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Newport, Ri - 2009 Squid Season
[quote name='Hotdogfishing' post='14657' date='Apr 30 2009, 01:10 AM']I was at Goat Island last night "heard" of squid being caught, but did not see any. Can anyone tell me when the season usually begins? Also, I caught a half dozen herring on a Xmas tree rig (shrimp imitation). Are the herring common here? any ideas on how long the herring are around for? I am not from the area so this is mostly a guessing game for me. Trying to catch some bait from shore until the boat hits the water in a couple of weeks. Any help would be really appreciated.[/quote]

FYI, catching/landing Herring in RI/MA is NOT advised. You could get into some serious trouble with the DEM.
Thinking of trying my luck for a few hours this evening. Wish me luck! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/clover.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Will post results...


Join our "Squidfish RI" facebook group.
Good luck!!!
[Image: 54297976.jpg]

G.I.S.S. Member #002
[quote name='daveydave' post='14640' date='Apr 29 2009, 07:27 PM']was thinking about going on a frances fleet squid trip on sat. but they usually get them after newport. so i guess no squidding this weekend. figure maybe go out to boston to walsh's and catch some haddock. then checked the weather, and they probably aint going out this sat. damnn, gonna be stuck with the hack <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> for the weekend. pls help me god, bring in the squid. i'll repent[/quote]

I'm on sat's Walsh's trip. Look me up if you go. I'm pretty sure they will sail.

[quote name='1tym' post='14654' date='Apr 30 2009, 01:03 AM']they are going out.. noaa predicts decent weather.. maybe a little rain..

will b there myself.[/quote]

I'll be there also, look me up. Hopefully, I'll be the one with the pool fish! lol

[quote name='pearldiver' post='14673' date='May 1 2009, 12:34 AM']I'll be there also, look me up. Hopefully, I'll be the one with the pool fish! lol


I dont know.. i usually can pursuade tommy to dark side with my food =)
Hey folks,

Just got home from PA for a two week visit with friends there. I figured first thing I would do was, log on here, to get the latest news. Looks like I haven't missed much of anything, thats a good thing, and looks like the temps are almost to where I like to see them, before I head on the 2 hour trip to GI...

New for us this year, my wife and I purchased an older RV, but it's in mint condition and runs great It's a GMC Leisure Craft, fully self contained and sleeps 6 with no problems. It's not much wider than lets say a Dodge 3500 wide body truck. It's roughly 16 ft long and really handles like driving a big van or small box truck. My question is this, do you think the police would chase me out of the parking strip, by the sea wall just before getting on the bridge?....Would the hotel let me park there for a fee? Is there parking nearby for such a vehical?...Any and all info would be very helpfull. We really ( Me,Wife,and Son) want to visit with the RV. This would not only be nice for a quick cat nap, but we could fire up the stove an make some on the spot freash squid, to chow down on. Looking for all suggestions and input.

Flukeprodigy, I'lll be calling you soon.

Lets all pray for a better season than last season.


[quote name='Tatonka' post='14669' date='Apr 30 2009, 09:28 AM']FYI, catching/landing Herring in RI/MA is NOT advised. You could get into some serious trouble with the DEM.[/quote]

As more of a note from when I saw someone get busted last year. it is not only illegal to catch / land but also just to possess them and at any point in the year. Just as a warning for those who might want to try and freeze them for a later date or go to NH and buy them you can still get busted for it in MA and RI.
[quote name='Moalboaldiver' post='14675' date='Apr 30 2009, 10:50 AM']Hey folks,

Just got home from PA for a two week visit with friends there. I figured first thing I would do was, log on here, to get the latest news. Looks like I haven't missed much of anything, thats a good thing, and looks like the temps are almost to where I like to see them, before I head on the 2 hour trip to GI...

New for us this year, my wife and I purchased an older RV, but it's in mint condition and runs great It's a GMC Leisure Craft, fully self contained and sleeps 6 with no problems. It's not much wider than lets say a Dodge 3500 wide body truck. It's roughly 16 ft long and really handles like driving a big van or small box truck. My question is this, do you think the police would chase me out of the parking strip, by the sea wall just before getting on the bridge?....Would the hotel let me park there for a fee? Is there parking nearby for such a vehical?...Any and all info would be very helpfull. We really ( Me,Wife,and Son) want to visit with the RV. This would not only be nice for a quick cat nap, but we could fire up the stove an make some on the spot freash squid, to chow down on. Looking for all suggestions and input.[/quote]

My suggestion to be abolutly sure you wont be harassed I would say the walmart on connel highway like 3 or 4 minutes from the causeway. they welcome rvers in there parking lot over night. if you are early in the year you might be able to get away with parking on the street if you take a left at the stop sign before the bridge. also early in the season around that corner is some public parking that dosent get full till weekends or around memorial day. you might be able to get away with parking there. I would stay away from the causeway turnout or the island as there is no real public parking on the island and the causeway turnout has 2 hour maximum signs up after a few hours or a day or two you might attract the cops.

best of luck though enjoy your squidding
[quote name='startfish' post='14678' date='Apr 30 2009, 01:26 PM']but in Boston even now, still many people are using live herring. In next two weeks, the herring will pass by[/quote]

What do they use herring for? striped bass <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> ?

Quote:My question is this, do you think the police would chase me out of the parking strip, by the sea wall just before getting on the bridge?

It would not be fair to other squidders if your RV takes up a spot for days, they might call the cops over to enforce the "2 hour" parking rule. Try any private house there to see if they let you park in their driveway for a fee.
For those expect about DEM,

I would like to know 2 things, If you have a Herring in your hand then it is illegal, Then how come fishing bait allow to sell them ??? If you take it out of fishing bait store, isn't that illegal already ???

Second question: If you stand at CT and NH border and cast my line over RI or MA to catch Herring !!! Is it legal or illegal?


There was definietly a lot of herring there last night. I saw some folks jigging for herring, Im sure they knew it was illegal they didn't care.

On the other note. Huge clouds of baitfish. Also a school of squid but it didnt touch the jigs. Hopefully next week is better.
[quote name='spawnle' post='14680' date='Apr 30 2009, 02:07 PM']For those expect about DEM,

I would like to know 2 things, If you have a Herring in your hand then it is illegal, Then how come fishing bait allow to sell them ??? If you take it out of fishing bait store, isn't that illegal already ???

Second question: If you stand at CT and NH border and cast my line over RI or MA to catch Herring !!! Is it legal or illegal?



Just follow the law, the only way around it is the sea run herring. Any herring that are bought or sold in the stores would be sea run. The river run are OFF LIMITS!!

And don't think that the Enviro police aren't reading the reports. I hope they make a stop down there and bust the people that are breaking the laws. I got boarded by the coasties in Buzzards bay on Tues. No problems for me, I was happy to have them. But, I was absolutely disgusted by the few people that I saw throwing short fish over the side from other boats. They take note of the boats that up and take off when they show up.

Last point, I consider it bad carma to break the laws on the water. Especially when it comes to the posession of illegal fish. Bad things will come to those who aren't nice to mother nature.
[quote name='spawnle' post='14680' date='Apr 30 2009, 02:07 PM']If you have a Herring in your hand then it is illegal, Then how come fishing bait allow to sell them ??? If you take it out of fishing bait store, isn't that illegal already ???[/quote]

Atlantic Herring v.s. Blueback Herring
[quote name='eatfish' post='14682' date='Apr 30 2009, 02:22 PM']Just follow the law, the only way around it is the sea run herring. Any herring that are bought or sold in the stores would be sea run. The river run are OFF LIMITS!!

And don't think that the Enviro police aren't reading the reports. I hope they make a stop down there and bust the people that are breaking the laws. I got boarded by the coasties in Buzzards bay on Tues. No problems for me, I was happy to have them. But, I was absolutely disgusted by the few people that I saw throwing short fish over the side from other boats. They take note of the boats that up and take off when they show up.

Last point, I consider it bad carma to break the laws on the water. Especially when it comes to the posession of illegal fish. Bad things will come to those who aren't nice to mother nature.[/quote]

^Absolutely Agree^
[quote name='Tatonka' post='14684' date='May 1 2009, 04:58 AM']^Absolutely Agree^[/quote]

Well it's final. My wife and son and I will be at GIB, very early Sat and stay till Sunday evening. Hopefully we will catch a good strong run or two, for all the hours we plan on putting in. Flukeprod, I can't find your number, I could have sworn it was in my PM's. Can you resend please, and if you want, your welcome to come along with us for the weekend if your free. My RV sleeps 6 very easily.

Ned in New Britain AKA " MOALBOALDIVER"
[quote name='Moalboaldiver' post='14685' date='May 1 2009, 05:14 AM']Well it's final. My wife and son and I will be at GIB, very early Sat and stay till Sunday evening. Hopefully we will catch a good strong run or two, for all the hours we plan on putting in. Flukeprod, I can't find your number, I could have sworn it was in my PM's. Can you resend please, and if you want, your welcome to come along with us for the weekend if your free. My RV sleeps 6 very easily.

Ned in New Britain AKA " MOALBOALDIVER"[/quote]

I was pretty sure herring (alewives) fed on plankton and never heard they would hit a lure or jig, that seems very odd to me. Also, are you sure people are using herring as bait and not bunker(menhaden, pogies)??? A lot of timed people confuse them
or maybe shad? SHad will hit lures and feed on small bait. Dont know when they show up, may be early for them
[quote name='basser' post='14686' date='Apr 30 2009, 03:52 PM']I was pretty sure herring (alewives) fed on plankton and never heard they would hit a lure or jig, that seems very odd to me. Also, are you sure people are using herring as bait and not bunker(menhaden, pogies)??? A lot of timed people confuse them[/quote]

This time of year on GI bridge they are definitely Herring. I used to catch loads them there years ago when they were legal. Pogies/menhaden are the plankton eaters. Thats why you got net/snag them.


Yall pissing me off. Lets clear the confusion.

In massachusetts (i know this is a RI SQUID thread)...

Before i begin. please redirect yourself to the thread title. HERRING regulations.

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