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Sepioteuthis Australis Research Articles
Query: (southern calamary) or (Sepioteuthis australis) - These records are taken from the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts.

Record 1 of 24

TI: Title

The role of hatchling size in generating the intrinsic size-at-age

variability of cephalopods: extending the Forsythe Hypothesis

AU: Author

Pecl, GT*; Steer, MA; Hodgson, KE

SO: Source

Marine and freshwater research [Mar. Freshwat. Res.]. Vol. 55, no. 4,

pp. 387-394. 2004.



AB: Abstract

Cephalopods are characterized by extreme variability in size-at-age,

with much of this variation attributed to effects of temperature and

food. However, even siblings reared under identical conditions display

a wide range of sizes after a period of growth. Hatchling size may

represent a source of variation encompassed within adult size-at-age

data within a given cohort (variation in hatchling size suggests that

a cohort's growth trajectory will have a 'staggered start') and, as

hatchling size also varies as a function of incubation temperature

this will vary across broader scales (i.e. between cohorts).

Field-hatchling size data for Sepioteuthis australis were used in

simple deterministic simulations, extending Forsythe's (1993)

temperature hypothesis, to investigate the influence of hatchling size

on adult size-at-age variability. Within a cohort, our growth

projections suggest that after 90 days, a large hatchling growing at a

specific constant percentage daily growth rate, would be approximately

double the size of the small hatchling growing at exactly the same

rate, irrespective of the growth rate used. When considering growth of

different cohorts, decreases in hatchling size, as temperatures

increase during a spring-summer spawning season, may be partially

counteracting the 'Forsythe-effect' of increased growth rate at higher


PY: Publication Year


Record 2 of 24

TI: Title

The effect of variability in growth on somatic condition and

reproductive status in the southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis

AU: Author

Ho, JD*; Moltschaniwskyj, NA; Carter, CG

SO: Source

Marine and freshwater research [Mar. Freshwat. Res.]. Vol. 55, no. 4,

pp. 423-428. 2004.



AB: Abstract

The aim of the present study was to determine how the lifetime growth

rates of adult southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis related to

somatic and reproductive condition. A hierarchy of biological levels

was explored: whole-animal, muscle fibre, and proximal condition.

Evidence at all biological levels suggested that allocation of energy

given to growth and reproduction was gender-specific. Females may not

be allocating the same level of energy to somatic growth due to a

greater requirement to re-allocate energy for reproductive growth.

There was evidence that faster growing males were in better somatic

and reproductive condition. Both males and females in better somatic

condition were also in better reproductive condition. Fast growth

rates by individuals were achieved primarily by muscle fibre growth,

rather than production of new fibres. However, mantle muscle

instantaneous growth rates (assessed through RNA: protein ratio)

decreased as males became larger and more reproductively mature; no

association was evident in females. An inverse correlation between

gonad size and muscle instantaneous growth rates in females suggested

energy was being directed away from somatic growth and towards

reproductive growth. There was evidence that lifetime growth rates

could predict the reproductive or somatic condition of adult calamary,

but this was gender-specific.

PY: Publication Year


Record 3 of 24

TI: Title

The in situ relationships between season of hatching, growth and

condition in the southern calamary, Sepioteuthis australis

AU: Author

Pecl, GT*

SO: Source

Marine and freshwater research [Mar. Freshwat. Res.]. Vol. 55, no. 4,

pp. 429-438. 2004.



AB: Abstract

This paper examines seasonal patterns in growth and condition of

Sepioteuthis australis from temperate waters of Tasmania (Australia).

Growth was described by a power function and was fast for a temperate

species. Sepioteuthis australis is an annual species, however spawning

and hatching of juveniles appears to occur all year round. Analysis of

individual juvenile growth demonstrated a correlation between

seasonally increasing temperatures and progressively faster growth.

Season of hatching also had a clear effect on adult growth;

summer-hatched individuals were larger at 170-190 days of age compared

with winter-hatched individuals. The length-mantle weight relationship

of adults was also dependent on season of hatching, with individuals

hatched in summer and spring having heavier mantles at a given length

than those hatched in winter or autumn. Differential rates of growth

or varying levels of condition, or perhaps both, may affect the

survivorship of individuals. Growth, condition and potentially

lifespan of S. australis are dependent on environmental factors, with

the dynamic nature of oceanographical conditions on the east coast of

Tasmania resulting in a highly variable and fluctuating population


PY: Publication Year


Record 4 of 24

TI: Title

Effects of genetic and environmental factors on growth of southern

calamary, Sepioteuthis australis, from southern Australia and northern

New Zealand

AU: Author

Triantafillos, L*

SO: Source

Marine and freshwater research [Mar. Freshwat. Res.]. Vol. 55, no. 4,

pp. 439-446. 2004.



AB: Abstract

Extreme plasticity in growth is consistently found by ageing studies

on squid. This study examined the contribution that genetic and

environmental factors had on growth of the southern calamary

(Sepioteuthis australis) from sites in southern Western Australia,

South Australia and New Zealand. In all, 147 adults, comprising three

sympatric genetic types (two parental taxa and one hybrid), were aged

by counting microincrements in statoliths. Estimates of age ranged

from 121 to 268 days and varied with mantle length, sex, genetic type

and region. Males grew much faster and attained a larger size than

females. Significant differences were also detected between genetic

types, with the hybrids always growing faster (at least 60% larger at

150 days old) than the two parental taxa, a phenomenon commonly

referred to as hybrid vigour. Spatial differences in growth were also

detected, with individuals from Western Australia usually growing

faster than those from South Australia and New Zealand. Possible

explanations for these growth patterns are discussed.

PY: Publication Year


Record 5 of 24

TI: Title

Multiple paternity in field- and captive-laid egg strands of

Sepioteuthis australis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae)

AU: Author

van Camp, LM; Donnellan, SC; Dyer, AR; Fairweather, PG

SO: Source




PY: Publication Year


Record 6 of 24

TI: Title

Reproductive Behavior in the Squid Sepioteuthis australis From South

Australia: Ethogram of Reproductive Body Patterns

AU: Author

Jantzen, TM; Havenhand, JN

SO: Source

Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole [Biol.

Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab. Woods Hole]. Vol. 204, no. 3, pp. 290-304. 1 Jun




AB: Abstract

Squids use a diverse range of body patterns for communication. Each

pattern consists of a series of chromatic, postural, and locomotor

components that are under neural control and can change within

fractions of a second. Here we describe an ethogram of 48 body pattern

components from in situ observations of reproductively active

Sepioteuthis australis. In addition, we identify the total time and

average duration that each component is shown, to a resolution of 1 s.

Our results suggest that only a few components (e.g., "Golden

epaulettes," "Stitchwork fins," and "Rigid arms") are temporally

common, that is, shown for more than 80% of the time. In contrast to

the component classification reported for other species of squid, for

this species we suggest a classification system consisting of "short

acute" (lasting for < 10 s); some of these same components were also

classified as "medium acute" (11-60 s) or "chronic" (> 60 s). Several

body patterning components were previously unreported, as were some of

the combinations observed. The significance of these patterning

components is discussed within the context of the associated behaviors

of the squid on the spawning grounds.

PY: Publication Year


Record 7 of 24

TI: Title

Reproductive Behavior in the Squid Sepioteuthis australis From South

Australia: Interactions on the Spawning Grounds

AU: Author

Jantzen, TM; Havenhand, JN

SO: Source

Biological Bulletin, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole [Biol.

Bull. Mar. Biol. Lab. Woods Hole]. Vol. 204, no. 3, pp. 305-317. 1 Jun




AB: Abstract

Squid behavior is synonymous with distinctive body patterns, postures,

and movements that constitute a complex visual communication system.

These communications are particularly obvious during reproduction.

They are important for sexual selection and have been identified as a

potential means of species differentiation. Here we present a detailed

account of copulation, mating, and egg deposition behaviors from in

situ observations of the squid Sepioteuthis australis from South

Australia. We identified four mating types from 85 separate mating

attempts: "Male-upturned mating" (64% of mating attempts); "Sneaker

mating" (33%); "Male-parallel" (2%); and "Head-to-head" (1%).

Intervals between successive egg deposition behaviors were clearly

bimodal, with modes at 2.5 s and 70.0 s. Ninety-three percent of egg

capsules contained 3 or 4 eggs (mean = 3.54), and each egg cluster

contained between 218 and 1922 egg capsules (mean = 893.9). The

reproductive behavior of S. australis from South Australia was

different from that described for other cephalopod species. More

importantly, comparison between these results and those for other

populations of S. australis suggests that behavior may differ from one

population to another.

PY: Publication Year


Record 8 of 24

TI: Title

The dynamics of the summer-spawning population of the loliginid squid

Sepioteuthis australis in Tasmania, Australia - a conveyor belt of


AU: Author

Jackson, GD; Pecl, G

SO: Source

ICES Journal of Marine Science [ICES J. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 60, no. 2,

pp. 290-296. Apr 2003.



AB: Abstract

The population dynamics of the loliginid squid Sepioteuthis australis

was examined on a fine temporal scale during a 2-month period of

rising sea-surface temperatures on the summer inshore spawning grounds

of Coles Bay, Tasmania, Australia. Samples were taken regularly

(generally weekly) to discern any short-term population changes in

age, growth or reproductive parameters. There was no change in the

mean age, mantle length or weight of males or females through the

study period (November and December 1996). This indicated that instead

of following one or a few discrete cohorts of spawning individuals,

there were continuous waves of new individuals moving onto the

spawning beds, which may be best described by a conveyer belt of new

recruits. There was an abrupt and significant difference in the mean

oviduct egg size in females caught between November and December but

the factors responsible for this remain unknown. Few squid showed

evidence of recent feeding, suggesting that they move off the spawning

grounds to feed.

PY: Publication Year


Record 9 of 24

TI: Title

Are bigger calamary Sepioteuthis australis hatchlings more likely to

survive? A study based on statolith dimensions

AU: Author

Steer, MA; Pecl, GT; Moltschaniwskyj, NA

SO: Source

Marine ecology progress series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]. Vol. 261, pp.

175-182. 2003.



AB: Abstract

To determine whether any size-selective processes were operating

throughout the life history of squid, this study set out to ascertain

whether bigger hatchlings are more likely to survive to adulthood.

This was achieved by comparing natal statolith dimensions between

recently hatched (< 13 h old) and successfully recruited adult

Sepioteuthis australis. The squid statolith (analogous to the teleost

otolith) retains a check associated with hatching, and the natal

radius (NR) at hatching had a strong linear relationship to dorsal

mantle length (ML). Hatchlings were collected using emergent traps

from October 2001 to February 2002 on natural spawning grounds located

on the east coast of Tasmania. Hatchling size was extremely variable

ranging from 4.3 to 7.3 mm (ML), with significantly larger squids

hatching out in November and the smallest in February. From February

to August, adults were collected from the same bay and aged using

validated daily rings in the statolith and those adults estimated to

have been born between October and February were included in the

analysis. In all but 1 mo, a significant difference between the NR

size distributions of the hatchlings and adults was detected due to

low numbers of adults with small NRs. This indicated that smaller

hatchlings were less likely to recruit, suggesting that there is an

element of size-mediated mortality operating on populations of S.


PY: Publication Year


Record 10 of 24

TI: Title

Currents as environmental constraints on the behavior, energetics and

distribution of squid and cuttlefish

AU: Author

O'Dor, RK; Adamo, S; Aitken, JP; Andrade, Y; Finn, J; Hanlon, RT;

Jackson, GD

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 71, no. 2, pp.

601-617. Sep 2002.



AB: Abstract

The energy available in an ecosystem can often be smoothly matched to

physiological requirements through behavioral changes. Tracking

projects in Spencer Gulf and Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Lagoon,

Australia, compared the energetics of tropical/temperate squids

(Sepioteuthis lessoniana and Sepioteuthis australis) and cuttlefish

(Sepia apama) using radio-acoustic positioning telemetry (RAPT).

Distinctive activity patterns indicated that tidal currents were key

environmental influences, as important as temperature, diel cycles and

foraging. Continuous position and mantle pressure data from nature

correlated with visually and video documented behaviors. Cuttlefish

were diurnal, relatively inactive and spent their time within benthic

boundary layers, hovering near or under structures. Squid, in

contrast, were continuously active, seeking out particular current

regimes to conserve energy using slope soaring tactics previously seen

in Loligo forbesi. These behaviors illustrate an energetic tradeoff

between neutral and negative buoyancy for access to prey in currents.

In the high current GBR site, squid concentrated in the boundary

layers of floating `squid aggregating devices' (SADs). Rheotactic

behavior has been well characterized for fishes in streams and some

marine systems, and is briefly reviewed in the context of cephalopod

examples to define rheological guilds. Fast-growing, high-energy

cephalopods provide a powerful paradigm for assessing energy transfers

in ecosystems.

PY: Publication Year


Record 11 of 24

TI: Title

Preliminary field observations of mating and spawning in the squid

Sepioteuthis australis

AU: Author

Jantzen, TM; Havenhand, JN

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 71, no. 2, pp.

1073-1080. Sep 2002.



AB: Abstract

Sepioteuthis australis is a moderately large ( approximately 30 cm

mantle length) teuthoid squid, common throughout the coastal waters of

southern Australia and New Zealand (Mangold and Clarke, 1998).

Although prevalent throughout this region, no observations of

copulation have been reported for this species, and spawning behavior

has been reported only once in situ [as S. bilineata (Larcombe and

Russell, 1971, see Mangold and Clarke, 1998)]. The object of the

present note is to contribute to the knowledge of mating and spawning

behavior of S. australis. The observations described here are the

result of preliminary observations at the latter stages of the

spawning period of this little-studied species. We provide a brief

overview of S. australis mating and spawning behavior in the field,

together with an insight into the proposed research that will be

conducted on this species in future spawning seasons.

PY: Publication Year


Record 12 of 24

TI: Title

Effects of hatching season on the growth rate, reproductive-somatic

investment and spawning biology of Sepioteuthis australis in the

temperate waters of southern Australia

AU: Author

Pecl, G

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 71, no. 2, p. 1135.

Sep 2002.



AB: Abstract

This paper is a synthesis of several studies examining the influence

of hatching season on growth rates, patterns of reproductive-somatic

investment and the spawning biology of the temperate water squid,

Sepioteuthis australis, from the east coast of Tasmania, Australia.

Hatching season was determined for 400 squid using back-calculated

dates of hatching derived from validated statolith age estimations.

Growth rate of S. australis was strongly influenced by hatching

season, with individuals hatched in warmer seasons having a final size

that could surpass that of earlier hatched (and therefore older)

individuals. There was also evidence that the effect of temperature

was not limited to initial growth stages, instead temperature

continued to influence growth patterns throughout the adult life

cycle. These seasonal differences in growth translate into substantial

variations in size-at-age, for example, the mean total weight of

summer hatched squid at 170-190 d of age was 1002g ( plus or minus 98

g SE), compared to 632 g ( plus or minus 27 g SE) in winter hatched

squid. Fast growing summer-hatched females caught during winter had

relatively heavy mantles but low gonado-somatic indices and appeared

to be laying relatively small batches of eggs. Slower growing

winter-hatched females had lighter mantles, gonado-somatic indices

almost double that of summer-hatched females and were laying much

larger batches of eggs. The waters off the east coast of Tasmania are

derived from a mixture of nutrient-rich subantarctic and nutrient-poor

subtropical water masses with considerable intra- and inter-annual

variability in the broad patterns of oceanic circulation and

productivity. Given that the growth, patterns of repro-somatic

investment and spawning biology, and potentially life span of

Sepioteuthis australis are responsive to environmental factors, the

dynamic nature of oceanographic conditions on the east coast of

Tasmania are likely to result in high variability in both the

population structure and stock-recruitment relationship.

PY: Publication Year


Record 13 of 24

TI: Title

An assessment of the use of short-term closures to protect spawning

southern calamary aggregations from fishing pressure in Tasmania,


AU: Author

Moltschaniwskyj, N; Pecl, G; Lyle, J

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 71, no. 1, pp.

501-514. Jul 2002.



AB: Abstract

Fishing effort for southern calamary in Tasmania focuses on the

spawning aggregations that occur in shallow sheltered bays over the

austral spring and early summer. This paper explores the effect of two

2-wk fishing closures in Great Oyster Bay, Tasmania to protect

spawning populations of the southern calamary squid (Sepioteuthis

australis) from fishing pressure. In the period before the first 2-wk

closure, mature adult squid were present on the inshore seagrass beds

in which they lay their eggs. However, despite the high reproductive

status of the females present very low numbers of eggs were laid.

During the first of the two closures, densities of eggs increased

six-fold, suggesting that either the closure provided protection to

the spawning aggregation or promoted an increase in spawning

activities. An increase in spawning activity did not occur during the

second closure, possibly because the reproductive condition of females

was declining by this time. However, densities of newly laid eggs on

the seagrass beds remained constant during the following 6 wks. Daily

CPUE information suggested that closing Great Oyster Bay to fishing

did not result in increased numbers of squid aggregating in the

spawning areas. Despite increased commercial fishing effort throughout

Tasmania, CPUE data indicates higher catches of squid were landed in

Great Oyster Bay. However the reduced contribution of Great Oyster Bay

to total catches in Tasmania over the study period suggests the short

closures were of value in protecting the spawning aggregation.

PY: Publication Year


Record 14 of 24

TI: Title

Description and quantification of developmental abnormalities in a

natural Sepioteuthis australis spawning population (Mollusca:


AU: Author

Gowland, FC; Moltschaniwskyj, NA; Steer, MA

SO: Source

Marine ecology progress series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]. Vol. 243, pp.

133-141. 2002.



AB: Abstract

Eggs of the southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis were sampled from

spawning sites off eastern Tasmania, Australia, during an austral

spring/summer spawning season. At fortnightly intervals, 3 unfouled

and 3 biofouled egg strands were sampled from 6 to 23 distinct egg

masses (N sub(eggs) = 2649). Highly significant variation was noted

between sample dates in the frequency of unfertilised eggs,

developmental abnormalities and egg mortalities. Unfertilised eggs

were only found during late October and early November and represented

a mean 2.12 plus or minus 1.25% SE and 0.58 plus or minus 0.58% SE

eggs per strand respectively. Frequency of abnormality varied

significantly between sample dates and ranged from 8.35 plus or minus

1.86% SE eggs per strand in late November to 0.92 plus or minus 0.41%

SE in late December. Abnormalities were arbitrarily categorised as

defects in external yolk sac morphology, reduced embryonic size,

mantle deformities, eye deformities and arm deformities. Defects in

external yolk sac morphology were found throughout the spawning season

and accounted for 46.3% of all abnormalities. Incidence of mortality

varied significantly between sample dates and ranged from 1.40 plus or

minus 0.68% SE per strand in late October to 11.61 plus or minus 3.23%

SE in early January. Highly significant correlation was noted between

incidence of developmental abnormality and within-strand egg position.

Biofouled egg strands were characterised by comparatively low

incidences of unfertilised and dead eggs. The influences of

environment, egg position and biofouling upon embryonic development in

S. australis are discussed.

PY: Publication Year


Record 15 of 24

TI: Title

Temporal variability in embryonic development and mortality in the

southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis: A field assessment

AU: Author

Steer, MA; Moltschaniwskyj, NA; Gowland, FC

SO: Source

Marine ecology progress series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]. Vol. 243, pp.

143-150. 2002.



AB: Abstract

This study describes the incidence of embryonic mortality and

differential development in southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis

eggs. Late-stage S. australis egg strands harbouring multiple embryos

close to hatching were sampled from shallow (< 4 m) Tasmanian

spawning grounds from early November 2000 to January 2001.

Sepioteuthis australis embryos were found to develop asynchronously

within individual egg strands with proximal embryos developing slower

and suffering higher mortality than their distal siblings. The

magnitude of asynchrony, however, differed throughout the season with

greater within-strand differences observed when embryos were exposed

to broader incubation temperatures. Unexpectedly, embryos developed

more synchronously within biologically fouled strands and displayed a

significantly lower incidence of mortality compared to those

developing in unfouled strands. Embryonic mortality was initially low

(4%) and significantly increased to 20% in late November, remaining

above 10% until late December. This dramatic increase in mortality was

not strongly associated with increasing water temperatures, but

coincided with a period of heavy rainfall alluding to potential

salinity effects.

PY: Publication Year


Record 16 of 24

TI: Title

Lipid and fatty acid composition of the mantle and digestive gland of

four Southern Ocean squid species: implications for food-web studies

AU: Author

Phillips, KL; Nichols, PD; Jackson, GD

SO: Source

Antarctic science [Antarct. Sci.]. Vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 212-220. 2002.



AB: Abstract

Lipid content, lipid class and fatty acid composition of four Southern

Ocean cephalopod species - the myopsid Sepioteuthis australis and

three oegopsids, Gonatus antarcticus, Moroteuthis robsoni and

Todarodes spp. - were analysed. The lipid content of the digestive

gland was consistently greater than that of the mantle, and was an

order of magnitude greater in oegopsid species. The lipid class and

fatty acid composition of the mantle and digestive gland also differed

markedly in each species. Digestive gland lipid is likely to be of

dietary origin, and large amounts of lipid in the digestive gland of

oegopsids may accumulate over time. Thus the digestive gland is a rich

source of fatty acid dietary tracers and may provide a history of

dietary intake. However, the absolute amount of dietary lipid in the

digestive gland of oegopsid species exceeds the absolute lipid content

of mantle tissue. Therefore the overall lipid "signature" of an

oegopsid may more closely resemble its prey species rather than its

mantle tissue. When lipid techniques are used in dietary analysis of

teuthophagous predators, squid may not be represented by a unique

signature in analyses and their importance in the diets of predators

may be underestimated.

PY: Publication Year


Record 17 of 24

TI: Title

Allozyme analysis reveals a complex population structure in the

southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis from Australia and New


AU: Author

Triantafillos, L; Adams, M

SO: Source

Marine Ecology Progress Series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]. Vol. 212, pp.

193-209. 2001.



AB: Abstract

Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate species boundaries

and population genetic structure within the southern calamary

Sepioteuthis australis Quoy and Gaimard. Samples collected from 17

localities around southern Australia and northern New Zealand were

examined for allozyme variation at 49 loci. Of 13 polymorphic loci

detected, 7 were sufficiently variable to be useful as routine genetic

markers of population structure. There was little or no genetic

differentiation across the entire range sampled at 5 of these 7 loci.

In marked contrast, the allozyme data at 2 loci (Fdp and PepD)

unequivocally sorted all individuals into 1 of 3 genetic types, the

geographic distributions of which exhibited a markedly non-random

pattern. One type was mainly found near the western and eastern limits

of the sampled area, the other type predominantly in the intervening

region. Where these 2 types overlapped, a third hybrid-type was found

at frequencies predicted under Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The 2

most-likely explanations for these data are: (1) there are 2 taxa

within S. australis which produce only F sub(1) hybrids wherever they

overlap, or (2) the 2 loci Fdp and PepD are tightly linked and thus

are not independent measures of population structure. Preliminary

morphological and reproductive data support the hypothesis of 2 taxa,

while mitochondrial DNA-sequence data are inconclusive. It is argued

that some combination of the 2 explanations may be operating.

Regardless of the final outcome, the data indicate that there are a

number of discrete stocks of S. australis in this region, a result at

variance with current management perspectives on this important


PY: Publication Year


Record 18 of 24

TI: Title

Flexible reproductive strategies in tropical and temperate

Sepioteuthis squids.

AU: Author

Pecl, G

SO: Source

Mar. Biol. Vol. 138, no. 1, pp. 93-101. 2001.



AB: Abstract

A major difficulty confronting the determination of cephalopod

reproductive life history is assessing over what portion of the life

span an individual is reproductively mature and actively depositing

eggs. This paper assesses the potential of the tropical Sepioteuthis

lessoniana and two genetic types of the temperate Sepioteuthis

australis, to spawn multiple batches of eggs at discrete times

throughout the adult life span. This is achieved by histological

examination of the ovarian gametogenic cycle and detailed

morphological assessments of the reproductive system, in conjunction

with other biological information. The genetic type of S. australis

found at the northern limits of its Australian distribution showed

evidence of a high correlation between body size and quantity of

mature eggs, suggesting that eggs may be accumulating to be laid in a

single batch. Although maturation was also a sizerelated process in S.

lessoniana and Tasmanian S. australis, oviduct size was not correlated

with body weight in mature females, which is indicative of multiple

spawning. Further supporting evidence includes relatively low

gonadosomatic indices, the heavier weight of the ovary relative to the

oviduct, and the feeding activity of mature animals. Mature S.

lessoniana and S. australis individuals were present at each location

over very wide age and size ranges. In Tasmanian waters, there were

distinct seasonal differences in the reproductive biology of S.

australis. Summer-caught individuals had much higher gonadosomatic

indices and may have been laying larger batches of eggs compared with

winter-caught individuals. Summer-caught females also showed a

negative correlation between egg size and egg number within the

oviduct, suggesting that some individuals were producing fewer, larger

eggs and others many smaller eggs. Evidence suggests that considerable

flexibility is inherent in the reproductive strategy of both S.

lessoniana and S. australis.

PY: Publication Year


Record 19 of 24

TI: Title

Cephalopod diet of the Australian fur seal: Variation due to location,

season and sample type

AU: Author

Gales, R; Pemberton, D; Lu, CC; Clarke, MR

SO: Source

Australian journal of marine and freshwater research. Melbourne [AUST.

J. MAR. FRESHWAT. RES.]. Vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 657-671. 1993.



AB: Abstract

In Tasmanian waters, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus preyed on 11

species of cephalopods, predominantly Nototodarus gouldi followed by

Sepioteuthis australis and Sepia apama. Cephalopods were more

important in the diet of the seals in Bass Strait than in southern

Tasmanian waters. The species composition in the diet of the seals in

these two areas also differed, with the seals in Bass Strait eating

mainly N. gouldi, whereas the seals in southern waters fed on benthic

octopods. The seals preyed on mainly adult cephalopods over the

continental shelf. The size range and species composition of the diet

varied according to the sample types, with faeces containing only

small beaks relative to regurgitates and stomachs. Errors associated

with sample types and application of regression equations are


PY: Publication Year


Record 20 of 24

TI: Title

Partial purification and characterization of the

4-nitrophenylphosphatase activity of invertebrate photoreceptive

microvilli. Absence of in vitro rhodopsin phosphatase activity.

AU: Author

Trowell, SC

SO: Source

Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, B. Vol. 89B, no. 2, pp.

285-297. 1988.



AB: Abstract

A 4-nitrophenylphosphatase (4-NPPase) previously localized to the

photoreceptive microvilli of a crab is shown to require mu M levels of

calcium plus mM magnesium for maximal activity. The

phosphomonoesterase, is distinct from the ATPase. GTPase and inositol

trisphosphatase activities present in retinal homogenates. A 4-NPPase

of squid retina has similar properties to the crab enzyme. The

4-NPPases of both species are homodimers with subunit molecular masses

of approx. 35 kDa. Crude and partially purified crab 4-NPPase

preparations do not dephosphorylate squid rhodopsin but phosphatase

activity was detected towards a 48,000 phosphoprotein of crab retina.

PY: Publication Year


Record 21 of 24

TI: Title

Pilot survey of recreational fishing activity in Port Hughes, March to

May 1985.

AU: Author

Hill, KL



AB: Abstract

The Research Branch of the Department of Fisheries conducted a three

month trial survey of recreational fishing activity in the Port Hughes

area during March to May 1985. The project concentrated on the jetty

and boat ramp activity at Port Hughes but incorporated occasional

surveys of Wallaroo. At Port Hughes most recreational boat anglers

were fishing for King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus ) and it

accounted for the largest proportion of the catch. Squid (Sepioteuthis

australis ), tommy fuff (Arripis georgianus ) and garfish

(Hyporhamphus melanochir ) accounted for 89% of the total Port Hughes

jetty catch during March to May 1985.

PY: Publication Year


Record 22 of 24

TI: Title

Spearfishing competitions in South Australia (1983/84). 2. Australian

skindiving convention.

AU: Author

Johnson, JE



AB: Abstract

Three shore-based spearfishing heats were held at coastal sites on the

Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, between 28 December 1983 and 5

January 1984 as part of the thirty-second Australian Skindiving

Convention. A total of 550 fish from 48 species with a total weight of

336.7 kg was landed. The five most common species by number landed

were sea sweep, Scorpis aequipinnis , calamary, Sepioteuthis australis

, banded sweep, Scorpis georgianus , red mullet, Upeneichthys porosus

and longsnouted boarfish, Pentaceropsis recurvirostris , and they

accounted for 60% of the catch.

PY: Publication Year


Record 23 of 24

TI: Title

Results of otter trawling by the F.V. Battle Axe in central Victorian

coastal waters

AU: Author


SO: Source

Jan 1979., 17 p., Fish. Wildl. Pap. Vict., (no. 18)

AB: Abstract

The trawling results indicate that there are productive trawl grounds

between Cape Otway and Wilsons Promontory, particularly between

Flinders and Cape Liptrap. These grounds once supported a seasonal

Danish seine fishery and are capable of supporting an otter trawl

fishery throughout the year. Because of the versatility of otter

trawling, pelagic species formed a large part of the catch. Flatheads

(Platycephalidae) (36% of the total catch), school whiting Sillago

bassensis (5%) and edible sharks (5%) were the main demersal species

caught, and snoek Leionura atun (21%), squid Nototodarus gouldi and

calamaries Sepioteuthis australis (3%) and jack mackerel Trachurus

declivis (2%) were the main pelagic species. The boat and trawling

equipment are described briefly. Monthly catch rates for the main

marketable species caught are compared between years and sub-areas of

the region fished.

PY: Publication Year


Record 24 of 24

TI: Title

Interesting squid catches during bight fish survey

AU: Author


SO: Source

Aust. Fish., 38(10), 9-10, (1979)

AB: Abstract

During a survey of demersal and pelagic fish resources of the Great

Australian Bight from February to April 1979 many of the trawl

stations also produced squid. The arrow squid (Notododarus gouldi )

was most common in water 80 to 100 m deep with surface temperatures of

about 20 C. The southern calamary (Sepioteuthis australis ) was caught

in shallow inshore waters, whereas Rossia australis frequently was in

pelagic areas. Information is given of predators and prey of the squid

and the distribution of some species and their known migratory nature

is discussed.

PY: Publication Year


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