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Rye Pier, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
Hi everyone,

I went snorkelling at Rye pier on the weekend and here are a couple of photos from my trip <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Can anyone name the fish?

Cheers, Glen

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Not sure what type of fish this is :blink:

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Hey Glen, nice pics! Big Grin

I'm pretty sure that the fish is some type of blenny (not sure what type, maybe a horned blenny) I'll check in my fish ID book tomorrow and hopefully give you something more definate.



PS I went to Blairgowrie 'spur of the moment' on Sunday night, the conditions were too windy, despite this there were 4 other groups floundering (unsuccessfully). I got 2 occys (better than nothing....just!)
Hi Jaz, did you see any flounder or mullet at blairgowrie?

Thanks for letting me know what that fish is. A blenny! I never heard of them before.

Also notice, the picture of the fanworm. I think this thing is not native to victoria (some exotic pest i guess). I will try to find out exactly what it is. When you touch them, the long fronds get sucked back into the tube. Pretty cool animal.

Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
Hi Glen,

Nope, I saw one good sized garfish, but no flounder, mullet or anything else. I really think that Blairgowrie gets a lot of fishing pressure, especially this time of year. Your fish certainly looks like a horned blenny, here is a pic of one I found:

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Thanks Jaz. Yeah looks the same.

Cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
Hi all

Im 14 and fairly new to spearfishing (just been using a sling) and headed down to Rye pier for a snorkell. Awesome place to spear but I didn't see any quality fish. I pretty sure I did see the same fish as you though Glen. Any suggestions where I can start learning to spear fish where it's not too advanced.

hi and1,

welcome to the site. jazman will probably be able to give you an idea where to go spearing.

remember that it is illegal to go spear fishing within 30 metres of a jetty or the mouth of any creek or river.

cheers,glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Thanks for that info Glen,

I have seen other people spearing close to jetties so I thought it was ok. Won't do it in future though.

Any ideas where to go spearing Jazman?

Thanks <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Gday hotsauce,

I haven't been spearfishing in the bay for quite a few years, since they opened the Ricketts Point marine park (that was one of my favorite spots). I do majority of my spearfishing along the great ocean road around Lorne (see thread from earlier this week) - this is pretty far from Melbourne (2.5 hours from the city), but the reason I make the effort is because spearfishing inside the bay does not compare to spearing along the ocean beaches. You see MANY more fish, the fish are bigger, there is a better variety of species, and the habitat and underwater scenery is more pristine. Also the underwater visibility tends to be better. Finally, you can find crayfish and big abalone along this coast, which you will VERY rarely find inside the bay. The only downside is that during rough conditions spearfishing is impossible, so you really do need to pick your day and play it safe.

Since you are 14 it might be hard for you to access spots which are far from Melbourne, so I'm guessing you are restricted to spots inside PPB. I have speared leatherjackets mullet and flounder between Parkdale and Mentone around the inshore reefs (but be careful of fishing boats), and if you don't mind swimming over sand (I find it boring!), you can find flounder and flathead along most of the eastern side of the bay if you are persistent. Mornington is very popular for snokeling and spearing, I stay away from it for this reason, but I'm sure you could find leatherjackets and the usual reef species there. There was a guy who was a regular on this site a while ago who said that he speared pike and snapper close inshore off Brighton, but I've never dived this area. Close to Rye is Portea, there is some quite good reef close to shore here, I have seen some good fish , most notably goatfish, whiting, flathead and squid taken here by spearos, but be careful you don't stray too close to the pier. Also be careful you don't upset any scuba diving classes. I haven't speared along the western side of Port Philip much, but I know some guys that like the Clifton Springs area (I think some/all of it is a marine park, so check the regulations before you go).

Best of luck, let me know if any more questions

Jaz <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
hey guyz...

and 1 hotsauce nyc name mate hes a gun also 14 years old and am still learning about spearfishing cud any of use give me any tips on where to spear how to find a good spear fishing spot..

hi new found. as you are a new member, please have a read of the board guidelines. if you use the search function you will find lots of information about spearing spots.

thanks, glen

thanks for that glen
Hey newfound,

I went at Rye pier about a week ago spearing well away from the pier though Glen!

I manged to see quite a few whiting over the sand but nothing else. Maybe with a gun I could hit a whiting??
hey sauce

did u end up gettin anything??????
Nah nothin to quick for me so far!!!
ok... well when u get ur spear gun ull probly b to fast 4 them...
Whiting are notoriously hard to spear, I've seen heaps over the years but I've only ever speared one (but it was 42cm) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Jee nice whiting Jaz

My dad caught a king george whiting on line that was 58cm! it was the biggest whiting ive seen. secret spot though <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/whistling.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
That's massive! At certain times of year in Sth Australia the bigguns come close to shore, they get a few each season that are approaching 70cm! And they usually get them while chasing snapper (ie/ using 5/0 hooks and whole pilchards!)

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