U 12 mug
me and my friend walked everywhere around manly habour today... at first, we were just casting blindly.... then about1 hour after without any luck watsoever, we decided that we'd had enough and was about to leave... as we were walkin back to our car, we ended up talkin to some locals and they informed us that we werent gona catch nothing if we blindly cast... they told us that we had to find a scoal of squid first by scouting the area, and then we might have a chance... after his advice, me and my friend walked all over the habour in the rockwall area where its fenched off as well as the jetti where the jetti kiosk is and couldnt seem to find any scoals at all =(...... we spent around 2 hours trying to search for scoals of squid in that area....... while we were looking, high tide was peaking... where did we go wrong?? should we have gone the moment the tide was comin in? instead of 2 hours before the high tide peaked? everywhere throughout the habour, the water was very calm and clarity of the water was quite high because of this.... any advice would be muchly appreaciated.... thanx
your not alone ck , I didn't see a squid all weekend , water is too bloody cold after the rain and westerlys.

not expecting to see any for a while now till the water warms a little.

R U 12 mug
went for a squid bash today after yesterday the water was too dirty and northerly winds made it worse.

to cut a long story short the manly harbour turned it on today like I have never seen before and ended up with a personal best score of 17..beat my old score by 10.

there was plenty of squid and not shy at all as I had a squid to the rocks and his mate was right behind him so I scooped the squid and unhooked it and just dropped the jig back in the water without casting and the other squid was all over it straight away...woohoo...double dip...that happened twice today.

all squid were caught on an orange yo-zuri shrimp hunter in 3.0 and I didn't even get a chance to try out the blue or brown...good thing I kept them hidden.. lol

till next report

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
Ah, the joys of autumn squidding <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
went down to the harbour this morning at first light to see if I could bag a few inkers.

holy crap...where do I start...well it was game on from wo to go.

plenty of squid and not too fusy about anything so I got stuck fair into them right from the word go.

with a light s/w wind of 5 knotts made it quite pleasant and cool I fished for 2 hours before the wind swung to the south and chopped things up a bit so then I kept going for another half hour and then pulled the pin.

I have a scoobies plastic container which would be about 15 litres in size with a screw on lid with a handle...thanks to my daughter..well I allmost filled the dam thing and I was thinking that I had beaten the record of 17 that was set the week before and when I got home and counted them out I was stoked to find that I had shattered that record by another 8...yep thats right I got 25 squid in 2 1/2 hours this morning and I'm tickled pink about it as this is when I stock up bait for the snapper and sweetlip for the years fishing.

so far this year is off to a flying start to the likes I have not seen before..sooooooo many squid...thanks

ran into fisherdan down there but he didn't have the right jigs so he got zip but I made his day by giving him a pile of tubes to eat after I pulled the heads out for bait.

happy days in the bay atm <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

see what tomorrow brings.

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
Nice one mate <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />

Sure were a few around. Goe sto show though that the right jig makes all the difference.

Thanks heaps for the tubes. Cooked a couple up today and had a feast.

Did you make it back down this morning?
went down this morning with crabby but only landed 2 and lost a couple of others , the water was a different colour this morning and it just wasn't firing.

some body gave them a hiding yesterday apparently....wonder who??

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
tried our luck at night fishing for squid down at the harbour over the weekend with the full moon and big tides but friday night was not the best of conditions at first and decided to fish around the corner just to have a look and it was game on with the first squid right at my feet I didn't even cast my jig out , just dropped it in the water in front of me and come here sucker....1-0

so then my mate ties on my brown shrimphunter and cut loose and kicked my butt....10 - 4.

saturday night was completly different with glassed out water and the bay looked a treat.

this time I tied on the brown shrimphunter and cut loose while my mate dropped them like I did the night before on the orange jig.

at one stage I got 5 squid in as many minutes and dropped a few as well and the end tally for the night was 16 so that was 30 for our effort on 2 nights fishing.

I was surprised by how well the brown shrimphunter worked at night , the squid were all over it like a rash and charged in from a distance to grab it and would even come right in to within 2 feet of me to grab it in less than a foot of water.

well who said you cant teach an old dog new tricks.

till next report

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
Nice work ru 12 mug good to hear that their taking jigs through the night, do you give the jigs a quick flash with a torch to get them glowing or just fish them as they are?
doesn't make much difference mate cause they just attack the dam thing if you light it up or not.

they just love that jig.

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
Cheers mate might try to give it a go this weekend <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
went down to the harbour today after work around 1.00pm to knock off a few squid and was met by near perfect conditions and set about landing a few inkers.

first squid in the net was a big one but they got bigger from there on.

after a few more squid of various sizes in the keg I hooked onto a really big bugger and after a short tussle I land a stonker of a tiger that weighed in at 906 grams...sheet thats 2 pounds on the old scale and set a new pb on tigers by 80 grams....woohoo!!

anyway I ended up with 10 for my troubles and that was after some other fisho's had been thru them earlier on...I think it was fisherdan...bugger

as I was walking back to my car I come across 2 young bloke walking out with jigs on there rods and stopped for a quick chat.

good to meet you mackattack and hope you got a few for your troubles ...if not send me a pm and I'll show you how it's done on those fussy buggers.

I'm putting my boat in the water on sunday and going to chase a few snapper as there have been a few 70-90 cm models being landed now so I'm OUT THERE!!

will let you lot know how I get on.

stay tuned

r u 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
hey ru 12 mug good to meet you too, we managed 8 on a dead low tide so we were pretty happy with our efforts. All came from blind casting didn't see a single free swimming one. My mate hooked up to a beauty that pulled about 15m of drag but he dropped it soon after. Will have to head back there again. Thanks for the hints much appreciated.

hey guys,

new to the site and had my first go at squidding this morning at about 3.30am and nailed 3 (dropped 3 too)

was using a natural yamashita in size 2 and was fishing manly harbour,

anyone else getting into them?


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and thats how it starts....2...4...7...10...15..and so on.

I replied to your pm so you should kick some inker butt now.

good to see another brizzy lad on the site.

we may have to organise a meet and greet now we have a few local crew here now.

who's for it...any takers...

please reply

ru 12 mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
thanks for the tips Paul, definately keen for a throw sometime
I'm up to chase some brissie squid sometime.
Yep i'd be up for a sesh sometime work depending <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

good work on getting a couple with the crap weather sweresy

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