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Hyannis squid fishing
Slow, spotty action today in the fleet. A couple boats looked to the west but didn't catch any.

Tomorrow is cold but sunny, N wind 15-20. Slack is at 6 AM so best bet is after 7.

Good luck.

[Image: sq5.gif]
i was there with six others on sunday from 3am to 1pm here what we got

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Fishing improved y'day. Got 400 pounds from 8-5 during the day. They are still off Hyannis but also a few to the west. Be careful out there, the EPO's are checking boats for recreational permits and writing tickets. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />

[Image: sq5.gif]
Hi Dot & Loligo,

If you have any interest in taking on another fisherman to split gas and help with the boat please let me know. I've fished for squid (Francis Fleet, Helen H & private), togs, tunas, cod, etc and love it.

Have a source that said 6000 lbs were taken via commercial dragger boats and that squidding is predicted to be as good as its been since 3 years.

If you also have info on private charters please PM me. Thanks!


Willie, Hyline runs an open boat every day. Just go on the Sea Queen. They have been catching them fine.

[Image: sq5.gif]
[quote name='loligo' timestamp='1304501269' post='22146']

Willie, Hyline runs an open boat every day. Just go on the Sea Queen. They have been catching them fine.


Thanks Loligo, I could always hop on the Helen H as well. But was looking for more of a private charter or something similar that had an open boat going on for this Sat for my friend and I.
They are still here. Afternoons are better. Good bite at Colliers ledge. Go get 'em! Look for the Fish Hawk - 35' white boat.

[Image: sq5.gif]
Blue fish are here, squid are leaving the near-shore area. Try Colliers in the AM, some fish still there (squid). Big tubes there this AM early. No bite later in the day for most boats. Blues and bass are pushing the squid off the beach so hurry up and go catch dinner!

[Image: sq5.gif]
wow. Thats a lot of squid. Thats the first time i see this much squid in my life <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />

[quote name='dot' timestamp='1304314871' post='22123']

i was there with six others on sunday from 3am to 1pm here what we got

From what I have heard there are still some squid in Hyannis harbor at night. Also I have heard there are some in Woods Hole as well.

Where and when specifically I have not heard? Only one way to find out for sure......go look.

I wonder if they are getting them up in Quincy yet?

[Image: sq5.gif]

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