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2017 Rhode Island Squid Report
The bouy in Newport sound is reading 46 degrees today so with the warm weather we are having this week it might actually be worth dropping a jig in next weekend. Good luck and happy squiding. Also, a couple of the commercial boats have brought in fresh squid out of Galilee but I have no idea how far south or how deep they had been fishing. Seawell seafood in Pawcatuck/Stonington was selling some of the aforementioned fresh Point Judith squid for a whopping $8.99 a pound (whole and uncleaned). I know its still technically out of season and I have seen fresh squid prices creep up with each passing year but Yowza. For the record, seawell usually has good prices for quality fresh fish so my statement above is no knock on them.

Got a good feeling the run is strong this weekend!!!
Have seen a picture of a few in a bucket from last night. hopefully there will be more like that to come after the new moon

I went out Monday night for a hour and a half no luck but there's a lot of bait in at the marina in Middletown
the new moon should be a great day to try,  will be looking next Friday

Today's on the water website Rhode Island fishing report mentions a good wave of squid and mackerel have entered into Newport has anyone been out in the last couple of days.also bait shop in providence reported first squid of the year has been caught on rod an reel in Rhode Island
Hey guys new to the forum, but been squid fishing for 20 years in RI and boston area. I do A LOT OF KAYAK FISHING in salt water for  tautog, scup, SQUID, fluke. 


I have a 13 foot canoe/kayak hybrid with lowrance hook 4 finder. I made actual mount for the transducer that is in the water and works like a charm. I am fortunate to be able to weld aluminum. ill post a pic when i get a chance.



I go kayaking for squid in the fore river in weymouth/quincy, nut island and a ton of fishing off second beach in RI


I look forward to maybe meeting you guys in newport or out on the water!

Went to pt Judith 4/19 no action . Small baitfish though
Still been 46 - 48 degree water temp.   I think they were talking about deeper in the middle

of the bay.  Still that means their on their way in.  Usually May 1 st when they really start to

move in and that to me means 20 - 50 feet of water.   Nut island off of Boston someone

reported a full bucket in 4 hrs.  That I find strange as water temp there must be colder.

Stranger things have happened like someone catching a sail fish in the Cape Cod Canal

on spinning gear from shore.

My friend wad down there at nut island.. no ink spots and no squid were caught it was a hoax.
I went to goat island last night, used my green light in the water. It attracted a lot of bait fish but no squid. All I caught was a small bass on the squid jig.
hey guys. whats up. I'm new to this site. Trying to figure out how this site works. but I've been reading posts about the squid fishing and stuff from months on in. I been fishing in Newport for awhile now. I mainly go on the weekends like Friday night into Saturday or Friday night into Sunday. But I tried squid fishing Friday night and nothing was good tide was doing down and went home a sad little boy lol. Hopefully the weather Permits to be good this weekend so I can try it out one more time. Hows the Striper Fishing

Theres a few good spot in Newport to go fishing for squid not just the goat island bridge.

I fish at fort adams state park

the goat island bridge

the boat docks where the fishermen come in from sea.

and I seem to catch pretty decent squid around just about everywhere I go.

What are the thoughts for this weekend off of Hyannis? 

Come get your squid jig at Asian star market 10 bucks a pop for yamashita egi!!! 678 elmwood ave in providence Rhode Island cheapest jig around . They carry Coleman jigs and yozuri too!! Tell them sonny you guys!!!
I went to Hyannis last weekend the water was 48.5 degrees however no Squid yet.
Can't wait for the season to start. this will be my third year trying. It's a 3 hour drive for me. Still learning.

Has anyone ever used an ahi squid catcher.  It is like a sabiki rig.



Saw this posted in reports today.


John at Eastman’s Sport and Tackle had fresh news about schoolies in the harbors on the Buzzards Bay side of the Cape. He also said the squid are in. Most of the boats are catching in the waters between Hyannis and Cotuit, but a few squid are cruising around Falmouth.  Andy Nabreski say a good sized group of squid ghosting through the lights of Falmouth Harbor, but only managed to catch one before they took off.

 EJ, I tried one of those, decided it was made to catch fishermen's money, not squid. I do much better with a single "prawn" style jig or a hi-lo rig with two prawn type of jigs. 


Edgartown harbormaster hasn't seen any squid there yet. I try in Stonington, CT the  last weekend in April every year due to being there on business, and have seen only one squid caught that weekend in the last five years. But it WILL be soon.

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