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Puget Sound, WA (2012 Season)
I have not noticed the tides making too much of a difference. Either the school is there and active, or they are not. Putting in your time is key in this game for sure. You just never know when that next big school is right around the corner, waiting to fill your bucket. To anyone who choose to go out tonight, good luck and dont forget your rain gear!
I might head out! and certain places are tide related! Like Shilshole, 69, Edmonds, 59. other then that hes right.^
A lilttle hyped right now! CHROMERS at the wallace hatchery for coho in 3 hrs. and having no sleep too much adrelene! Short and sweet! Took the lady out tonite, 1st time ever she got 5. and they were PISSED. bites from squid constantly. started at 69 then went to 70 took home 90 pieces some jumbos weighing 6.3 pounds PB for the season so far. This whole week has BEEN HOTT and i mean RED HOTT! at 69! Washingtonsquid1 should have been out there tonite. ended at 1 cuz the women was cold and sore. oh well! next time!
Nice, I went to Redondo last night with my wife and family members and ended up with only 8 squid in a few hours. They were biting though, couple of folks had half a bucket full. One guy had his rod stolen by the bench though while everyone had their backs turned, pretty ridiculous that you can't even trust fellow fishermen or possibly it was pedestrians that came by and swiped it. At least now I know not to leave my stuff on the bench.
To squidman1

Tell he to get better, and tell he that she giggles nice. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Interesting thing, I got 4 squids (no, not pounds - squids) staying next to squidman1... :/
[quote name='ColdFusion' timestamp='1350764299' post='25064']

To squidman1

Interesting thing, I got 4 squids (no, not pounds - squids) staying next to squidman1... :/


Does not suprise me in the least. FOr every one pound SM1 gets, my crew and I average 4-5 lbs. Stick it out and you will learn the ins and outs. Number one, always learn something new everytime out. Keeping notes isnt a bad idea either. I do this to be able to look back and try to put together patterns. Date, time, tide, water clarity, number of squid seen, number of squid in bucket, weather, ect all play factors.
Anyone Squid fishing in Tacoma yet? I usually start abot this time of Oct. at Pt. Diefiance Marina.
I probably won't hit Les Davis Pier in Tacoma until November since it's quite a long drive for me.

WashingtonSquid1 is right as well, I've only been on a total of probably 5 squidding trips and I've gradually improved in my technique and knowledge of the whole squidding topic since I've tried to learn something new each time I went out. Although I think I need a better rod since I'm using a ~6 foot pole.
Thank-you crabber for the reply. I usually wait till daylight savings time when its dark ealier, but it isnt till Nov. I hear. I uaually go at high or incoming tide after dark, with a 500 watt halogen light. I do pretty well if I put my time in.
I was debating on getting a lamp or bulb with high wattage (250-500), however I don't think my battery will last very long with that kind of power consumption. Right now I'm using a worklight that uses 65 Watts or so, but gives out the equivalent of about 300 Watts (it's incandescent, not halogen).
When I head out for the first time, I will post a report. Take care for now.
Does anyone squiding at Point Defiance (Tacoma) this year yet??????? OR Les Davis? stelicoom?..
Another week or two, and Im going to give it a try in Tacoma. I will post a report when I am done.
I went point def tonight for 2hrs, nothing but lots of herring...

btw...what type of lantern should I get, in term of lumens????
Redondo dock is very crowded on the weekends. Prime Spots are always taken but manage to bring home about 2lbs last nite.
Happy Squidding!!!
Beyond GREAT! Sometimes it takes 6 years for a noob to get a limit! no this guy did in under a year! got a LIMIT at 69/70! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> just about half way to my quota and its not even winter yet! Im at about 50 pounds for the year! Once i get to 100 pounds ill probably be done for the season!
Speeking of beginners luck, my first time every squidding and limited out on Friday the 19th. Shaping up to be a great season!
Anyone know the rough squid count for 1 lb, 2 lbs, and so on? I know it varies depending on squid size, but let's just say all the squid caught are between the average size of 4-6". I hear people say they've caught X amount pounds of squid, but I'm not really sure how many that is.
Its hard to say! My friend & I got 90 pieces which went 6.3 pounds. With last night catch I went to put in 90 pieces in a ziplock bag and both 90s went 6.3 pounds (roughly) which went 180-186 squid! and most squid are averaging 4-6'' with the occasional jumbos. so here:

90 pieces=6.3 pounds

just got to the math!
hey squidman, when you said pier 69/70! It that the pier number in seattle?

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