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Northern Port Phillip Bay, Vic
[quote name='mikii_v' post='18038' date='Mar 31 2010, 12:42 PM']that's some very good catch dr drift !!!

thanks for the regular updates !!!

Im landbased so its a shame the squiddies around altona and pt cook don't come into the piers like mornington and queenscliff...i wonder why...or do they ? i havn't heard.

hey i have always want to catch those gar fish, what hook size would i be looking at for those gars ?? oh and also the samon??? i'v always had trouble with fish + hook sizes.

im heading out somewhere in the southern part this weekend, not sure where yet.


Thanks Mikii v,

I mostly fish of a boat, so dont know of piers to get squid round altona, only place i have had great success would be flinders.

As for the gars, use the most tiny hook you can get. I dont remember the size but its tiny! mainline to float, to split sinker than hook. Use crushed squid as bait. As for salmon, I use small size metal lugs. And when they are busting up on the surface, you can throw any type of lure and they cant help themselves! I want to try soutern end this weekend too. Maybe Queenscliff...Squidlies down that way are so much bigger, have landed 3kg+ down that way! Just its alittle far from Altona, 45klms I think by boat...Anyway good luck and Hopefully Ill be reading one of your post(reports) on your catch soon...

Dr Drift...

the only lights I use at night are street lights along the harbour , tigers do get curious by the lights but I think they use it to make hunting a bit easier for themselves.

I enjoy the daytime sight fishing as you learn a lot about the fussy mongrels and what they will and wont do and it all adds to the bag you take home , I've still got squid in the freezer from last year as it was a cracker of a year for squid up here.

make squid your friend...then bag them
[quote name='ru 12 mug' post='18044' date='Mar 31 2010, 10:04 PM']Doc

the only lights I use at night are street lights along the harbour , tigers do get curious by the lights but I think they use it to make hunting a bit easier for themselves.

I enjoy the daytime sight fishing as you learn a lot about the fussy mongrels and what they will and wont do and it all adds to the bag you take home , I've still got squid in the freezer from last year as it was a cracker of a year for squid up here.



Brizzy squid love lights, next time give it ago, get the brighties lights you can get ahold of and shine them into the water, they will come up to the light source, especally on nights with no moon. The darker the better...Unfortunatly it doesnt work here in Melbourne. Ive tried countless times and they dont like it.

Dr Drift...

the lights around the harbour are fine as you just walk from light to light picking them off as you go...too bloody easy and I dont have to lug a light set up down there.

full moon out on another area is a must as they are right at the rocks edge and you can see the buggers right at your feet..too easy once again.

make squid your friend...then bag them
Hello All,

Last two days fishing,

We went out yesterday and it was beautiful on the water, calm and flat. Our aim for the day was Squidlies but unfortunatly we did not get on to them and only managed 1 tiny squid.So called it quits and headed to a pinkie mark which always produces! We ended up with 10 pinkies ranging from 29cm to 37cm, when I then saw a bunch of birds working the water in the distance, So off we went to get ourselves some Salmon. It was just one after the other! Double hookups and me and my father just swapping, driving the boat and winding up salmon at the same time! Good team work and we managed to get 40, when we decided to stop! Also got on the radio to call over other friends and they all managed to get some salmon too. Covered in blood we called it the day...

[Image: 010410002.jpg]


Cause it was a public holiday, we took out a couple friends that have no boat but love to fish, It was alittle choppy but our friends where so keen, so we took them to a mark that we knew had been firing with pinkies. We ended up with 29 pinkies ranging from 29cm to 39cm in an hour, Then we decided to take them to fish for some squidlies, we ended up with 20 and I managed to catch a 1kg squid, which they had never seen before. Whilst fishing for squidlies, I saw birds working again, Took them over and let them have ago at the Salmon and they ended up getting 20. Me and my father didnt get any and let our mates fish for the salmon, as we had already got so many yesterday and we just loved watching our mates falling over themselves with joy catching the salmon. We than decided to call it the day and head home to our wifes and kids to have a BBQ. So now its time to relax and enjoy what we have caught....Our friends cant stop smiling from ear to ear and they reckon it was the best mornings fishing that they have ever had!

[Image: 020410010.jpg]

Hope you all have a happy and safe easter with your family!

Dr Drift...
you've been having a ball on the salmon and pinkies Doc..good work mate

make squid your friend...then bag them
[quote name='ru 12 mug' post='18061' date='Apr 2 2010, 05:48 PM']you've been having a ball on the salmon and pinkies Doc..good work mate


Thanks Mug,

Yes the salmon are fun on lightish gear.... and cause you have to spot the birds working and then using the boat to chase them down, than cast retrieve, cast retrieve and BANG your on... sort of like hunting...its a blast, than double hook ups and cross lines during the fight, plus who driving the boat, than hang on the went that way...hecktic but fun...

Dr Drift...

memories of chasing mackeral and tuna in the bay

i used to buy my slugs by the hundred's,

if a fish couldn't spool me in less than 1 minute, i was fishing too heavy

great fun <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rod:' />
I got a big longtail one morning up the rous that took me an hour and a quarter to land and the bugger and it was well over the 20kg mark and my arms just wanted to fall off after that.

good way to break in my new abu 7000

make squid your friend...then bag them
[quote name='ru 12 mug' post='18075' date='Apr 3 2010, 08:34 PM']I got a big longtail one morning up the rous that took me an hour and a quarter to land and the bugger and it was well over the 20kg mark and my arms just wanted to fall off after that.

good way to break in my new abu 7000


Yea Yea, Northerners just rubbing it in whereas us mexicans only have little fish in our pond....jk....

Sounds awesome mate....

Dr Drift...
not so guys have bigger snapper down there than we do up here....bastards hahahahahaha

and whiting too.....think I'll shut up now hahahaha

make squid your friend...then bag them
Went out this morning for a fish and got 7 squidlies but they were small and i mean small... Water was so clear you could see the bottom in great detail, it was like a mirrior on top. So I not sure if that made them alittle spooked?

Dr Drift...

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