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Puget Sound, WA (2012 Season)
Went to Redondo. 45 min, one squid. Other had the same luck. One day I will catch my nickname.
Was at Redondo last night as well for a few hours, everyone had 3-10 squid within that time frame.
Got 5 pounds, from 59, 69, 70! REALLY SLOW !!!! Had to work for them! got 1 double and a crap tons of new jigs from yoda!
went to edmonds the last few nights it was a lot slower then its been but still managed 5 lbs in about 2 hours got to get there really early if you want a decent spot
yeah they are finally moving away from Edmonds! But "slow" at Edmonds in 2 hours to get 5 pounds? great!
hopefully they stick around for awhile longer or another huge school comes back to eat and breed lol
there is Plenty more squidding to do! we got about 3-4 months left untill they die off!
Got 4lb from Seattle piers. You just have to find them. Got 2 lb with light, and 2 lb without light. If you don't have a light, you have to find them. If you have a light, they will come to you.
Myself, wife, and mother + father-in-law got about 38 lbs last night in Seattle. On the way home (4AM), saw a big group still at 62/63, so it's probably still hot there.
[quote name='crabber' timestamp='1352523349' post='25247']

Myself, wife, and mother + father-in-law got about 38 lbs last night in Seattle. On the way home (4AM), saw a big group still at 62/63, so it's probably still hot there.


I have no idea where you got that many, but I was at all of the piers yesteryear and no one got that many.
this was at like 2-4 AM Thursday/friday! Talked to a few guys where the were getting 17-18 PER PERSON! PEOPLE! When its hot at 6* you CANT POST! if you want more squid and less people keep it hush hush! anyways got 2-3 with & without light!
[quote name='10lb' timestamp='1352533838' post='25248']

I have no idea where you got that many, but I was at all of the piers yesteryear and no one got that many.


And at what time did you go? Either you didn't go to the same pier I did (possibly you did since we had 3 people use our light), or you went at a different time. I think I know who you are since you were at Redondo on the same night I was (Wednesday) where it was slow because I saw you the night after in Seattle. If that is you (white guy w/ red bucket), then you left too early.
what time did they started hitting at 6* last night?
Didn't go last night (Friday night), went Thursday night.
got my limit!
got 8 pounds from 59/62&63/69/70. Fished in the dark, low tide to high tide with lights! fished from 7PM to 630am
Anyone going to be at edmonds on Friday night? I want to try squid jigging, but would like some help learning what to do. I have a long rod, a bucket and some jigs, hoping to get some help.


anyone been to edmonds lately just seeing how it is down there before i go
69 is still doing very well!
69 is SLOW the tide is great for tonite! and Edmonds is on and off! Last. Sat. EVERYBODY out of 150 people had limits!

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