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The Destruction Of Port Phillip Bay
Well the death knell has been sounded for all anglers of Port Phillip Bay with the Bracks Government going ahead with the dredging of Port Phillip Bay

This is said to be the biggest enviromental disaster Australia has ever seen as the giant dredger Queen of the Netherlands prepares for a so called trial dredging which will result in 1.7million cubic metres of rock and sand to be removed from the entance of the bay this is only 5 percent of the percieved total, it is stated that this trial is the only way to gauge the true enviromental impact dredging will have.

( and they had to pick the start of squid season to do it too)

In all 3 million tonnes of toxic waste will be dumped in the bay resulting in making Port Phillip Bay a toxic wasteland

While the Bracks Government has gained small levels of support and credibility about its claims that 1500 port and 80.000 exports jobs are at stake there has been no mention of the jobs that will be lost in fishing charters sight seeing charters, caravan parks, tackle shops, and the governement revenue lost from taxes relating to fishing all of these put together must out wiegh any benefit that dredging the bay might have.

Friday will be a very dark day for all anglers when the trial dredging starts because it is popular opinion that when its starts it wont stop no matter what the outcome

Pray that the court injunctions being taken out against the Government by the Bluewedges Coalition swings things our way and stops the dredger dead in its tracks and send it packing back to the Netherlands.For if not you might have caught your last squid

SS <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Hi supersquid,

I admire the Blue Wedge Coalition for trying to take court action to stop the dredging. However, any victory they win will be short term. If it is found that the dredging was not in accordance with the Environment Effects Act (which is their main claim as I understand it), I would expect that the State Government will immediately amend those laws and so the dredging can occur. So any success in court would be short lived.

It seems to me that this dredging project is a "done deal" and no amount of protesting will stop it. In any case, the Bracks government will probably lose the next election either way. They have been in power for ages now it seems...and people get sick of them matter how good/bad they are.

Let us know if you see the turbidity/murkiness of the water down the end of the bay increase during the dredging. And whether the squid disappear!

Cheers, Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
I must say that all the crap about channel deepening has amounted to very little in terms of poor fishing predictions...squid are everywhere and so too are the pinkies and gars!

What a great bay and great that scare mongering is based on fiction not fact...
same type of thing is going on up here in brissy with the closures around the bay , the scare mongering has people thinking that all the good fishing spots will be closed off and all that will be left is a patch of barren bottom in the middle of the bay.

after checking where the closed areas will be I found that NONE of my fishing spots will be affected so thats scaremongering for you......points for the polly's and after they get them..screw you over as always.

R U 12 mug
i presume you are talking about the port phillip channel so I moved the topic to "VIC"!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />

cheers, glen

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