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Dosidicus Gigas (jumbo Squid)
Query: TI="Dosidicus gigas" - Records obtained from Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts

Record 1 of 47

Tagging studies on the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Gulf of

California, Mexico

AU: Author

Markaida, U; Rosenthal, JJC; Gilly, WF

SO: Source

Fishery Bulletin [Fish. Bull.]. Vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 219-226. Jan



Dosidicus gigas, the only species in the genus Dosidicus, is commonly

known as the jumbo squid, jumbo flying squid, or Humboldt squid. It is

the largest ommastrephid squid and is endemic to the Eastern Pacific,

ranging from northern California to southern Chile and to 140 degree W

at the equator. During the last two decades it has become an extremely

important fisheries resource in the Gulf of California, around the

Costa Rica Dome and off Peru. It is also an active predator that

undoubtedly has an important impact on local ecology in areas where it

is abundant. Ommastrephid squid, including the jumbo squid, are

largely pelagic and may migrate long distances as part their life

cycle (Mangold, 1976). A general pattern of long-distance migration

for the jumbo squid over its entire range was proposed by Nesis (1983)

and smaller-scale migrations within the Gulf of California has been

proposed according to the distribution of the fishery during 1979-80

(Klett, 1982; Ehrhardt et al., 1983). During this period squid were

reported to enter the Gulf from the Pacific in January, to reach their

northernmost limit (29 Delta GN) by April, and to remain in the

central Gulf from May through August; the high concentrations were

found along the western (Baja California) coast. From September onward

these squid appear to migrate eastward to the Mexican mainland coast

and then southwards, to the mouth of the Gulf back into the Pacific

(Klett, 1982; Ehrhardt et al., 1983). Since 1994 a seasonal pattern in

the jumbo squid fishery has emerged in which large squid are abundant

central Gulf essentially all year. During November to May, the fishery

is centered in the area of Guaymas Sta. Rosalia the fishery operates

from May to November, which is also the period of peak landings. These

generally reciprocal landing patterns are consistent with the

abundance patterns described by Klett (1982), although the exact

migrations proposed by Ehrhardt et al. (1983) have never been directly

observed (Morales-Bojorquez et al., 2001). All these studies

concerning jumbo squid migrations have relied on analyses of landing

statistics and catch data acquired by fishing stations on commercial

squid jigging vessels. Although migratory patterns of several

ommastrephid species of commercial importance have been directly

demonstrated with conventional tag-and-recapture methods (Nagasawa et

al., 1993), to our knowledge jumbo squid has not been studied in this

manner. Given the commercial and ecological importance of this

species, such studies would be valuable. This paper describes

conventional tag-and-recapture experiments on jumbo squid in the

central Gulf of California. Tag-return rates were higher than in most

previous studies of other ommastrephid species, and seasonal

migrations between the Sta. Rosalia and Guaymas areas were directly

demonstrated. Growth rates were also directly determined for the first


PY: Publication Year


Record 2 of 47

Quantifying light-fishing for Dosidicus gigas in the eastern Pacific

using satellite remote sensing

AU: Author

Waluda, CM; Yamashiro, C; Elvidge, CD; Hobson, VR; Rodhouse, PG

SO: Source

Remote Sensing of Environment [Remote Sens. Environ.]. Vol. 91, no. 2,

pp. 129-133. May 2004.


The distribution and abundance of the fleet targeting Jumbo flying

squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Eastern Pacific is examined during the

1999 fishery season. The commercial fishery consists of a

multinational jigging fleet, which fish at night using powerful lights

to attract squid. The emission of light from these vessels can be

observed using satellite-derived imagery obtained by the United States

Defence Meteorological Satellite Program-Operational Linescan System

(DMSP-OLS). In order to quantify fishing effort using lights, data on

the distribution and abundance of vessels were obtained via satellite

tracking using the ARGOS system. The distribution of the fishery as

derived from light signatures was found to closely resemble that

derived from ship location data. By using ARGOS data to calibrate

DMSP-OLS images, we are able to estimate fishing effort in terms of

the 'area illuminated' by the fishing fleet. Light signatures derived

from DMSP-OLS were successfully used to quantify fishing effort,

estimating the number of vessels fishing to within +/-2 in 85 out of

103 satellite images (83%). High seas fishing was also quantified,

with light signatures corresponding to a single fishing vessel

observed in 11 out of 103 satellite passes during the fishery season

(July-December 1999). This study examines how much light (in terms of

area) is emitted by a single squid fishing vessel, and may prove to be

a valuable tool in assessing and policing fisheries using satellite

remote sensing.

PY: Publication Year


Record 3 of 47

Age, growth and maturation of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas

(Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) from the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Markaida, U; Quinonez-Velazquez, C; Sosa-Nishizaki, O

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 66, no. 1, pp.

31-47. Jan 2004.


This study describes the age and growth of large specimens of the

jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas that supported the fishery in the Gulf of

California in 1995-1997. Statoliths of 299 females (10.8-87.5 cm

mantle length, ML) and 147 males (17-73.9 cm ML) were read. Assuming a

daily rhythm of statolith deposition the smallest female (10.8 cm ML)

was 84 days old and the largest (87.5 cm ML) 386 days old. The oldest

females were 14-15 months old. The smallest male (17 cm ML) was 135

days old and the oldest male (71.5 cm ML) was 372 days old. The

logistic model best described growth in jumbo squid. Growth curves

were similar to those reported from other studies on this species

using statolith reading. However, they suggest a faster growth than

that described by size frequency analysis. No differences in growth

were noted between seasons, except that females from Sta. Rosalia

weighed more than those caught off Guaymas at the same age. Females

grew faster than males, but both sexes grew more than 2 mm/day between

140th and 300th day of life: one of the highest absolute growth rates

recorded so far for squids. Large size females mature late, at an age

of 1 year and 73 cm ML and males matured at 10 months and 60 cm ML.

Females of the medium- sized maturing group mature at 7 months and 37

cm ML and males at 7 months and 34 cm. Thus, this latter group was

regarded as an early maturing group, living probably less than a year,

and the former as a late maturing group, living a year or slightly

more. Hatch dates were distributed throughout the whole year, without

reflecting any reproductive pattern. Large jumbo squid in the Gulf of

California comprised a population of multiple intra-annual cohorts

using alternate upwelling seasonal areas during their growth.

PY: Publication Year


Record 4 of 47

Identification and Characterization of the Off-Flavor in Mantle Muscle

of Jumbo Squid (Dosidicus gigas) from the Gulf of California

AU: Author

Sanchez-Brambila, GY; Alvarez-Manilla, G; Soto-Cordova, F; Lyons, BG;

Pacheco-Aguilar, R

SO: Source

Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology [J. Aquat. Food Prod.

Technol.]. Vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 55-67. 2004.


The identification of the off-flavor in Dosidicus gigas meat and the

partial characterization of the responsible compound(s) is reported.

Descriptive analysis of the squid flavor showed that sour and bitter

tastes describe the off-flavor. Water-soluble extracts from mantle

were fractionated by ultra filtration and separated by size exclusion

chromatography. Sensory analyses of chromatography peaks indicated

that fraction 2 was consistent in sourness and bitterness intensity.

Amino phase HPLC of fraction 2 resulted in the separation of six

peaks. Analysis showed that these peaks contain amino acids, thus

indicating that low molecular weight water-soluble peptide(s) are

involved in the off-flavor of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas.

PY: Publication Year


Record 5 of 47

Food and feeding habits of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda:

Ommastrephidae) from the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Markaida, U; Sosa-Nishizaki, O*

SO: Source

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom [J.

Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K.]. Vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 507-522. 2003.


Stomach contents of 533 jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, ranging between

14.5 and 87.5 cm dorsal mantle length were collected on a monthly

basis in the central Gulf of California from November 1995 to April

1997. Fish prey were identified by sagittal otoliths, cephalopods by

beaks and crustaceans by exoskeletal features. The diet was dominated

by Benthosema panamense, an abundant near-shore nyctoepipelagic

myctophid that forms dense aggregations. Another myctophid,

Triphoturus mexicanus, several micronektonic squid, pelagic red crab

and small pelagic fish such as northern anchovy and Pacific sardine

played a secondary role. The largest differences in diet were due to

spatial and monthly changes, while differences regarding squid size or

sex were smaller. Prey size (averaging 5-7 cm) and prey number did not

vary with size of jumbo squid. Jumbo squid in the slopes of the

Guaymas basin feed on abundant schooling mesopelagic micronekton of

annual nature with a quick response to environmental changes, which

could partly explain the large annual fluctuations of this commercial


PY: Publication Year


Record 6 of 47

Biomass of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the EEZ of Nicaragua and

adjacent open waters

AU: Author

Nigmatullin, ChM; Froerman, YuM; Zheronkin, YuN

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science [Bull. Mar. Sci.]. Vol. 71, no. 2, p. 1132.

Sep 2002.


There are no biomass estimations for Dosidicus gigas in the Central

East Pacific. The abundance of D. gigas was assessed at 221 light

night drifting stations during eight seasonal surveys in the

Nicaraguan EEZ in 1984-1986. Squid were distributed throughout the EEZ

to the west of the shelfbreak (32,500 km super(2)). Its size structure

and distribution varied during these surveys. The total biomass of D.

gigas fluctuated significantly: 107,000 mt (October 1984), 150,000

(November 1984), 190,000 (March 1985), 275,000 (August 1985), 100,000

(March 1986), 20,000 (June 1986) to 12,000 (May 1986) and 163,000 t

(June 1990). In the open waters outside the EEZ (8-13 degree N),

ecological investigations of D. gigas and the active Soviet pelagic

trawl fishery were carried out in 1989-1991. The total catch was 2447

t in 1989 and 9800 t in 1990. The biomass of D. gigas in a high

productive zone of the Costa Rica Dome (9 degree 20'-10 degree 12'N,

89 degree 20'-90 degree 46'W) was estimated by two methods in 1990.

The June trawl survey over an area of 36,442 km super(2) revealed a

biomass of 1,001,000 t. Most of these squids (675,000 t) occurred in

the dense aggregations in the Dome water mass throughout an area of

1518 km super(2). The second assessment based on the trawl fishery

data showed similar values: 1,114,000 t in June, and 825,000 t in July

throughout an area of 58900 km super(2), and 681,000 t in August (area

of 69,600 km super(2)). In the areas of fishery concentrations with

catches greater than 0.3 t h super(-1) the squid biomass was 975,000 t

(area of 35,600 km super(2)) in June, 648,000 t (29,500 km super(2))

in July, and 477,000 t (35,300 km super(2)) in August. Due to the

relatively stable CPUE, the habitual round-the-year biomass of D.

gigas in the Dome area may be assessed to be approximately 0.5-1.0

million t.

PY: Publication Year


Record 7 of 47

Stochastic estimation of the catchability and recruitment of the jumbo

squid Dosidicus gigas (D'Orbigny, 1835) from the Gulf of California,


AU: Author

Morales Bojorquez, E; Nevarez Martinez, MO

SO: Source

Ciencias Marinas [Cienc. Mar.]. Vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 193-204. 2002.


In this paper, a depletion model with two different approaches

(stochastic and deterministic) was analyzed, in order to compare the

observation error hypothesis in the CPUE data, and the process error

in the model, as well as its effect on the recruitment and

catchability estimates in the jumbo squid fishery from the Gulf of

California, Mexico. Results showed an underestimation of the

catchability when the deterministic approach was used.

PY: Publication Year


Record 8 of 47

Occurrence of jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas aggregations

associated with the countercurrent ridge off the Costa Rica Dome

during 1997 El Nino and 1999 La Nina

AU: Author

Ichii, T; Mahapatra, K; Watanabe, T; Yatsu, A; Inagake, D; Okada, Y

SO: Source

Marine ecology progress series [Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.]. Vol. 231, pp.

151-166. 2002.


Factors responsible for aggregations of jumbo flying squid Dosidicus

gigas, an important component of the marine food web and target of

commercial fisheries off the Costa Rica Dome in the Eastern Tropical

Pacific Ocean (ETP), were examined during 2 years of different extreme

oceanographic conditions: fall 1997 El Nino and fall 1999 La Nina. A

high abundance of squid occurred in association with the

well-developed countercurrent ridge (upwelling) off the Costa Rica

Dome during fall 1997, but not during fall 1999, when the

countercurrent ridge was less developed. Two features of the

well-developed countercurrent ridge were considered important for the

occurrence of high jumbo flying squid concentrations. Firstly,

subsurface chlorophyll a (chl a) maxima were formed along the

countercurrent ridge, resulting in integrated chl a concentrations in

the upper 100 m being relatively high considering the generally low

productivity of the ETP during an EI Nino event. Secondly, a strong

salinity front formed along the North Equatorial Countercurrent, which

is possibly responsible for retention of jumbo flying squid in the

ridge. Large yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares, which mainly feed on

micronekton (small fishes, cephalopods and swimming crabs), as do

jumbo flying squid, were also more highly concentrated along the

countercurrent ridge during 1997 than during 1999. It was noted that

skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and small yellowfin tuna, which

mainly feed on zooplankton, were associated with the equatorial ridge

in the ETP, indicating that prey faunal components may also play an

important part in the close association of jumbo flying squid with the

countercurrent ridge.

PY: Publication Year


Record 9 of 47

Conclusion and analysis on the experimental fishing of Dosidicus gigas

in the offlying sea of Peru and Costa Rica in 2001

AU: Author

Ye, Xuchang

SO: Source

Marine fisheries/Haiyang Yuye [Mar. Fish./Haiyang Yuye]. Vol. 24, no.

4, pp. 165-168. 2002.


Based on the analyses of the data on sea conditions, catches, fishing

grounds and biological charactersics of jumbo flying squid Dosidicus

gigas experimental fishing in the offlying sea of Peru and Costa Rica

in 2001, it shows that the sea surface temperature off Peru increases

gradually westwards as well as northwards. There exists

thermocline-layer between the sea surface and 100 depth. The dominant

mantle length of jumbo flying squid ranges from 24 to 48 cm. The

relationship between the mantle length and weight is Y = 6 x 10

super(-6)L super(3.2598) (R sub(2) = 0.9924). the main fishing ground

lies on 14~'00'S, 80~'00'W. It is concluded that fishing grounds off

Peru and Costa Rica waters in the east Pacific Ocean are more

profitable to be exploited, but the jigging techniology needs to be

further improved.

PY: Publication Year


Record 10 of 47

A review of the biology of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas

(Cephalopods: Ommastrephidae)

AU: Author

Nigmatullin, CM; Nesis, KN; Arkhipkin, AI

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 9-19.

Dec 2001.


The taxonomy, functional morphology, evolutionary biology and ecology

of the jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, were reviewed using the data from

many Soviet/Russian expeditions and all available literature. D. gigas

is one of the largest and most abundant of the nektonic squid in the

epipelagic zone of the world Ocean. It occurs in the eastern Pacific

with its species range limited by the isoline of phosphate

concentration of 0.8 mg-at P-PO sub(4) super(3) super(-)/m super(2) in

the 0-100m layer. Three intraspecific groups of D. gigas may be

distinguished on the basis of the size of adult males and females:

small (mantle length (ML) of adult males 130-260mm, females

140-340mm), medium-sized (240-420 and 280-600mm, respectively) and

large (> 400-500mm and 550-650 to 1000mm and more, respectively).

Growth is rapid. The life span of all three groups is about 1 year,

with the biggest specimens of the large group probably living 2 years.

D. gigas are monocyclic with the highest potential female fecundity

among cephalopods; up to 32 million oocytes. Spawning takes place

throughout the year, with a distinct peak during spring and summer in

the southern hemisphere (October-January). D. gigas is an active

predator. The most common prey among fish species are epipelagic

lanternfish, and among squid species are ommastrephids, including D.

gigas. Throughout the whole life cycle the prey sizes constitute 5-15%

of the squid total length. Parasite fauna include 9-12 species of

nematode, cestode and trematode, and the ciliate Chromidina. The total

instantaneous stock of D. gigas within the limits of the species range

was estimated at around 7-10 million tonnes, including around 2-4

million tonnes in the open ocean beyond the exclusive economic zones.

PY: Publication Year


Record 11 of 47

Distribution and concentrations of jumbo flying squid (Dosidicus

gigas) off the Peruvian coast between 1991 and 1999

AU: Author

Taipe, A; Yamashiro, C; Mariategui, L; Rojas, P; Roque, C

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

21-32. Dec 2001.


Seasonal changes in the distribution and concentration of jumbo flying

squid (Dosidicus gigas) off the Peruvian coast were assessed using

catch and effort data from the jigging vessels that worked within the

area between 1991 and 1999. The results showed a wide distribution of

D. gigas along the coast, the highest concentrations occurred along

the coast of northern Peru, from Puerto Pizarro (3 degree 24'S) to

Chimbote (9 degree S), with low to medium concentrations observed off

Pisco (13 degree 42'S) and Atico (16 degree 14'S). The highest catch

per unit effort (CPUE) values occurred during autumn, winter and

spring with the squid tending to disperse in summer. There is some

evidence of interannual differences associated with changes in sea

surface temperature. Catches, fishing effort and CPUE were the highest

between 1991 and 1995 and lowest in 1996.

PY: Publication Year


Record 12 of 47

Age, growth and population structure of the jumbo flying squid

Dosidicus gigas in Peruvian waters

AU: Author

Arguelles, J; Rodhouse, PG; Villegas, P; Castillo, G

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

51-61. Dec 2001.


Age, growth and population structure of the jumbo flying squid,

Dosidicus gigas, from the jig fishery in Peruvian waters in 1992 were

determined by reading daily increments in ground and polished sections

of statoliths. The squid ranged in size from 192 to 965mm dorsal

mantle length (ML) and no squid were older than 1 year. Two size

groups were present in the exploited population; one group of small

individuals < 490mm ML and another group of larger individuals > 520mm

ML, with maximum ages of 220 and 354 days, respectively. The date of

hatching estimated by back-calculation, revealed the presence of two

cohorts of small squid; one hatched in autumn/winter and recruited to

the fishery in spring/summer and the other hatched in spring/summer

and recruited to the fishery in autumn/winter.

PY: Publication Year


Record 13 of 47

Dynamics of maturation, seasonality of reproduction and spawning

grounds of the jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda:

Ommastrephidae) in Peruvian waters

AU: Author

Tafur, R; Villegas, P; Rabi, M; Yamashiro, C

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

33-50. Dec 2001.


In Peru, the giant squid Dosidicus gigas (D'Orbigny, 1835) is the most

important cephalopod resource. The objective of the present paper is

to analyze the reproductive cycle, and to determine the locations and

potential of the spawning of D. gigas off the Peruvian coast between

1991 and 1995. The size of the first stage of maturity was estimated

at 240-320mm for females. Mature individuals were observed throughout

the entire study period, although the main peak in spawning occurred

between October and January with a secondary peak between July and

August. An analysis of the seasonal cycle in spawning using maturity

indices gave similar results and indicated the presence of two size

groups with different maturity stages. Females were always more

numerous than males during the study period and showed the highest

incidence of mating in spring (September-November). Spawning took

place along the entire coast of Peru with the greatest numbers

spawning in the northern zone between 3 degree S and 8 degree S and

the central zone between 12 degree S and 17 degree S. During 1993,

there was an exceptional spawning ground in the southern zone during

January and March.

PY: Publication Year


Record 14 of 47

Reproductive biology of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the Gulf of

California, 1995-1997

AU: Author

Markaida, U; Sosa-Nishizaki, O*

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

63-82. Dec 2001.


A large-scale, artisanal fishery for jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas)

occurred in the central Gulf of California between 1995 and 1997,

mainly off Santa Rosalia and Guaymas, two areas of alternate seasonal

upwelling. The fishery was supported mainly by large individuals:

females maturing at 750mm ML and males maturing at two sizes, 530 and

670mm ML, respectively. A medium-sized maturing group was also

detected; 400mm ML for females and 330mm ML for males. The 77% of

females (909 in total) were immature or maturing animals, while 77% of

males (392 in total) were mature. The predominance of mature males

relative to mature females suggests that the central Gulf of

California is a feeding ground, although size selection by jig is

difficult to assess. The alternate upwelling system could provide a

food supply for the maturation of squid all year round. The

reproductive season appears to spread throughout the year, with a

small proportion of mature females and most of the males mature in

most months. No spawning peaks could be detected, indicating that

reproduction probably takes place outside the areas studied. The

population size structure was similar for the three fishing seasons

considered, indicating a similar use of the upwelling areas for


PY: Publication Year


Record 15 of 47

Review of stock assessment and fishery biology of Dosidicus gigas in

the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Morales-Bojorquez, E; Cisneros-Mata, MA; Nevarez-Martinez, MO;

Hernandez-Herrera, A

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

83-94. Dec 2001.


Two periods in the Dosidicus gigas fishery in the Gulf of California,

Mexico, have been examined. The first was in the early 1980s, when

there was a single stock with multiple cohorts and recruitment to the

principal fishing grounds was in May. Management schemes were

difficult to establish because of the variation in the annual

abundance of the cohorts. During 1983, the fishery collapsed; an

effect of El Nino was an acceptable hypothesis. The second period

began in 1994. Landings increased from 1994 to 1996. During this time

there was only one annual cohort in the fishery with recruitment in

May. A management strategy was proposed adopting the stock assessment

used for Illex argentinus in the Falkland Islands; assuming an annual

recruitment, an estimate of the proportional escapement and modelling

the catch-per-unit-effort data of the three commercial fleets. Using

this approach, the landings in 1997 were 120,000t. However, in 1998 a

decrease in landings occurred, a possible cause could have been the

1998 El Nino. Some aspects of these two periods are discussed,

principally showing the differences in the management approach.

PY: Publication Year


Record 16 of 47

Parasitic helminths of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (Cephalopoda:

Ommastrephidae) in open waters of the central east Pacific

AU: Author

Shukhgalter, OA; Nigmatullin, CM*

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 54, no. 1, pp.

95-110. Dec 2001.


During 1981-1989, 849 jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, from four open

ocean regions of the east Pacific (from 11 degree N to 22 degree S)

were examined for parasitic helminths. The samples were collected from

the Peruvian (9-21 degree S and 82-87 degree W), east equatorial (2

degree N-6 degree S and 84-87 degree W), west equatorial (1 degree N-3

degree S and 96-100 degree W) and Nicaraguan (9-11 degree N and 88-91

degree W) regions. Nine species of parasitic helminths were found,

with a total prevalence of infection of 75.5%. Trematoda: metacercaria

of Didymozoidae indet (prevalence: 13%, intensity: 1-35, abundance:

0.51); Cestoda: Pelichnibothrium speciosum (75.2%, 1-63,000, 664.5);

Phyllobothrium sp. (1.2%, 1-2, 0.02); Tentacularia coryphaenae (6.6%,

1-5, 0.16); Nematoda: Anisakis simplex (9.2%, 1-16, 0.23); Anisakis

physeteris (24.2%, 1-26, 1.22); Porrocaecum sp. (29.4%, 1-17, 0.30);

Contracaecum sp. (0.5%, 1-41, 0.22); Spinitectus sp. (0.4%, 1-3,

0.01). All these parasites occurred in the larval stage. The

composition of helminths and quantitative infection indexes were

similar for males and females of similar mantle length (ML). Four size

groups of Dosidicus were recognized. The helminths of the first size

group, 30-89 mm ML comprised metacercaria of Didymozoidae and larvae

of Porrocaecum sp. In the second size group, 90-139 mm ML, the

prevalence of didymozoids increased to 47.5% and the majority of the

parasite fauna (four species) occurred at this stage. All nine species

were present in the third size group, 140-359 mm ML, but with a sharp

decrease in the prevalence of didymozoids (5.8%). In the fourth size

group, 360-431 mm ML, didymozoids were absent while the prevalence and

intensity values for the other helminth species were maximal. The

helminth fauna of similar sized squid (190-300 mm ML) from different

regions was similar and the levels of infection corresponded closely.

However, a comparison of ontogenetic infection dynamics between the

Peruvian and east equatorial waters showed that the prevalence and

intensity data for the main and secondary helminth species differed.

This may support the hypothesis of isolated populations in these two

regions. D. gigas is a paratenic (transport) host for the helminth

species studied, with scombroid and xiphoid fishes, sharks and marine

mammals as the definitive hosts.

PY: Publication Year


Record 17 of 47

Estimations of catchability-at-length for the jumbo squid (Dosidicus

gigas) fishery in the gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Morales-Bojorquez, E; Martinez-Aguilar, S; Arreguin-Sanchez, F;

Nevarez-Martinez, MO

SO: Source

Reports of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations

[CalCOFI Rep.]. Vol. 42, pp. 167-171. Oct 2001.


In this paper, we used the deterministic model of catchability (DMC)

for the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) fishery. The DMC assumes that

catchability depends on length as well as on squid behavior. We

analyzed the variation in the catchability coefficient (q) of D. gigas

from the Gulf of California, Mexico, based on population

length-structured data (mantle length = ML) expressed as CPUE from 5

November 1995 to 16 November 1996. The results showed two patterns:

(1) low catchability for 19-27 cm, 43-49 cm, and 57-63 cm of ML; and

(2) high catchability for 29-33 cm, 53-57 cm, and 65-71 cm of ML. This

variation in catchability-at-length was explained by an overlap of two

cohorts dominant in a recruitment period in May 1996. The catchability

coefficient showed an overlap of cohorts. We found three peaks of

catchability with approximately the same value (q approximately 0.7 x

10 super(-3)). These high value of catchability for 29-33 cm, 53-57

cm, and 65-71 cm of ML showed that these intervals have the same

vulnerability. Although we recognize a dominant cohort in the fishery,

the catchability estimates suggest the presence of three cohorts,

since catchability is similar among intervals.

PY: Publication Year


Record 18 of 47

Population size and exploitation of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas

D'Orbigny, 1835) in the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Morales-Bojorquez, E; Hernandez-Herrera, A; Nevarez-Martinez, MO;

Cisneros-Mata, MA; Guerrero-Escobedo, FJ

SO: Source

Scientia Marina (Barcelona) [Sci. Mar. (Barc.)]. Vol. 65, no. 1, pp.

75-80. 2001.


The most important landing sites of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas

D'Orbigny, 1835) fishery in the Gulf of California, Mexico are

Guaymas, in Sonora and Santa Rosalia, in Baja California Sur. An

increase in the species biomass resulted in increased landings,

ranging from 6,200 tons in 1994 to 140,000 tons in 1996. The

development of a management strategy for this fishery based on the

proportional escapement has been suggested. This necessitates the

estimation of the population size when the fishing season begins in

order to determine the amount of fishing effort. Weekly catch and

effort data were reported from October 1995 to March 1996 for three

fleets operating in the Gulf of California. The population size

estimated using a maximum likelihood model was 82,000 tons with a

proportional escapement of 66%.

PY: Publication Year


Record 19 of 47

The Effect on Growth and Protein Digestibility of Shrimp Penaeus

stylirrostris Fed with Feeds Supplemented with Squid (Dosidicus gigas)

Meal Dried by Two Different Processes

AU: Author

Murueta, JHC; Carreno, FLG*

SO: Source

Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology [J. Aquat. Food Prod.

Technol.]. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 35-47. 2001.


Giant squid meal from two drying processes: high-heat (from commercial

flame-dried) (HHSM) and low-heat (laboratory made) (LHSM), were

evaluated as protein source for shrimp Penaeus stylirrostris in two

feeding experiments. Trial I consisted of wild shrimp fed HHSM at

different rates. Shrimp survival was negatively affected by commercial

squid meal and no difference was found in growth performance. Trial II

consisted of laboratory-reared shrimps from single brood stock fed

supplemented feeds with HHSM and LHSM at different rates. Shrimps fed

LHSM performed better than the groups fed HHSM. The drying process and

the supplementation rates affected growth, digestibility and survival

of shrimp.

PY: Publication Year


Record 20 of 47

Biomass and distribution of the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas;

d'Orbigny, 1835) in the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Nevarez-Martinez, MO; Hernandez-Herrera, A; Morales-Bojorquez, E;

Balmori-Ramirez, A; Cisneros-Mata, MA; Morales-Azpeitia, R

SO: Source

Fisheries Research (Amsterdam) [Fish. Res.]. Vol. 49, no. 2, pp.

129-140. Dec 2000.


The objective of this study was to estimate the total biomass and

distribution of the population of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas in the

Gulf of California and its relation to sea temperature. Data were

collected on the R/V BIP XI during a 20-day cruise (16 May to 3 June

1996). The cruise covered a grid of 59 stations within 25 degree

10'-28 degree 50'N and 109 degree 30'-112 degree 45'W. At each

station, fishing was done by using attraction of light and jigs with

six rings of barbless hooks. Biomass was estimated by stratified

random sampling, and swept area by strata. The first method yielded an

estimate of 85 513 metric tons (t), 95% interval of 79 613-93 413 t,

and the second method 118 170 t (95% interval of 113 243-123 097 t).

Squid were found in almost all the area covered by the cruise. There

was a north to south gradient in catch, with the highest catch between

28 degree and 28 degree 30'N and lower catch along the coast of

Sonora, south of 27 degree N. There was no relationship between

biomass, distribution, and water temperature from surface to 70 m


PY: Publication Year


Record 21 of 47

Water temperatures in the Gulf of California in May and June 1996 and

their relation to the capture of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas)

D'Orbigny, 1835.

AU: Author

Brito Castillo, L; Alcantara Razo, E; Morales Azpeitia, R; Salinas

Zavala, CA

SO: Source

Ciencias Marinas [Cienc. Mar.]. Vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 413-440. 2000.


The relation between water temperature and the giant squid catch in

the California Gulf was analyzed. Data were collected in May and June

1996 at 60 stations. Each fishing session lasted 30 minutes, and an

average of 100 organisms per 0.5 degree x 0.5 degree square were

caught. The hypothesis was that if water temperature is a factor

affecting squid movement, The squid catch was successful in an optimum

temperature range. With both exploratory and correlation analyses, the

conclusion was that the hypothesis was true.

PY: Publication Year


Record 22 of 47

Evaluation of different body parts of the giant squid (Dosidicus

gigas) powdered as meal in balanced diets for shrimp (Litopenaeus

vannamei) feeding

AU: Author

Martinez Vega, JA; Cruz Suarez, LE; Ricque Marie, D

SO: Source

Ciencia y mar. Vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 11-18. 2000.


The meal of different squid body parts were evaluated as shrimp food

in two different bioassays, seven diets were formulated for each

bioassay. Each diet was evaluated in quadruplicate with 15 shrimps per

aquarium. After 28 days the better results were those obtained with

squid tentacles meal with a significant growth rate of 34.9% respect

the control test.

PY: Publication Year


Record 23 of 47

Body composition and drying process of the giant squid Dosidicus


AU: Author

Martinez Vega, JA; Cruz Suarez, LE; Ricque Marie, D

SO: Source

Ciencia y mar. Vol. 4, no. 11, pp. 35-38. 2000.


A drying room of 1 ton capacity was built for drying fresh minced

giant squid and the yield after drying, considering the different

squid parts was assessed. Yield was 17.89% for the head, 16.13% for

tentacles, 14.5% for mantle and 14.5% for fins. Residual humidity was

3% in all the squid parts. The chemical composition of all the parts

was determined. Protein values ranged from 71.86% to 86.55% being the

richest part the fins.

PY: Publication Year


Record 24 of 47

Tracking experiments of the jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas, with

an ultrasonic telemetry system in the eastern Pacific Ocean

AU: Author

Yatsu, Akihiko; Yamanaka, Kan-ichi; Yamashiro, C

SO: Source

Bulletin of the National Research Institute of Far Seas Fisheries.

Shimizu [Bull. Natl. Res. Inst. Far Seas Fish.]. no. 36, pp. 55-60.



Vertical and horizontal movements of three individuals of Dosidicus

gigas (35-43 cm in mantle length) were observed with an ultrasonic

telemetry system in the area of the Costa Rica Dome and in Peruvian

waters in October-November, 1997. Squid were tagged and released

several hours after sunset and tracked for 8-14 hours. Swimming

activity was usually above 200 m depth during night and they dived to

bathypelagic (>1000 m) layer either at the time of twilight (two

experiments) or at O:55 in local time, five hours before the sunrise

(one experiment). The diving speed varied between 2 and 28 m/minute.

In every experiment, squid was lost since they probably dived beyond

the limit of the transmitters used (1,020 m).

PY: Publication Year


Record 25 of 47

Embryos and rhynchoteuthion paralarvae of the jumbo flying squid

Dosidicus gigas (Cephlopoda) obtained through artificial fertilization

from Peruvian waters

AU: Author

Yatsu, Akihiko; Tafur, R; Maravi, C

SO: Source

Fisheries science. Tokyo [Fish. Sci.]. Vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 904-908.



Shipboard artificial fertilization experiments were carried out during

November 1997 using four mature and mated females of Dosidicus gigas

(320-407 mm in mantle length) from Peruvian waters. A total of 167

hatchlings were obtained from about 3600 eggs which were kept at 18

degree C. Oviducal gland powder from the closely related species,

Ommastrephes bartramii, was effective in expansion of chorion, which

is essential for normal embryonic development. Hatching occurred 6-9

days after fertilization. Paralarvae survived up to 10 days after

hatching without feeding. Mantle length was 0.9-1.3 mm (mean 1.1 mm)

at hatching and increased to 1.1-1.5 mm (mean 1.4 mm) on the 7th day

after hatching. Proboscis suckers were equal in size. Length of long

axis of the statolith increased from ca.40 mu m at hatching to ca.60

mu m on the 4th day after hatching and remained around 63-67 mu m

until the 10th day. Daily increments were indistinct in the


PY: Publication Year


Record 26 of 47

Management strategy for the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) fishery in

the Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Hernandez-Herrera, A; Morales-Bojorquez, E; Cisneros-Mata, MA;

Nevarez-Martinez, MO; Rivera-Parra, GI

SO: Source

Reports of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations

[CalCOFI Rep.]. Vol. 39, pp. 212-218. Oct 1998.


A single-cohort biomass model was developed for a management strategy

using proportional escapement as a reference to control fishing effort

for the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) in the Gulf of California.

Biological information (length and weight frequencies) and fishery

statistics (catch and effort) from November 1995 to November 1996 for

the commercial fleet were analyzed. The data showed the presence of

one cohort of D. gigas, which recruited in May. This cohort supported

the fishery throughout the year. Using a biomass estimate from a

research cruise in the central area of the Gulf of California in

October 1996, the model predicted the highest levels of abundance from

October 1996 to January 1997. We suggest a proportional escapement,

estimated from the point of maximum biomass, between 27% and 40%, with

a remaining biomass of between 65,560 and 34,890 metric tons in May, a

month in which a new recruitment can be expected in the fishery.

PY: Publication Year


Record 27 of 47

Reproduction of the jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas (Orbigny,

1835) (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) off Peruvian coasts

AU: Author

Tafur, R; Rabi, M

SO: Source

ECOLOGY OF MARINE MOLLUSCS. pp. 33-37. Scientia Marina (Barcelona)

[SCI. MAR. (BARC.)]. Vol. 61, no. suppl. 2, Jul 1997.


A sample of 17,683 individuals of Dosidicus gigas was collected

between 1991 and 1994 from Japanese and Korean fishery boats by

on-board Peruvian observers. On the basis of a modification of the

Nesis (1970) macroscopic scale, four stages of maturity for females

and males were assessed. The mean mantle length at first maturity was

32 cm for females and 28 cm for males. For the period 1991 to 1994,

the spawning peaks were identified using three different methods; the

spawning progression (variation of the III stage over time). variation

of the nidamental gland index ((LNG/ML)x100) and the gonadosomatic

index (Gonad weight x 10 super(8)/ML super(3)). Spawning extends

throughout the year, but the most important spawning peak occurs

during October to January, without variation between the years of

study. Secondary peaks were identified during July and August. The

variation in nidamental gland length in relation to mantle length

provides an acceptable index to indicate when spawning occurs.

PY: Publication Year


Record 28 of 47

Improvement of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) muscle gelation by using

gelling ingredients

AU: Author

Gomez-Guillen, M; Montero, P*

SO: Source

Z. Lebensm.-Unters.-Forsch. (A Food Res. Technol.). Vol. 204, no. 5,

pp. 379-384. 1997.


Muscle of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) has a very poor

gel-forming capacity and, therefore, gelation-enhancing ingredients

are essential for the production of a gel of acceptable quality. Some

synergy between such ingredients was found, mainly when one or two

hydrocolloids (i-carrageenan or i-carrageenan and starch) were added

along with a non-muscle protein (egg-white, soy protein, casein or

gluten). The strongest gels were found to be those made with 1.5 %

NaCl and 76 % moisture containing i-carrageenan, starch and non-muscle


PY: Publication Year


Record 29 of 47

The proportional escapement and the use of the biological reference

point F sub(%BR), for the exploitation of the giant squid, Dosidicus

gigas, from Gulf of California, Mexico

AU: Author

Nevarez Martinez, MO; Morales Bojorquez, E

SO: Source

Oceanides. Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 97-105. 1997.


Information on catch (tons) and effort (fishing nights) was analyzed

weekly from November 5-11, 1995 to 25 February-2 March 1996. The

proportional escapement of spawning adults as a biological reference

point (F sub(%BR)), as an useful tool for the management of the

fishery was estimated. Results showed variation in the potential

effort within an interval of 4,900-6,000 fishing night, which could

permit exploitation during the next five to eight weeks. Proportional

escapement was higher than 50%. Exploitation of more cohorts need

estimation of their respective proportional escapement.

PY: Publication Year


Record 30 of 47

Population abundance of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) from the

coast of Sonora, Mexico

AU: Author

Morales Bojorquez, E; Hernandez Herrera, A; Nevarez Martinez, MO; Diaz

De Leon Corral, AJ; Rivera Parra, GI; Ramos Montiel, A

SO: Source

Oceanides. Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 89-95. 1997.


Population abundance of Dosidicus gigas was determined in Sonora,

Mexico. The catch/unit effort (CPUE) was analyzed from Oct 1995 to Mar

1996. Estimates were obtained by: a non linear method and a maximum

likelihood method with interaction between different fleets. The

results showed an effort increment and a change in the catch

(100t-600t/week), the CPUE decreased (15t-1.5t/fishing night). The

initial biomass with the non linear method was 146,352t and with the

maximum likelihood method was 80,800t. The catchability was 4.29x10

super(-4), and 1.49x10 super(-5)/vessels and artisanal fleet


PY: Publication Year


Record 31 of 47

Ultrastuctural and rheological changes during the gelation of giant

squid (Dosidicus gigas) muscle

AU: Author

Gomez-Guillen, C; Solas, T; Borderias, J; Montero, P

SO: Source

Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. Berlin,

Heidelberg [Z. LEBENSM.-UNTERS.-FORSCH.]. Vol. 202, no. 3, pp.

215-220. 1996.


The giant squid or dosidicus (Dosidicus gigas) is normally shipped

frozen from the coasts of America. During the period prior to

freezing-when conditions are not always optimum - and during frozen

storage, the functional capacity of the muscle proteins declines,

rendering the material useless for certain processes such as

conversion to gel. This paper examines the reasons for the lack of a

good gel-forming capacity as measured both rheologically (breaking

force, breaking deformation and gel strength) and in terms of

ultrastructure (scanning microscopy). The study was carried out at

four different temperatures known to be critical for fish muscle

protein gel formation, and at two salt concentrations. At 35 degree C

the structure was spongier in gels made with 1.5% NaCl, although a

true gel was still not formed, as shown by rheological measurements.

Above 30 degree C, the ultrastructure became more cellular,

particularly in samples made with 2.5% NaCl, at which concentration

gel strength values were higher. However, at neither salt

concentration nor at any of the experimental temperatures was the mesh

as spongy as in other fish gels reported in the literature. The values

of rheological analysis and folding test were correspondingly low.

PY: Publication Year


Record 32 of 47

Effect of heating temperature and sodium chloride concentration on

ultrastructure and texture of gels made from giant squid (Dosidicus

gigas) with addition of starch, iota -carrageenan and egg white

AU: Author

Gomez-Guillen, C; Solas, T; Borderias, J; Montero, P

SO: Source

Zeitschrift fur Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung. Berlin,

Heidelberg [Z. LEBENSM.-UNTERS.-FORSCH.]. Vol. 202, no. 3, pp.

221-227. 1996.


This paper seeks to compare the ultrastructure of gels made from

frozen muscle of giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) at various temperatures

with a number of different rheological parameters, with reference to a

variety of added ingredients (non-muscle proteins and hydrocolloids)

and to NaCl concentration. Interesting data on gel rheological

properties were found where formulae contained iota -carrageenan,

starch and egg white, with a low salt concentration (1.5%). This seems

to be because carrageenan forms an independent network which supports

the principal structure formed by the fish protein; starch is

incorporated into the network and retains water; and egg white forms a

supplementary network which helps to improve rheological properties.

PY: Publication Year


Record 33 of 47

The jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas (Orbigny, 1835) in Chile:

Analysis of an ephemeral fishery

AU: Author

Fernandez, F; Vazquez, JA

SO: Source

Estud. Oceanol. Fac. Recurs. Mar Univ. Antofagasta. Vol. 14, pp.

17-21. 1995.


The Jumbo Flying Squid fishery (Dosidicus gigas), was renewed during

1991 after 20 years, without commercial landing registers. The

commercial captures were concentrated between 29 and 34 degree S, with

sizes that varied between 77 and 103 cm of mantle length. The squid

market: Japan and Spain generated up to US$ 18 millions income between

1991 and June 1993.

PY: Publication Year


Record 34 of 47

Chemical composition of giant squid, Dosidicus gigas, caught from


AU: Author

Peng, Chun-Yang; Su, Suh-Yueh

SO: Source

Journal of Taiwan fisheries research. Keelung [J. TAIWAN FISH. RES.].

Vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 67-71. 1993.


The chemical composition of head-arm, mantle and fin of giant squid,

Dosidicus gigas, was analyzed. There were no distinct differences

among samples in the proximate composition, composition profiles of

amino acid and fatty acid and cholesterol content. The moisture, crude

protein, crude fat, ash and calorie content were 85.0 similar to

86.9%, 12.8 similar to 13.4%, 0.3%, 0.8 similar to 1.0% and 54 similar

to 56 Kcal/100 g, respectively. According to the amino acid analysis,

the protein of these samples was rich in essential amino acids. The

percentage ratios of saturated, monooic and polyoic acids in total

fatty acids were 73.2 similar to 75.7%, 9.7 similar to 11.0% and 13.9

similar to 15.8%, respectively. Cholesterol was 13.9 similar to 16.1

g/100 g of crude fat or 44.6 similar to 60.6 mg/100 g of meat.

PY: Publication Year


Record 35 of 47

Exploratory fishing for the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) on board

the Japanese vessel Shinko Maru No.2 (4 November - 17 December


AU: Author

Rubio R, J; Salazar C, C

SO: Source

Informe. Instituto del Mar del Peru. 1992.


The results are presented of investigations conducted on board the

Japanese vessel Shinko Maru 2 in order to evaluate the possibility of

the commercial exploitation of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) in

the Peruvian Sea. Two catching systems were used - jigging and drift

nets. The distribution of the giant squid was traced, observing the

best concentrations between Paita and Cabo Blanco in front of Punta

Sal and Zorritos. Length structure, biometrical relationships, CPUE,

maturity and sexual proportion were analyzed and discussed in relation

to the results of other authors.

PY: Publication Year


Record 36 of 47

Potential impact of a seasonal migratory jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas)

stock on a Gulf of California sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea )


AU: Author

Ehrhardt, NM

SO: Source

Bulletin of Marine Science. Vol. 49, no. 1-2, pp. 325-332. 1991.


The jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas ) inhabits the central eastern

Pacific. Annually, the species migrates with different intensities in

and out of the Gulf of California. In 1980 an unusually large squid

stock was observed in the Gulf. Extensive research on that migratory

stock resulted in new insights about the biology and population

dynamics of the jumbo squid. Further analyses are presented in this

paper which indicate that sardines were a significant component in the

jumbo squid diet. A quantitative assessment of the potential sardine

biomass consumption by jumbo squid was carried out by integrating

biological components. The results indicate that up to 60,000 metric

tons (mt) of sardines may have been consumed by jumbo squids during

their 9-month residence in the Gulf of California. Drop in total

sardine landings during the 1981 fishing season may be attributed at

least in part to an unusually high sardine mortality which may have

been induced by squid predation.

PY: Publication Year


Record 37 of 47

Fishery prospection of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas) aboard the

Japanese vessel Shinko Maru 2

AU: Author

Rubio, RJ; Salazar, CC

SO: Source

Informe. Instituto del Mar del Peru. Callao. no. 103, pp. 3-32. 1991.


An evaluation on the commercial exploitation of the giant squid

(Dosidicus gigas) in the Peruvian Sea was realized. Two catching

systems were used, namely, jigging and drift net. A 200 KH echosounder

was used to detect the squid schools. Higher concentrations were found

between Paita and Cabo Blanco, off Punta Sal and Zorritos. Vertically,

the giant squid occurs between 3-270 m. Length structure, biometrics,

CPUE, maturity and sex ratio were analyzed and discussed.

PY: Publication Year


Record 38 of 47

Notes on young squids dip-netted and incidentally jigged during the

exploratory fishing on Dosidicus gigas in the eastern Pacific,

December 1987 - March 1988.

AU: Author

Yamaguchi, H; Okutani, T

SO: Source

Journal of the Tokyo University of Fisheries [J. TOKYO UNIV.

FISH./TOKYO SUISANDAI KEMPO.]. Vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 1-8. 1990.


One hundred and nine specimens of young squids were identified. They

were caught from off Peru in the period from December 1987 to March

1988 during exploratory fishing of the jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas .

Six species were identified, the majority of them (97 out of 109) were

Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis . Six juvenile specimens (15.5-18.8 mm ML)

seemed to be D. gigas . Such a poverty of juvenile of D. gigas

suggests that the fishing ground does not coincide with the dispersal

area of juveniles. In contrast to this, the present finding shows an

extensive dispersion of juveniles of S. oualaniensis in the surveyed


PY: Publication Year


Record 39 of 47

Food spectrum of squid Dosidicus gigas (Oegopsida) and its variations

in ontogenesis.

AU: Author

Shchetinnikov, AS

SO: Source

Zoologicheskij zhurnal. Moscow. Vol. 68, no. 7, pp. 28-39. 1989.


A study was made of stomach content of 280 specimens of Dosidicus

gigas with mantle length of 2-42 cm caught in the Southeast Pacific.

The analysis of food composition, size and number of prey with the

account of literature data on morphology, growth, behaviour and

ecology in ontogenesis allowed for distinguishing 4 stages: 1) larval

stage (mantle length of up to 1 cm), 2) fry and juvenile stage

(macronecton epipelagic plankton-eaters 2-10 cm long), 3)

moderate-size nictoepipelagic predators (15-33 cm), and 4) large

nictoepipelagic predators (over 40-42 cm). Ontogenetic stages

alternate with transitional (critical) periods during which squids

change their mode of life and pass over to the higher trophic level.

PY: Publication Year


Record 40 of 47

Biological characteristics of jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) caught in

open waters of the eastern Central Pacific from October to December


AU: Author

Koronkiewicz, A

SO: Source



On the basis of jigger catches in open waters of the Eastern Central

Pacific (from Costa Rica to Mexico), it was found that the abundance

of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas was connected with the range of

divergence zones - there were more squids in the areas of influence of

upwelling. For this reason, squids migrated periodically from

north-west to south-east and back, depending in changes in the range

of divergence zone. Squids caught belong to several sub-populations;

modal mantle lengths (DML) were 26, 40, and 67 cm for females and 24,

48, and 77 cm for males. The squids were growing and developing.

Mature specimens predominated among males and immature among females.

Feeding activity of squids increased with the passage of night time.

Their stomachs were most filled with fresh food at dawn (at a time of

better feeding conditions) or in the second half of the night (at a

time of worse feeding conditions).

PY: Publication Year


Record 41 of 47

Biological analysis and stock assessment of the giant squid Dosidicus

gigas in the Gulf of California, Mexico during 1980.

AU: Author

Ehrhardt, NM; Solis, A; Pierre, J; Ortiz, J; Ulloa, P; Gonzalez, G;

Garcia, F

SO: Source

Ciencia pesquera. Mexico City. no. 5, pp. 63-76. 1986.


The taxonomy of Dosidicus gigas , as well as its identification key,

are presented. Also, an analysis of its world distribution and a

diagram of its migration along the California Gulf during 1980,

including feeding, maturity and possible breeding periods are showed.

Natural mortality, CPUE, and exploitation rate were analyzed. The

population is composed by several subpopulations, which coincide in

their recruitment season. Optimal conditions for fishery activities

occur from May to September.

PY: Publication Year

Record 42 of 47

Preliminary study for determination of the giant squid Dosidicus

gigas gonadic maturity.

AU: Author

Michel, E; Klett, A; Ochoa, RI

SO: Source

Ciencia pesquera. Mexico City. no. 5, pp. 77-89. 1986.


With the aim of simplifying the identification of gonadic maturity

stages and also defining the preliminary basis for a detailed study of

the reproductive cycle of the giant squid, Dosidicus gigas , the

different stages of sexual maturity in males and females, at macro and

microscopic levels are described. Four stages are defined for females

and three for males that may be associated with the distinctive

characteristics of the reproductive apparatus. All these may be

applied to realize an empirical scale of maturity, by means of direct

observations of the gonads external morphology.

PY: Publication Year


Record 43 of 47

Management and exploitation of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas )

AU: Author

Vazquez Novoa, MCH


An evaluation was made of capture techniques and fish

handling/processing methods used onboard, regarding the Dosidicus

gigas fishery. An examination was also made of three squid products,

determining their consumer acceptability.

PY: Publication Year


Record 44 of 47

On the fishery and biology of the giant squid Dosidicus gigas in the

Gulf of California, Mexico.

AU: Author

Ehrhardt, NM; Jacquemin, PS; Gracia B., F; Gonzales D., G; Lopez B.,

JM; Ortiz C., J; Solis N., A


The population of giant squid (D. gigas ) in the Gulf of California is

clearly a single stock with multiple cohorts. These migrate separately

on occasions but are contemporaneous: their recruitment to the major

fishing grounds occurs around May each year. From May to September the

stock presents the highest densities and thus an optimum situation for

the fishery. The cohorts grow at different rates depending on their

birth date, and probably their natural mortality rates are equally

different even though it has been impossible to measure this parameter

separately for each cohort as yet. Stock assessment analyses indicate

that after explosive fishery development, the stock is approaching the

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Management schemes are difficult to

define unless the fishery is regulated in terms of the less productive


PY: Publication Year


Record 45 of 47

Dosidicus gigas

AU: Author

Nesis, KN


The author provides a description of the life cycle of Dosidicus gigas.

After a brief introduction and using references to the literature,

he describes: 1) egg stage; 2) juvenile stage; 3) growth; 4)

maturation; 5) reproduction; 6) mortality; 7) ecology. A map showing

the geographical distribution of the species is included.

PY: Publication Year


Record 46 of 47

Preliminary study on the reproductive system of the giant squid

Dosidicus gigas (D'Orbigny 1835) Mollusca: Cephalopoda in the Gulf of


AU: Author

Ochoa Baez, RI

SO: Source

TRANS. CIBCASIO. Vol. 6, pp. 187-203. 1982.


The giant squid Dosidicus gigas of the Gulf of California is an

important food resource in Mexico. The reproductive system of these

animals, collected during all of 1980, is described. In the females,

an ovary, a set of nidamental glands, and a set of accessory

nidamental glands, were found. Histological studies revealed the

presence of eggs in different stages of development together with

follicular cells. The advanced mature stage coincided with the

presence of vitelline platelets. In the males the testes, the efferent

duct, a spermatophoric sack and organ and a penis were found. The

histological studies showed different stages of the spermatogenesis

and nutritional cells.

PY: Publication Year


Record 47 of 47

Abundance explosion of the Jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, on the high

seas of the Peruvian region in relation to anomalous oceanographic


AU: Author

Bendik, AB

SO: Source

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Palaegade 2-4

DK-1261 Copenhagen Denmark. [vp].


The research cruise of the RV "Atlantniro" (June-November, 1991) was

aimed to investigate reasons of an unusual high abundance of the Jumbo

squid off the exclusive economic zone of Peru. It was discovered that

this anomalous situation happened because of the large-scale advection

of the warm tropical waters southward. These waters carried large

aggregations of the Jumbo squid into high seas. Simultaneously, a

contrary flux of the cold Peruvian Current was intensified. The

gradient zone between these waters has been used by the Jumbo squid to

forage, as well as by some other predators such as skipjack tuna. This

squid abundance explosion allowed the introduction of a large-scale

fishery targeting D.gigas.

PY: Publication Year


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