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Moreton Bay Squid, QLD
Hey Guys....

I'm new to this website and I'm wanting to know if someone could help me out with some infomation about fishing morten bay.... I have been living in queensland for almost 2 years out and russell island... I moved from melbourne and use to fish squid at mornington and without fail always came home with some nice size squid....

what I'm wanting to know is... I have just brought a 15ft tinny with a 15hps motor on the back and I have been told that the best squid fishing is out near st helena island or near peel island... I'm wanting to know is the boat and motor I have going to be alright out near that area or would it be worth upgrading the motor..... also are there any spots in that area that people always go to or is like mornington were u want to drift from 8m deep water all the way down to 3m deep water over the weeds and know u catch squid without a problem...

if anyone can help out that would be great... cause to many locals are carry on about catching flat head and the mention of squid and they look at u saying why wouldnt u want flathead over squid... and aswell all know there is more to it then just throwing a line in the water when it comes to fishing squidhahahhaha
hello anth

you can always use a bigger boat! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />

your's should be fine around russell, peel ,etc. if you were going up to mud or over to moreton you might want a bigger boat or exceptional weather.

as for the squid, you can generally catch them all year round (especially over at moreton). autumn would be the peak season, but spring is also productive.

there are small reefy / gravely areas in deeper water that fish well, however we tend to target the shallower areas inside the bay.

rocks & weed + clear water = lunch

as for the locals, they're probably just keeping secrets <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rod:' />

im also interested in some squiding spots around brissy, although i dont have a boat so its just landbased for me, any other suggestion besides manly harbour, possibly a bit closer to bris? maybe northside, or where have the squid been producing of late as i havnt ever directly targeted squid before and want to try it.

would nudgee beach/schultz be worth a try? if so whats the best conditions atm for that area? i want to head out on the 730 high tonight for a try
Woke up early and just decided to give the Manly boat harbour a go from the shore this morning and got two squid.

Didn't expect to get any when I arrived there as the water is quite dirty and full of weed at the moment.

Took me an hour of blind casting for no result until I actually spotted a squid and cast a jig to him.

He had no hesitation in taking the jig and neither did his mate who was lurking in the deeper dirtier water.

Spotted two other small squid but they had no interest in anything I threw at them.

Tried the harbour for two hours the other night with Paul - aka R U 12 Mug and we didn't see a squid.

Pick yourself a spot and give it a try.

Look for the tell tale sign of black ink where somebody has landed a squid before you.

Good luck.

Doc Z
Thanks for that I be sure to try over the coming months and let you know... if there are any bites in the areas.... I guess if I want to go past nth stradroke island I'm going to need a bigger motor.... the other thing is there a number u can call to check tides or a website were it has upto date tide checks for this area
try these



good luck

click on Qld, then moreton bay area and then Other, select the closest place to where you plan to fish
I was speaking to one of my neigbour's this morning and he was telling me that they have been catching some nice size squid on the north side of lamb island... he was saying that they have been drifting in from 8m to 2.5m over some major weed beds and have been catching some good side squid...

also does anyone know about when it comes to saftey gear if u go pass peel island and head towards st helena do u need any extra safety gear other then flares, life jackets, first aid kit, 2 way radio, air horn, whisle, oars, (do you really need a epirbs)

cause I was told u need a few other things??? can anyone confirm this...
you will be in partialy smooth waters

epirb is not required, however it makes sence to have one (especially in a small boat)

here's the charts


required safety gear


you dont need a E-pirb in the bay so long as you dont cross the invissible line marking the boundry.

you better check what extra safety gear you may need to carry.

make squid your friend...then bag them

was your neighbour talking about pelican banks?

told ya they were keeping secrets!!!!!
yeah he mention pelican banks.... but he isnt big on squid fishing.... I said to him that if his right about the area I take him one time and show what game fishing is all about.... the other thing is the line that your talking about is that line once your past st helena island u start to enter open waters or is before that???

does anyone know were to get a epirb for less then $300... thats crazy.... something u might never use is the most priced thing u need.. other than that do u guys know of any good fishing shops.... people are saying about the shop on old cleveland rd.. anybody know of it... I have driven past it a few times but never had the chance top stop and have a look
game fishing ?

i would NOT class squid fishing as game fishing ........ being hooked up to a 1000lb + marlin and having it peel off line under 20kg of drag like it is in free spool ....... that's game fishing

but pelican banks is a good place for you to start

about the chart, can you not read it ? the boundry for needing an epirb is from bribie is to moreton is, right up the northern end. if your safety is not worth $300, i aint ever getting in a boat with you

fish head is worth a look, they stock some interesting high end stuff
has anybody had much luck at either manly harbour or redcliffe for squid of late? besides dr zoidburg

im planning on going out sat night for a fish around, also is there much fish hang around the manly harbour besides gar atm? as might as well fish for fish as well as squid
not that I cant read it everyone was saying that past st helena and u need more safety gear but if the line runs further up then I wont have any dramas... also in reguards to epirb i guess if thats there price then so be it... I know it safe your life if u ever get in some bad waters.... wondering though whats the lifespan on them...???
my boat never go's past Mud Island across to harry's but I'm a member of the coast guard so I feel I'm fairly safe in this end of the bay but if I did venture up the northern end I would have one too.

I manage to find enough fish and squid in the southern end of the bay to keep me happy.

make squid your friend...then bag them

epirb's have an expiration date printed on them

when you get to this date, you have them checked and the battery replaced

they then stamp a new expiry date on it

when you get to this date, you have it checked ...........


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