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Flinders report - VIC
gday glen, thanks for the report.

i havnt been squidding since sept last year. any chance u can remember what tide it was on that sunday/dusk session? im lookin forward to gettin back down to flinders or portsea in the next week or so.

any one catching any on silver whiting on sunday?

cheers calamarine
we got there when the tide was very low in the arvo and fished into the rising tide. we caught the leather jackets probably 1-2 hours before high tide. we had to leave the lower platform because the water started splashing through the deck.

then we went off and had tea (had a pretty average pizza at the local store). and then we went down again just before dark and caught the squid. it would have been maybe 1 hour after high tide by then.
thanks glen, thats precisely the kind of tide descriptions i was lookin for ;-)

ill keep u posted on how i go on my next trip!


i went down to portsea/flinders last week for a bit of a mission and managed to bag 4 big squid from flinders pier.

i arrived at porstea first, in the late arvo, only to find it swamped with scuba divers, swimmers and kayaks. an old regular on the pier told me he'd had no luck with squid there over the last 2-3weeks, so immediately i packed up and headed for flinders pier.

I got to flinders an hour b4 sundown on the rising tide. it was the right choice to make, as when i arrived at the pier, some guy had just reeled one in.

i took my new telescopic landing net and a heap of new yozuri & miscellaneous japanese squid jigs, and managed to get good use out of both.

i caught the first squid on a fluoro orange yozuri prawn imitation in size-3, which id cast out but then forgot to finish retrieving,

as i was distracted helping my mates set up some bait jigs.

when i remembered i had left the jig out there, i assumed it had already sunk too deep and snagged my brand new jig on the sea floor but was pleased to feel the line wind in closer and closer with a big squid attached! caught the next one on a pale brown yozuri fish imitation jig size 4 and the other two biggest squid using fresh whiting under a float.

it was a great dusk session ! lookin forward to getin down there again this week.

keep yaz posted;-)

i went down to flinders pier for a few hours this morning.

i got there a bit too late as it was only an hour or so away from reaching low tide. ive never had much luck there on the last of the run out and low tide.

anyhoo,i caught my first cuttlefish on a size 4 brown yozuri jig!! crazy lookin things! flashing colours were so bright before it died.

the water was so clear that u could see alot of big squid and cuttle's hangin around but most too shy to fully attack!

my guess was they'd already had there feeding time alot earlier before dawn, when the water was deeper, or they were just in a shy mood.

does anyone here actually target cuttlefish by using particular rigs or jigs? i guess theyll go for most squid tackle tho'.

thanks for the report. if it stops raining i might head out there today. i have never caught a cuttlefiesh.

i would love to catch one! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

cheers, glen
Must be a big cuttlefish you got there calamarine, eating your size 4 jig! The last one i saw landed on a size 4 jig was well over 5 kg!

Glen, I cant believe that you have never caught a cuttlefish before. Probably not many of them there? I am a newbie and caught like 5 cuttlefish already <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Went for a quick jig yesterday night. Had no luck with squids but I jigged a OCTOPUS! Thats right, and a big one too - with its head about the size of a small rockmelon! was jigging on a bridge and we were unable to lift it up, so we went down the bridge and tried to bring it close to the shore. and then that thing grabed onto a rock, and its over <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' /> well, it was fun, the optopus was spreading water like a hose, and i considered myself lucky enough to have retrieved my yo-zuri back!

Keep up the good work!


Hi everyone,

I went to Flinders yesterday from around 3pm to 8.30 pm. Around 4pm I had a school of squid in front of me (some of a nice size) but they refused the 3 jigs I tried. Then they swam off!

I mostly fished for leatherjackets throughout the day. I kept about 12 leatherjackets and I also caught one silver trevally that I kept. I threw a lot of small leatherjackets back. Also I caught some nice little fish like moonlighters, cowfish and a couple of not-so-nice toadies.

In the evening, the guy next to me caught 2 squid. I had another short crack but had no luck. So I reverted back to leatherjackets again! I think I must be the only person on the pier targeting these fish.

Cheers, Glen
gday glen,

thats pretty cool that u caught a silver trevally, i love them!! nice fighters and taste sweet;-) i thought i saw a few swimming around but wasnt sure if they were even hanging around flinders, so i didnt bother with the fish.

ill definately give the silvers and the leatherjackets a crack next time i go down there. hopefully i catch sum decent sized ones.

yeh its fun to watch, but slightly frustrating when u can see the squid hanging around and comin at ur jig but then backing off.

i noticed when i was there last week that when i threw in old bits of silver whiting into the water when i was re-baiting, sum squid would come out and eat the fish.

so i might try making a small bait jig so i can just skewer silver whiting or other fish flesh, without having to use a whole fish, and by that way target the smaller squid when they're too shy to go for artificial jigs.

hey richard, even tho the jig was large, the cuttlefish i caught was only about 25cm along the hood, i recognised it str8 away because of its fat mini rugby ball shape;-) it came out of hiding just as the jig was right in front of me about to be lifted out.

i helped this other old guy that i see there all the time, with landing a big fat cuttlefish which took a whole silver whiting. id love to catch thee bigger ones next time i go.

ive only ever caught one small octopus from portsea. it took a size 4 prawn imitation jig which id let sink to the bottom for a while. it was the last rod to be packed up, and to my surprise it came up with a occy attached. it escaped from my big bucket with stealth moves, so i was a bit freaked out and threw him back in!

it reminded me too much of a spider;-)

but i love eating them so i might try sum fish bait jigs on a dropper rig or something, and let them sit on the bottom.

im hoping to go to flinders again this week, so ill hopefully have another update.


Reports this week indicate that some very large squid have moved into the Flinders area. Large shrimp hunter jigs have been most effective.





We have received a few reports of calamari being taken from the Flinders Pier this week. Some of the calamari taken have weighed up to 1 kilo. The best method has been a Silver Whiting suspended under a float. This is a good sign; they should begin to show up in large numbers over the next few weeks.


A few nice squid starting to kick around this area with the pier producing the goods. Customers report fair catches of squid to 800 grams on imitation jigs such as Yamashita and Hyabusa's. Bigger squid in smaller numbers are taking frozen silver whiting on wire jigs. The squid have also moved up the western shoreline of the Port to areas such as Crib Point and Sandstone Island.




Some fair reports from the pier this week with both grass and king George whiting, leather jackets and squid all on the menu. The whiting have been taken on earthworms among other baits.

Seems like it could be code for "not many squid" <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' /> Not sure why you would your time on grass whiting if squid were about! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/images2.jpg' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />


Customers Donna, Damien and William fished Flinders over the weekend to land 30 nice Grass whiting to 30cm. The high tide also produced some nice calamari.

[quote name='glen' post='9363' date='Sep 13 2007, 09:27 PM']Seems like it could be code for "not many squid" <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' /> Not sure why you would your time on grass whiting if squid were about! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/images2.jpg' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />


If you take the time to catch those grass whiting, either at the shallows before the first boat deck, or at the end on the southern inside corner (straight down from the pilons) they are killer squid bait for down there.

Just like Brighton pier in winter, mullet is the killer bait.


yay, I'm back on. thanks Glen. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />
Hey guys, I went to Flinders Pier yesterday. It was a pretty windy and the water was not terribly clear.

Despite the conditions there was heaps of people fishing for squid. I was on the left lower platform at the end of the pier and I saw the guys next to me catch about 5 squid (all in the space of about 5 minutes at around 6pm). One would have been around a kilo. Also another chap I spoke to said he had 5 squid as well. Mostly however, I think people went home with empty bags.

I caught one medium size squid (around 6pm) and one OK leatherjacket. I spent most of the time fishing for leatherjackets since I had about 10 squidder floats around me and I figured I would see when the squid arrived easily enough! Looks like the guys using whiting baited on skewers (under floats) were doing better than the squid jiggers.

I stayed until well after dark but only saw one squid caught under the lights. I left around 8.30pm.

Cheers, Glen
I fished Flinders pier last Thursday(8th) 1-3pm, just after noon high tide.

Quick bait collection for the snapp's.

The wind was against the tide, so the floats were a bit to manage.

Ended up with 2 just over 1kg on whiting under floats.

Got a third small one which was attacking a whiting with his mate but wouldnt hook.

Slowly reeled it in close, left the float in the water and grabbed the spin rod. Plucked out one on the reliable 3/0 green jig, the other ran.

A bit slow, but there around in patches.


The Flinders pier is producing some nice calamari to 1kg according to Dave O'Brien. Best method is a whole silver whiting under a float on the flood tide.





The pier has seen some nice calamari this week according to one of my staff who was down there one evening. Best results are coming from silver whiting on jigs.




REPORT: 30.11.07
Been getting a few squid over the last week and half. 3-6 each trip.

On both whiting and artificials under floats and working jig's.

Fishing at night however, I found the sea lice were so bad, I couldnt use whiting.

Even set 30-40 cm from the float, at the end of the pier, lice still were covering the bait.

Still got a few (5) on artifitials set under float. One of about 1.5-2kg.

Getting a few vac sealed and ready as bait for SA kingfish. Early March trip planned.

Photo's of 6 squid from last week, perfect size for 2 x 10/0 hooks.



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