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Queenscliff report - VIC
fished Qeenscliff pier arrived 4am on rising tide landed three small squid an 4 medium sized before 6am..and then nothing for the next hour....all taken on flicking out pink jigs casting and and slowly jiging them back...tryed garfish set on jig under a float with no luck.........not a bad session
Well done Mickey

Did anyone else get any????

With the gars they tend to only come on the bite at Queenscliff for about half hour to an hour, you might get a dozen or so but they should be nice big ones, the current is a bit strong for gars on this pier but if you can pick a very calm still day and fish morning you should pick up a few

Portarlington or Swan Bay piers is the best bet for gars November through to March is the best times calm mornings with a slight breeze, maggots or peeled prawn seems to work the best in my expirience <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/beer_mug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Hi all,

Went out Saturday morning at Lonsdale bight. Didn't do as well as a few weeks ago. Me and a mate only got four squid in four hours, three of which were smallish. Only one could be considered big-about 40cm in the hood. Talk about dead. Last time I went out on my own I got my bag in about three hours and half of them were very big!

Oh well, gotta keep trying. I'd be interested to hear if anybody else was out on the weekend and how you did. Was it just me? Or was it quiet all round.

Hi everyone

supersquid i was was lucky thier was only a small hand full of people on the far end off the pier elderly couple next to me done very well at least a dozen in the time i was thier..Also fishing for garfish should i bother with a berly trail....???

Hitting the jigs tonight ill post my report and let you all know how i went............

.....MICKEY G.....
[quote name='MICKEY G' date='Oct 30 2005, 04:46 PM']Hi everyone

supersquid i was was lucky thier was only a small hand full of people on the far end off the pier elderly couple next to me done very well at least a dozen in the time i was thier..Also fishing for garfish should i bother with a berly trail....???

Hitting the jigs tonight ill post my report and let you all know how i went............ 

.....MICKEY G.....


gday Mickey

Berley is a must for gars and it will also bring the squid on the bite

Portarlington and Swan bay are my fav spots for gars this time of the year
sunday nights are a many people can you possible fit on one pier......
[quote name='MICKEY G' date='Nov 6 2005, 08:51 PM']sunday nights are a many people can you  possible fit on one pier......


Cop the old Queenscliff squeeze did we Mickey. Its unreal aint it

Mate when I see its that full I dont even bother getting the rods out of the car

however you will find that it tends to thin out around the 11pm mark but not always

And with so many lines in the water you better off giving St.Leonards a go.

I always go back around to Queenscliff around 10 to middnight and the place is almost empty and quietens down a bit and you chances for some squid are much improved
Last month when i tried off Queenscliffe it was completely packed. The problem at Queenscliffe is compounded by a group of crusty old gizzers who hog the jetty. When i arrived at 4pm there was a group of three fishermen talking about 20 meters before the main shed, infront of them 20 odd telescope rods in perfect formation.

I fished after the shed. Between me and the shed were 3 fishermen with a total of 14 rods not including 1 other rod used for spinning at times. When 2 of them left around 9pm. I walked up to the last person who clearly had 5 telescope rods in the water ( also had 2 unused rods in his trolley!).

I told him off, after trading a few insults he tried to justify himself by saying that everybody does the same. "Have you seen the blokes on the other side of the shed". He explained how they are all locals from area (mainly portarlington and pt lonsdale) and they take turns minding rods whilst some come later or go home for a sleep.

Now there is no subtlety about these guys. They are there day in day out flouting the rules. (what do they do with all the squid?). My only conclusion is that fisheries cannot do anything about it

During this day many people walked out on the jetty having driven from Melbourne and walked straight back to there cars seeing that the jetty was full.

Whats going on Fisheries? Are you guys serious? Is this too hard? Is it easier just to sit in a car park for half a day pretending to look out binoculors
yeah, its pretty crap how a handful of guys just hog the place. soooo not worth the drive from melbourne, no room to stand, so dont even bother geting the rods out of the car half the time.

if you see anyone touting the regulations, just give fisheries a call, they are actually pretty good from my experiences with them.
[quote name='Fatboi' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:51 AM']yeah, its pretty crap how a handful of guys just hog the place. soooo not worth the drive from melbourne, no room to stand, so dont even bother geting the rods out of the car half the time.

if you see anyone touting the regulations, just give fisheries a call, they are actually pretty good from my experiences with them.


I wrote an email to fisheries out lining the problem of a few blokes and too many rods

They explained to me that while it might look like there are too many rods their investigations discovered that no one fished ilegaly. Yeah right I thought, if I can spot them EVERY time I go them why cant they

I just setup in the middle of their rods, some of them know me by sight and dont say anything because they know Ill tell them off for the number of rods they have and the room they are taking up

I had a laugh one day when I walked on the peir in blue pants blue jacket and black cap, I had no rods and I had one of the old brick phones that looked like a two way radio,well when I started talking on the phone all eyes where on me and one bloke later came up to me after I had gone and got my rods telling me that a few blokes got a bit nevrous as they thought I was a fisheries officer, with a couple of them packing up and going home, That was funny

Been out of action of late be hoping to get out there soon and get back with some reports
Supersquid so the department of fisheries is saying one man could fish the whole pier top to bottom if he had enough poles..With out fishing illegaly....

Eneyway just have to miss out on weekends and go late at night during the week...


i find you do much better with less rods and more constant action than...Ten poles waitng for the waves to raise the float up and down...
hi mickey, i think supersquid is saying that they managed to convince fisheries they only had 4 rods each.

i imagine it would be quite hard to prove someone had more than 4 lines on a very busy pier. I know at flinders pier people put out lots of handlines and then walk away! i snagged one and the "owner" appeared from about 40 metres away...if i was a fisheries officer he might have turned the other way! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':woot:' />
The situation at Queenscliff is allot worse than the odd extra handline at Flinders where there is more room. At Queenscliff the locals are "reserving" large sections of the jetty, minding rods for people who are simply not there or are turning up later. To understand how they get away with it you probably have to look at the rules regarding unattended rods.

Is it ok to leave your rods in the water........

- whilst going to the toilet?

- whilst sleeping in the car?

- whilst getting something to eat in town

- whilst attending a supposed emergency back at home ( a few minutes away ).

I'm not sure how they getting away with it but I am guessing that with mobiles and the fact that people can be summoned quickly to the jetty to claim rods they have got away with it in the past and are not worried about fisheries
i think i have mentioned this before but perhaps queenscliff pier needs a "2 rod limit" in busy times <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':woot:' />

a non-regulation based option might be for fisheries to put up signs saying "dear anglers, please show consideration for fellow fisherman...please don't use more than 2 rods in peak times...thankyou for your cooperation"....and then maybe they will feel pressured to show some consideration to others <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
fished qeenscliff pier perfect hot summer night clear calm on rising tide ..fished three hours for four small squid all caught 20 min apart...had luck with 12 garfish tryed special berly catfood,bread,fish cuts....spotted large banjoshark in about a foot of water when leaving
Hi MickeyG

Good report

You where lucky getting those gars but give that is was a warm calm nite its not surprising they where about but Ive never seen them caught at Quenscliff at night

Im hoping to get out a few more time before the holidays.Then Queenscliff if a no go zone for me during that time as there are just too many people about

Well done mate
lucky Me heading to fiji monday morning...going to take couple squid jigs see what happens
I will email my report wish me luck
Mickey thats great will be looking forward to you report

have a good time and MERRY XMAS
[quote name='supersquid' post='5799' date='Dec 19 2005, 11:01 PM']Mickey thats great will be looking forward to you report

have a good time and MERRY XMAS[/quote]

Happy new year supersquid..

Fiji was Fantastic perfect weather amazing people ..Had great time 4x4 in the islands an nursing a few hangovers .... sorry to say only went fishing once mostly small reef fish with a couple of nice pan sized red snapper a French men lost a small reef shark on landing..Seen loads of squid boats lighting the sea up like football fields but the locals dont seem to chase them at all prefering floundering with spears or netting prawns and small fish close to sure on the beach or river mouths.. seems basic but this was on one little tourist island....

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