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Dosidicus Gigas (jumbo Squid)
Record 42 of 47

Preliminary study for determination of the giant squid Dosidicus

gigas gonadic maturity.

AU: Author

Michel, E; Klett, A; Ochoa, RI

SO: Source

Ciencia pesquera. Mexico City. no. 5, pp. 77-89. 1986.


With the aim of simplifying the identification of gonadic maturity

stages and also defining the preliminary basis for a detailed study of

the reproductive cycle of the giant squid, Dosidicus gigas , the

different stages of sexual maturity in males and females, at macro and

microscopic levels are described. Four stages are defined for females

and three for males that may be associated with the distinctive

characteristics of the reproductive apparatus. All these may be

applied to realize an empirical scale of maturity, by means of direct

observations of the gonads external morphology.

PY: Publication Year


Record 43 of 47

Management and exploitation of the giant squid (Dosidicus gigas )

AU: Author

Vazquez Novoa, MCH


An evaluation was made of capture techniques and fish

handling/processing methods used onboard, regarding the Dosidicus

gigas fishery. An examination was also made of three squid products,

determining their consumer acceptability.

PY: Publication Year


Record 44 of 47

On the fishery and biology of the giant squid Dosidicus gigas in the

Gulf of California, Mexico.

AU: Author

Ehrhardt, NM; Jacquemin, PS; Gracia B., F; Gonzales D., G; Lopez B.,

JM; Ortiz C., J; Solis N., A


The population of giant squid (D. gigas ) in the Gulf of California is

clearly a single stock with multiple cohorts. These migrate separately

on occasions but are contemporaneous: their recruitment to the major

fishing grounds occurs around May each year. From May to September the

stock presents the highest densities and thus an optimum situation for

the fishery. The cohorts grow at different rates depending on their

birth date, and probably their natural mortality rates are equally

different even though it has been impossible to measure this parameter

separately for each cohort as yet. Stock assessment analyses indicate

that after explosive fishery development, the stock is approaching the

Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). Management schemes are difficult to

define unless the fishery is regulated in terms of the less productive


PY: Publication Year


Record 45 of 47

Dosidicus gigas

AU: Author

Nesis, KN


The author provides a description of the life cycle of Dosidicus gigas.

After a brief introduction and using references to the literature,

he describes: 1) egg stage; 2) juvenile stage; 3) growth; 4)

maturation; 5) reproduction; 6) mortality; 7) ecology. A map showing

the geographical distribution of the species is included.

PY: Publication Year


Record 46 of 47

Preliminary study on the reproductive system of the giant squid

Dosidicus gigas (D'Orbigny 1835) Mollusca: Cephalopoda in the Gulf of


AU: Author

Ochoa Baez, RI

SO: Source

TRANS. CIBCASIO. Vol. 6, pp. 187-203. 1982.


The giant squid Dosidicus gigas of the Gulf of California is an

important food resource in Mexico. The reproductive system of these

animals, collected during all of 1980, is described. In the females,

an ovary, a set of nidamental glands, and a set of accessory

nidamental glands, were found. Histological studies revealed the

presence of eggs in different stages of development together with

follicular cells. The advanced mature stage coincided with the

presence of vitelline platelets. In the males the testes, the efferent

duct, a spermatophoric sack and organ and a penis were found. The

histological studies showed different stages of the spermatogenesis

and nutritional cells.

PY: Publication Year


Record 47 of 47

Abundance explosion of the Jumbo squid, Dosidicus gigas, on the high

seas of the Peruvian region in relation to anomalous oceanographic


AU: Author

Bendik, AB

SO: Source

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, Palaegade 2-4

DK-1261 Copenhagen Denmark. [vp].


The research cruise of the RV "Atlantniro" (June-November, 1991) was

aimed to investigate reasons of an unusual high abundance of the Jumbo

squid off the exclusive economic zone of Peru. It was discovered that

this anomalous situation happened because of the large-scale advection

of the warm tropical waters southward. These waters carried large

aggregations of the Jumbo squid into high seas. Simultaneously, a

contrary flux of the cold Peruvian Current was intensified. The

gradient zone between these waters has been used by the Jumbo squid to

forage, as well as by some other predators such as skipjack tuna. This

squid abundance explosion allowed the introduction of a large-scale

fishery targeting D.gigas.

PY: Publication Year


Messages In This Thread
Dosidicus Gigas (jumbo Squid) - by glen_ipb3_import1 - 27-02-2006, 09:23 PM

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