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Floundering around St. Leonards Pier, VIC
Hey Guys...

I am pretty new to this area, i just moved to Clifton Springs a few months ago...

Dad has himself a house in Drysdale, as well a 17foot half cab sittin there as a real expensive back yard ornament... apparently he wants to finish building his shed and stuff before he takes ii out...

Any ways, that has left me to fishing the piers and stuff...

Been out to St, Leonards a few times, but with not heaps of luck on the suid.. Last week we got a Gummy shark, and a pretty decent pinkie...

Any ways, reason or this post...

Tonight was the first night I had ever tried Spearing Fluonder... we went to Grassy Point in Portarlington, but to no avail...

All though I was surprised to see a Banjo, i didn;t know they hung around the flats and stuff... The i turned around a litterly saw bout 22 of em.(yes, we counted)

Are they in any way dangerous???

We left Portarlington and went to St. Leonards pier... we floundered around there for a couple of hours and got a few mixed fish... A nice flat head, a couple of King George Whiting, and a couple of Garfish.. all of decent size... Spoted only one flouonder though...

Does any one have any tips/pointers for spearfishing this area???

any help wpuld be great... Thanks

hi ackie,

the banjos arent dangerous and you will see alot of them when you flounder in the shallows. watch out for stingrays though cause if you accidently step on them you may be hit by hteir nasty spine... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/crying.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Cry' />

keep us posted on your results floundering that area. i have always wanted to give the area a go but never managed to get round to it <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />


I have only been floundering around St Leonards pier once. Only managed 2 flounder and a nice flathead. Used to catch them on line on my dads boat in this area. They are definetly there though.

cheers <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

yer i caught them there b4 on line nyc spot that is

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