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Help with rod length please
Hi everyone,

I'm currently looking at squiding rods online on a Japanese website and I can't work out this table and really need some advice,

That's the website that is selling the rods with the table that tells you the specs of it ect

But what I can't figure out is.. What does the 'closed length' mean?

And is the S800M a 8ft in length?

Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks Smile
Closed length is the longest rod piece in cm.


For those models, 800 means 8ft, 709 means 7'9", etc. First digit is no. of feet, second and third digits are inches.

Quote:Closed length is the longest rod piece in cm.


For those models, 800 means 8ft, 709 means 7'9", etc. First digit is no. of feet, second and third digits are inches.
that is correct,all sizes are usually in feet n inches.

but the "M" stands for medium "ML" is medium light ,"MH" is medium heavy as refering to rod action (eg. MH is heavy action for large squid n large egi size like 2.5-4.0 and are quite stiff rods. ML would be a very fast taper type rod, sensitive and more for 1.5-2.5 size egi. [ all action n egi sizes i have mentioned are explainational only each manufacturer has different sizes n egi weight per rod])


what i do when looking for a egi rod is decide where im going to be fishing the most jetty,rocks,boat? by doing that u cant decide a rod length, n also a action by working out what that water depth is n what size egi u are casting.

(personally i like n found between 7'8" to 8'3" to be the allrounder length, n a ML action.)


there are also a new type of egi rod since around 2010/2011 called a" tip run " type egi rod this more of a boat type rod where they are using  oversized egi's. while the boat drifts the line/jig constantly flexing the tip of the rod in  X amount of water. u cant still use them landbased and are quite excellent rods for just normal jig squiding  as the offer a stronger tip n sensitivity.


may i suggest a different type squid rods if ur going to all the trouble of buying from japan? if ur set on shimano thats fine they are great rods but spend the xtra cash n dont buy a BB range its like the base models, the a bit heavy etc.. and when u pik it up it doesnt feel like good japanese quality.


if you dont want a shimano, i suggest a calamaretti by graphite leader japanese made, very light, carbon rod (depending on rod, but they have 4 to 8 axis construction) which is quite strong. n a big range of squid rods.

some other brands i found very nice where evergreen "posiden & imperial" squidlaw rods , breeden "squid wicked game rods" the gan craft rods where very good if u can a) find em or B) find the size weight n length u want.

im pretty sure all of these where made in japan, the quality was awesome n you can feel it once u pick up the rod.


a cheaper brand but is still good is the palms rods, good quality n value,but if your considering a palms rod u better of getting a shimano sephia range.


they have a few diawa egi rods we dont get here, but from what a seen most of it was from china, they have bought out the ags "air guide system" not that long ago.these where awesome but for the price a bought a calamaretti n havent eva regretted it, the only thing i did regret was not buying another 2 more.


hope this helps


(some links u might have to copy n paste the whole address)




daiwa ags =

Thanks for the detailed information Driftsquid very much appreciated!

Ill look into more of the rods you mentioned and check out the links. Thanks so much for taking the time and effort very much appreciated
theres probably a few more brands ive left out, just hunt around on the japanese sites translate to english (where u can). but your looking around the $400 aud n up for a very good quality japanese made egi rod.


try this shop its a squid only shop out osaka way n only deal with squid egi related products, dont know if the sell/deliver to oz??



ps. if you end up buying from this shop above, let me know how u went with service, response time n if they sell to oz.

thanx Wink
Thanks again for that!

Will do mate

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