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Puget Sound, WA (2012 Season)
[quote name='10lb' timestamp='1355881538' post='25480']

What I noticed is that those who work for WDFW are lazy people and they won't give tickets unless they can drive to the pier and walk 5 steps. I was fishing at pier 69 the other night and the WDFW police drove to us with a truck and check our licences and limits. There were two of us only. Pier 70 from the right was packed with people, but they had to walk there - and that is something they don't like to do. Those two police are getting good pay, with taxpayers money, and can't even do their job properly. I don't give any credits for increased # of squids in our waters to WDFW and to 10lb limit policy, but instead to a good ocean condition (Same thing can be said about Coho salmon this year, even though WDFW decreased funds to hatcheries and even closed some, Coho return was better then previous years). Recreational fishermen simply can't do any harm from the piers, nor with one or two poles; they can't even catch one or two percent of those squids. Do you really thing that 2-3 thousand squid fishermen can do harm? 70-80% of those fishermen won't even catch a daily limit ones for the season. This is a money eating machine that need to be cut in half at least because if it won't be cut in half, we would need licences to stay on the piers pretty soon.


You are too funny. Using the "they are too lazy to catch me" excuse. Wow. Class act.

Wouldnt we all be better off if everyone operated under that assumption of our law enforcement? Just think no speed limits, bc heck they cant catch you anyways. No limits bc hey they cant see how many we catch, if they arent watchin. Heck we could shop lift too bc we all know those security guards cant actually arrest us without a cop. I could go on and on. The fact is that if everyone was like you and overfished, including the commercial fisherman, there would be no squid right now for you to catch.

Go ahead and blame this on another political shortfalling like you did above. Its kinda like catching a kid shop lifting. "it wasn't me, I didnt do it. I wouldnt have done it if my mom gave me more lunch money." Blah blah blah... everyone knows what you are doing is wrong, period. Keep trying to convince yourself that its cool.
I think WaSquid1 is right, and first of all, why do we want to catch more than 10 lbs? That's mor ethan 80-90 squid. How many squid can you eat every day? You're not selling them, are you? That's also illegal.

I caught my limit in just over 1 hour last night, and if you're a good jigger getting your limit is not that hard if you spend a few hours using a good jig. I always catch at least 4-5 lbs in a couple of hours. No need to overfish for me, as I can always come back the next day and catch a few more pounds of squid. I always go home happy, and looking forward to coming back in a few days for more fun fishing. Isn't that what fishing is all about?
I could never eat 10lbs a week, we eat 2 squid meals a week in my family and it still takes us a month to eat 8 lbs.

I go squidding mainly for the fishing part, if I catch some that's just a bonus! I think the majority of people here are law abiding, and I've never seen anyone take more than their limit out at Edmonds. As long as the majority of people are playing fair, the fishery is safe.
ok well everyone should just get back to writing about squid reports instead of bitch yes all u people breaking the law karma will catch up and for the rest of us lets go squidding and just call wdfw when you see a poacher
got a few pounds in Seattle fished from 12-520am
Got 2 pounds in Edmonds over the course of 6 hours. But limited on red Rock crab and got 2 keeper dungies
Got 7lb in Seattle. I could have taken the limit, but took small bucket with me.

Got 10 lbs in Seattle on incoming high tide, and got only 1 lb. on outgoing low tide the next day. I guess the tide really matters....
[quote name='Squidman1' timestamp='1356294937' post='25495']


[/quote]Guys these are squid we are talkin about they're not salmon or halibut but squid. I don't think the wdfw really care if people go a little over the limit in under 24 hours there's enough squid to go around. Here a fo
Oops! There a food for all other animals too there's no shortage why do you think there's a 10 pound limit with no restrictions on size or how many lures or hook that can be used on a line? THEY'RE SQUID!!!!!!! Your not poaching if u go out the next day and catch another pound! This is ridiculous need to waste your energy on somethin a little more important then squid! It's just somethin fun to do when the salmon,halibut, and tuna season is closed. haha
[quote name='Ikasashi' timestamp='1356284304' post='25494']

Got 10 lbs in Seattle on incoming high tide, and got only 1 lb. on outgoing low tide the next day. I guess the tide really matters....


For me personally seals matter more then tides. Seals = no squids.
At Edmonds:

6 hours

12 squid

3 rock crab

[quote name='liam' timestamp='1356352437' post='25499']

At Edmonds:

6 hours

12 squid

3 rock crab


Come down to Seattle and try the waterfront piers. 62, 69, 70... You will catch at least a few pounds if you spend 6 hours on high tide.
[quote name='10lb' timestamp='1356323683' post='25498']

For me personally seals matter more then tides. Seals = no squids.


That's true, but when seals go away squid will come back. Seals = squid are there,but they're not biting - busy running away from seals
[quote name='Ikasashi' timestamp='1356370196' post='25500']

Come down to Seattle and try the waterfront piers. 62, 69, 70... You will catch at least a few pounds if you spend 6 hours on high tide.


I would, but for me it's more about the time spent out there fishing, not so much the catching. For the most part, the pier at edmonds is quiet, not a ton of people there, and the people that do show up are pretty nice.

Of course, there are also some mean people too. Haha. Last night I got yelled at by a Korean guy because I caught 4 squid and he caught 1 fishing off of his light.

I didn't have cash on me, otherwise I would have given him some money for gas. Not sure what else I could have done in that situation, and the language barrier was immense, so I'm not sure how pissed off he actually was.

Any ideas when something like that happens? Basically it was just me and him on the dock, and he just turned off his light and yelled at me?
[quote name='Nathanschep' timestamp='1356314898' post='25497']

Oops! There a food for all other animals too there's no shortage why do you think there's a 10 pound limit with no restrictions on size or how many lures or hook that can be used on a line? THEY'RE SQUID!!!!!!!


If you actually do read the rules, there can only be a maximum of 4 jigs on a line. And most likely the WDFW won't care if you catch 10 lbs, then come back 20 hours later to catch some more, but rules are in place for a reason, which I respect in order to keep being able to catch limits the following years to come (same goes for all other game fish).
[quote name='liam' timestamp='1356426120' post='25502']

I would, but for me it's more about the time spent out there fishing, not so much the catching. For the most part, the pier at edmonds is quiet, not a ton of people there, and the people that do show up are pretty nice.

Of course, there are also some mean people too. Haha. Last night I got yelled at by a Korean guy because I caught 4 squid and he caught 1 fishing off of his light.

I didn't have cash on me, otherwise I would have given him some money for gas. Not sure what else I could have done in that situation, and the language barrier was immense, so I'm not sure how pissed off he actually was.

Any ideas when something like that happens? Basically it was just me and him on the dock, and he just turned off his light and yelled at me?


What a jerk! He was upset because you proved he was such a bad jigger. Normally, the guy who has the light catches more squid, but this guy didn't have the skill. I let anyone come close to my light and I don't get upset at all. Sometimes, my light attracts more people than squid, but that's another story....
I don't have a light and found a great place, with no people, and for the last couple times brought my limits easily. The only problem I have is to lower my jig faster to the bottom. Every cast one squid in couple of seconds. I like fishing only with one jig and don't like when its too heavy.
[quote name='Ikasashi' timestamp='1356473347' post='25504']

What a jerk! He was upset because you proved he was such a bad jigger. Normally, the guy who has the light catches more squid, but this guy didn't have the skill. I let anyone come close to my light and I don't get upset at all. Sometimes, my light attracts more people than squid, but that's another story....


Well I made my own light over the holidays. He was a good jigger, just having a bad night I guess. At least now I don't have to fish off his light anymore.

Does anyone here jig for smelt too?

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