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How to cook a squid?
The only time I have ever had squid is at restruants and fish and chip shops, I mostly use them for bait, I want to learn how long to cook them with different techniques and what tempurature to use. Kiwi fruit for 30 mins is a tip I got, then what heat and how long for? It would be a great help.


AIM: 3kg+ Squid

PB Squid: 1kg Calamari (Lorne Pier), 1kg Calamari (Port Cambpell Pier)
[quote name='Puggy' timestamp='1310007674' post='22742']

The only time I have ever had squid is at restruants and fish and chip shops, I mostly use them for bait, I want to learn how long to cook them with different techniques and what tempurature to use. Kiwi fruit for 30 mins is a tip I got, then what heat and how long for? It would be a great help.




My buddy has a Korean wife. Turned me on to raw squid. Just clean the squid, drop on a little hot sauce and gulp!
G,day M8

i,m not a fan of using kiwi or lemon to soften squid as it usualy deteriorates the flesh when cooking

If you have caught fresh squid then theres no need to soften as it will be soft

The key is how long and what method your going to cook it eg. salt and pepper ,crumbed stuffed and baked.

The first thing i do after ive cleaned my fresh squid is lay it on some absorbent paper on a tray in the fridge

to soak all the water out of it in preparation for frying the next day as any excess water will cause small explosions

in the hot oil making a mess and probably burning you.

the method i use is drop pieces of squid in any dry flour and dust off excess, then egg the pieces and place in bread crumbs

you can repeat the egg and crumbs if you like a thicker coating.

you want the clean oil hot but not smoking and cook until coating is golden color between 1/2 minutes, all you want to do basically is

to cook the squid until it just cooks through and thats it.

Any frying in a pan should be fast.

Opposite is done for baking in the oven, lets say suffed squid with rice or whatever filling you like ,45 mins on medium heat

firstly youd cook up your ingrediants to go in some squid tubes rice pine nuts onion ectect

after stuffing youd place in a baking dish to fit the tubes you have then make a sauce of what ever type you like and place in dish

I dont totally cover the squid as like a crunchy top so i leave about 1/3 of the squid uncovered on the top then i sprinkle some bread crumbs on top

and of coarse uncooked raw japanese style is great to teriyaki and wasabi is nice

my advice is forget the citrus to soften stuff just catch fresh and cook properly

hope this is of some help <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />

Try this ripper recipe


[Image: 061.jpg]

[Image: 175.jpg]
Cheers Ian

In a freezer bag or clean plastic bag throw in some plain flour or corn flour, cracked pepper, salt, dried chilli if you want. Mix around and set aside.

Heat up some vegetable oil in a deep sauce pan or wok. Doesn't have to be a lot, an inch or two is good.

Throw in a couple of pinches of flour mix and if they bubble up nicely it's good to go. Or if you have a small cube of bread laying around.

Now you can chuck your cut up squid in the bag, leave some air in and twist it close, shake so the squid gets coated

Open up the bag and grab small handfuls, may 3-4 pieces of squid, shake away some of he excess flour back in the bag and gently place them in the pan of oil

Fry for 1-2 mins till it looks golden and crunchy - WATCH OUT FOR SPLATTERS <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Place on paper towel to drain, add a bit more salt if you think it needs it. Good with beer <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
[color="#00bfff"]ahh... you made me ink![/color]
I have to go out tonight now you guys made me hungry

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