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Puget Sound, WA (2012 Season)
Yeah. But if you discharge a firearm in a public space you maybe arrested and fined. Of course, if it was in self defense than that's OK. Protecting the squid may not be considered self defense. But, depends on which wacky judge you get.
depends if the judge fishes lol
Has anybody been catching them down by the Water Taxi terminal down at Alki?? I went a couple weeks ago and caught about 2-3 lbs! I was wondering if the season is drawing to a close before I head out again.
[quote name='Mekim' timestamp='1328027916' post='23845']

Of course, if it was in self defense than that's OK. Protecting the squid may not be considered self defense. But, depends on which wacky judge you get.


That's good to know..

So next time that Seal Grabs my Jig and tug a wars with me and the Jig ends up hitting me in the face..ITS ON!! jokin lol
does anyone ever squid in port angeles? any good?
We need MORE REPORTS then questions, guys! Share spots guys, anything!
Fished Redondo Thursday night/Friday morning from 2:15A to 4:45A. 3 squid total. Two smalls and one large. The moon was bright and shiny. Does moonlight affect squid fishing? Tried some new jigs I made. Didn't work. Tried one of my tried and true jigs - Squidcandy bomber in green. It caught all three squid. Back to the draqing board.
1 for 3 at pier 69 in an hour then went to the Aquarium for a little bit! No squid there, and nobody else in the vinicity of DT Seattle
First post here... We put in a few hours on Elliott Bay on Monday. Clear night, no wind.. We snagged a few small herrings, but no squid sightings. Two of us and another two guys -- no squid for us.

I'm new to all this -- should we continue to try this year, or just hold out for the fall?
Irish, if any squid are around they would be on the west shorelines of the sound or down in the south sound. Other then that small ones around. Try alki during the day. If nonthing happens soon hold untill june for the summer squid.
Port Angeles I'm thinking June/July/August, I had sold some squid jigs to Swains there in Port Angeles before, and I believe that was the time of year they were getting them.
[url=""]WWW.SQUIDJIG.COM [/url] [color="red"]Seattle, Washington, USA[/color]

[color="blue"]Home of the World Famous Martinetti Squid Jigs[/color]
headed down to Alki march 6 or so.... saw about 5 guys loading up all of their stuff and packing it in for the night i showed up at about 10pm. They said it was really slow and the season seemed to be over for now. Although it did excite me to see some jigging done here at Alki, i just moved close to the area and am excited to be able to pop down to the pier when it starts up again. I used to live in Renton and would always drive to Redondo. Left alki and did a lap of all the known spots in Seattle Spokane St bridge, Aquarium, pier 69 and no one was jigging anywhere so i'm assuming the season must of ended.

Let me know when it starts up again and especially if you frequent Alki send me an Email

Does anyone here have experience jigging off of the spokane St bridge, I seem to vaguely remember going there with my dad and all of the other Italians when I was a little boy, but haven't seen any reports online. let me know if you have any info.

knock em dead
was at brownsville latelast night caught nothing.... going back in a few days with more lights to test my luck and my new squid candys i picked up.... wish me luck
Des Moines pier looks better now that it's fixed up. They replaced the wood railings with metal. But, they kept the same wood tops. Now just have to wait till the squid show up.

Also, they are going to put up that ferris wheel on the pier opposite the aquarium. Wonder what the future holds for fishing down there.

And another note:

The aquarium has been doing shark studies on the northwest side of their pier. They have been leaving chum boxes on the bottom and observing sharks as the come in to investigate and try for a free meal. I think they were tagging them too. This was being done at night. Don't know if the squid liked that last season. Maybe that is why that pier

went cold. Just speculating.
Went down to edmonds in search of Lingcod, but instead found squid! Yes, squid. Fished for thwm about an hour and got 60 squid plus a few my group used for bait. Weighed in at 3 pounds 6 ounces. No generator used becausethey were schooling on the surface.
Cool news, Squidman. Maybe I'll see what's happening at the aquarium pier. I have a few new jigs I made I want to try out.
Glad to hear they're have been signs of squid ! Squidman and Mekim please keep me posted on the fishing. I'm looking forward to heading down to Alki or any of the seattle piers anytime now.

Also I just bought an inverter and am going to get a battery to run my light. does anyone have any recommendations on a good reasonably priced battery and where to buy it ?

Thanks for the heads up.
Went to Edmonds on 5/26 from 10 pm to 1am few rockfish caught and no squid. A few small random schools going through the light nonething caught though.
Hit the Aquarium pier earlier in the week from 1:00AM to 2:30AM. The light sockets were off. So, no lights. Consequently, no squid either. Going to have to get a battery too for my inverter.
Whats the latest out there gentlemen ? Any action around the puget sound ?

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