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need help squidding in Newy/ Port Stephens area
Well,advice really.

I have been reading this forum with interest and finally signed up because everyone seems very helpful.

I love my squid and have been on the egi trail with very ordinary results, so would love some pointers regarding spots and jig colours. Mostly land based and sometimes a yak.

A few months ago I caught my first squid at the inlet at Dora Creek.. The inlet was broiling with arrow squid. I bagged only three on a 2.5 yozuri olive/ pearl jig at night with egimax.

Tried Swansea channel in front of RSL but no luck and current too fast!

Tried Shoal bay and caught one arrow squid- caught none since. (Daytime from yak)

Tried fingal at rocky side at daytime and caught a smallish calamari which buoyed me a bit but the lost my jig.

The other day I climbed over the rocks to boulder bay ( rocks on RIGHT side of bay) looked squiddy as hell but Snaggy and shallow and daytime so no takers! Very disappointed!

Did three day times of squidding at boat harbour and not knowing where to go, fished right out in front of carpark and no luck on natural green Yamashita 2.5 so threw out a pink Yamashita size 3 with gold fleck belly and pulled in a decent calamari. Then nothing. Was told the left hand ( northern?) Rocks fish better for squid. Next day tried the ledge in the corner on the left side of BH and no luck on the pink but saw a squid chase a suresquid blue jig. Dropped him.

Dropped a few more. Finally pulled in a nice 1 kg ish calamari on the green 2.5 Yamashita.

Pretty slim pickings though. am yet to try Barry park but as I drive in from Maitland I am wasting patrol without better info. I imagine night time or mornings are better but with a three yr old early mornings are all I can manage.

If anyone could pretty please assist me with better locations and times and jig colors and sizes I would be a happy squidder!

Your input is much appreciated!


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