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Perth - WA
would like to see a daily update going on, for what people are finding and where so i suppose ill start .... yesterday and today at point peron and palm beach jetty caught nothing .. on all colours and depths , i might be hitting the wrong times and possibly conditions ....

althou i swear i had a nibble at point peron with a green today , but had to leave : /

comon people keep us posted so i can find these bastards lol , struggling in rockingham area
Hi All,

New to the forum, and really only just beginning to look at squid fishing seriously. Went out and had a crack after work yesterday at South Mole. An Hour and a half from 4.15 - 5.45 saw me land 3 reasonable ones. Over the moon as it was my first time squidding since I was a kid. I had bought 2 new jigs to try, a Shimano Sephia Egixile 2.5g in luminous white, and a EGIO Q live 3.5 in a deep teal green tom and pearlish pink bottom. Got all 3 on the EGIO which is now my favourite lure Big Grin

I can't wait to go again, heading out early saturday morning, looking round Robb's Jetty or coogee marina this time, maybe the mole again


Hi again all,

Is the wreck at Port Coogee any good for squid. Had a quick look there today, and limited access out along the wall to what looks like more weedy ground. Keen to get right into it. And will a dive torch in the water help to attract them, or will it be too much light for them?


Went out twice today, this morning and tonight. Not a single go either time. South mole, about half way along facing the boat harbour this morning from 630 till 830, then woodmans point, along the rock wall facing away from the boat ramps, and nothing, from about 630 till 8. Tried white, pink, natural, yv, orange, nothing. Will try again in the morning


New to the site however old hand to the sport. Boat limits of squid just between Freo fishing harbor and Minden reef. Bit hard at first due to the fast drift so opted for deep 3.5 natural color light brown harimitsu and made good use of the sea anchor. When breeze died down changed to 2.5 of the same, and absolutely cleaned up.

Also about 3 weeks ago did very well drifting off Port beach using the White UV glow Yamashita.

Calamari is King

Hey Again,


Went land based last night from South Mole, got half a dozen over about 2.5 hours. Nothing real big, hoods bout 150mm-200mm long. All caught on Shimano Sephia Exigile 2.5 Whitey


Went out Saturday, first time in three weeks so was very keen to get back into them.

Not very good, high swell, low tide, dirty water, lost two good jigs but still managed 4 calamari and 2 cuttlefish, just off Freo harbour.

Then decided to head of Just south of Cottesloe within half a click off shore and bagged 60 nice plump sand whiting, using the squid tentacles for bait.

In all can,t complain. Hanging out this weekend !

Cheers, Dom
Hi All

Went out yesterday after work, and Thursday night also from bout 6 till bout 9 Thursday, and from 4-5 yesterday after work

Not much luck, Tried south mole first on Thursday and not a thing, then headed down to coogee Jetty and got only one, and not that big either.

No more lucke yesterday, went to a spot on south mole that has produced for me in the past, and only got one little one. Oh Well

Better keep trying.


G'Day all,

Yeah not much to mention about the calamari scene. Went out last Saturday at the usual spot, conditions pretty good, good breeze for drifting, water quite clear however somewhat warm compared to air temp, but very slow. Managed to land two calamari on the small to medium size and one cuttlefish over a two hour mid morning stint. It's been a bit lean lately not sure what's going on.

Had to head back before the so called storm they predicted, but can,t complain a feed is still a feed.

Until next time.

hey to all I'm new in this form but I having been trying this squidding sesh a few times with a mate off mine but its getting a bit hard to find those squid.... but in saying that we go out as much as we can and have made up a page on fb and we are called Squid hunter Perth-land base we are a group that give out as much advice as we can where we are catching and feed back also where good prices are for jigs and squidding gear.... but just to make it clear we don't don't fish off boat we are all land base squidders only
Quote:hey to all I'm new in this form but I having been trying this squidding sesh a few times with a mate off mine but its getting a bit hard to find those squid.... but in saying that we go out as much as we can and have made up a page on fb and we are called Squid hunter Perth-land base we are a group that give out as much advice as we can where we are catching and feed back also where good prices are for jigs and squidding gear.... but just to make it clear we don't don't fish off boat we are all land base squidders only
I think you will catch more when you drink a better beer Jose hahah



Hey ya guys!

The squid around Freo are starting too come back, last week caught 12 in a night land based. South Mole, End of mews rd area. Also got a couple off Ammo Jetty. 

If u wanna also join a group that is pretty up too date with reports and new gear being realeased check out . We also regularly have info night with a squid cook up at Getaway Outdoors Bentley. 



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