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Newport, Ri - 2009 Squid Season
4/27/09, 8-11p

water temp 50-47f

No squid in sight
just got back from sakonnet point and nothing... a bunch of baitfish, but not a squid in sight...

Hey Snaildarter, I got to go out on the American Classic last friday. Awesome trip, several hundred fish, everyone limited out. I'm going again this sat. and I signed up for the george banks overnight trip as well. I might as well stock up on cod, haddock, and pollock while the bite is on. I'm still waiting for the official "THE SQUID ARE IN!" report.

[quote name='KingSquidWithTheBiggest...' post='14598' date='Apr 27 2009, 08:33 PM']i have not tried to squid from PJ, but i have seen them there in the past while at the wheelhouse....[/quote]

Wedid pretty well last year off of the Pt. Judith Beaches between Carpenters and The 5 Cottages in around 30 ft of water. This was in early May. Snaildarter
[quote name='pearldiver' post='14603' date='Apr 28 2009, 08:08 AM']Hey Snaildarter, I got to go out on the American Classic last friday. Awesome trip, several hundred fish, everyone limited out. I'm going again this sat. and I signed up for the george banks overnight trip as well. I might as well stock up on cod, haddock, and pollock while the bite is on. I'm still waiting for the official "THE SQUID ARE IN!" report.


Me too Pearl Diver. That's good news with the cod. We had a similar trip last Monday on the Walsh boat out of Lynn MA My buddy took his own boat out to Stellwagon on Sat and got their limit by about noon. I'm signed up for the 25 man squid fishing charter out of Hyannis on May 8th via will report on this site upon the return. Snaildarter
the water getting warmer maybe tonight is the nite
[quote name='Snaildarter' post='14605' date='Apr 28 2009, 08:52 AM']I'm signed up for the 25 man squid fishing charter out of Hyannis on May 8th via will report on this site upon the return. Snaildarter[/quote]

Those are daytime trips, correct? I'm considering taking my boat over there from point judith. I need to shake it down before taking it south...

Any idea what areas they target? Just a general sense would be fine.

[quote name='evil401' post='14606' date='Apr 28 2009, 09:05 AM']the water getting warmer maybe tonight is the nite[/quote]

I was at the causeway bridge last night. For the first time this year, I can say I've seen squid in the water with my own eyes, but they were definitely not biting. They are here, but they're not yet hungry. They weren't crashing the bait either, but were just slowly swimming around the bait cloud that our lights had created. I did see a guy with a sabiki rig snag 2 of them. There was a ton of bait, and as a result, the herring were having a feeding frenzy all night.

Some guys were using sabiki rigs to catch herring. A word to the wise here. Catching and, more importantly, just possessing herring is illegal in Rhode Island (and Mass and CT as well). Nobody who loves to fish is happy about this, but most anglers and organizations such as RISAA support the ban as herring stocks have fallen to dangerously low levels. If you don't want to play by the rules, that's up to you, but I have seen DEM officers stop and check buckets on the bridge at least once within the last 2 years.



It'll be interesting to see what happens when we go to saltwater licenses next year.

Don't get me started on the fluke regs either. Anyone hear the latest for this season? There was supposed to be hearing on April 22 or so, but I haven't seen anything yet.
[quote name='George' post='14611' date='Apr 28 2009, 11:59 AM']I was at the causeway bridge last night. For the first time this year, I can say I've seen squid in the water with my own eyes, but they were definitely not biting. They are here, but they're not yet hungry. They weren't crashing the bait either, but were just slowly swimming around the bait cloud that our lights had created. I did see a guy with a sabiki rig snag 2 of them. There was a ton of bait, and as a result, the herring were having a feeding frenzy all night.

Some guys were using sabiki rigs to catch herring. A word to the wise here. Catching and, more importantly, just possessing herring is illegal in Rhode Island (and Mass and CT as well). Nobody who loves to fish is happy about this, but most anglers and organizations such as RISAA support the ban as herring stocks have fallen to dangerously low levels. If you don't want to play by the rules, that's up to you, but I have seen DEM officers stop and check buckets on the bridge at least once within the last 2 years.



It'll be interesting to see what happens when we go to saltwater licenses next year.

Don't get me started on the fluke regs either. Anyone hear the latest for this season? There was supposed to be hearing on April 22 or so, but I haven't seen anything yet.[/quote]


When it comes to Herring, even accidentally landing them is a no-no. Very strict mandate, big fines....
[quote name='greg ct' post='14609' date='Apr 28 2009, 10:01 AM']Those are daytime trips, correct? I'm considering taking my boat over there from point judith. I need to shake it down before taking it south...

Any idea what areas they target? Just a general sense would be fine.


Greg, I don't know where they go Greg. They are daytime trips. I know that when the squid are thick in the harbor, they stay there. Otherwise they may go out a mile or two till they find them. I'm going because I've never been there before and want to get a feel for the place. If I like it I'll bring my boat there too. There's a good picture of the Hyannis fleet squiding on the site but you can't tell where theuy are from the picture. Snaildarter
[quote name='spawnle' post='14550' date='Apr 25 2009, 11:06 PM']Can someone catch something <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':boat:' /> ... A rock would be good :-)



Someone clamed that they caught. They caught by unusual means, not snagging or jig. So it is first squid at April 27. According to the [url=""]table[/url] the [color="#800000"]flukeprodigy[/color] won. Man I will have to save you some squid jigs next time I go diving. Congrads!

Water temp last night was 47.5 by my thermometer at the causeway. Still too cold. FYI my reading are usually 2.5 degrees less then the internet posting from the base. Personally I am looking at that magic 51.


[quote name='Alan' post='14622' date='Apr 29 2009, 11:34 AM']


Someone clamed that they caught. They caught by unusual means, not snagging or jig. So it is first squid at April 27. According to the [url=""]table[/url] the [color="#800000"]flukeprodigy[/color] won. Man I will have to save you some squid jigs next time I go diving. Congrads!

Water temp last night was 47.5 by my thermometer at the causeway. Still too cold. FYI my reading are usually 2.5 degrees less then the internet posting from the base. Personally I am looking at that magic 51.



Thank you thank you <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':boat:' />

51 you say?

Coastal Water Temperatures

Place: Temperature:

Quonset Point, RI 53 °F

Providence, RI 57 °F

Conimicut Light, RI 57 °F

Newport, RI 51.1 °F

Fall River, MA 57.0 °F

Woods Hole, MA 48.9 °F

New London, CT 52.0 °F

I thought it seemed a bit high but that's according to
Squid: The other other OTHER white meat
I hope they get hungry SAt. night. Myself and a few friends will make a run at it this weekend. I am sure they will be co-operative by the weekend after but still hoping this weekend isn't a bust!

I can only assume by the silence on the site in the past couple days, that someone is catching!!!
[Image: 54297976.jpg]
Hello all,

I will be at GI on friday, regardless what Mr. A, B, C.... said .... I don't care if it is snow to thunderstome .... I will be there, I got my E-Zpass today, One last thing, I want to try out my generator first time this year ....

Thank you Alan for your report

7:30p to 10:15 tonight + jamestown = nothing tonight

will try again this weekend
[quote name='KingSquidWithTheBiggest...' post='14628' date='Apr 28 2009, 11:11 PM']7:30p to 10:15 tonight + jamestown = nothing tonight

will try again this weekend[/quote]

Hey King,

What time do you plan to go? I'm going to try and drag one or both of my sons down to Jamestown either Friday or Saturday evening. We usually hit the pier at the marina where the old East ferry used to dock. If I can make it Friday I'll be there around 8:00 PM till whenever. Saturday probably much earlier. Maybe we'll see you there.

went to fort getty last nite saw a lonely one swiming around but no action
[quote name='George' post='14611' date='Apr 28 2009, 11:59 AM']I was at the causeway bridge last night. For the first time this year, I can say I've seen squid in the water with my own eyes, but they were definitely not biting. They are here, but they're not yet hungry. They weren't crashing the bait either, but were just slowly swimming around the bait cloud that our lights had created. I did see a guy with a sabiki rig snag 2 of them. There was a ton of bait, and as a result, the herring were having a feeding frenzy all night.

Some guys were using sabiki rigs to catch herring. A word to the wise here. Catching and, more importantly, just possessing herring is illegal in Rhode Island (and Mass and CT as well). Nobody who loves to fish is happy about this, but most anglers and organizations such as RISAA support the ban as herring stocks have fallen to dangerously low levels. If you don't want to play by the rules, that's up to you, but I have seen DEM officers stop and check buckets on the bridge at least once within the last 2 years.



It'll be interesting to see what happens when we go to saltwater licenses next year.

Don't get me started on the fluke regs either. Anyone hear the latest for this season? There was supposed to be hearing on April 22 or so, but I haven't seen anything yet.[/quote]

yea i was at fort getty saw one swiming but i think i'm going to try the charter boat friday francesfleet 40
Whats the address for the Jamestown spot. Can anyone help me out with that?
[quote name='Garren' post='14634' date='Apr 29 2009, 10:23 AM']Whats the address for the Jamestown spot. Can anyone help me out with that?[/quote]

Google "Fort Getty RI".

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