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Queenscliff report - VIC
Fished Qeenscliff pier today made the most of this great early spring weather.

5 medium sized squid from 1pm/5pm then when sun was just going down one larger one thats it..all taken on pink jigs.Ps spotted large stingray swimming on water surface just of the end of pier..
thanks for the report mickey! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Fished Q'cliff pier from 2am till 6:30 am.

Took 10 squid in total (first time I've bagged out), most within the first 2 hours. All with hoods between 20 to 30 cm.

Majority taken of silver whiting and a couple on artificials.
great report Jimbo

where there many other people around and if so how did they fair

At least 6 others where already there when I got there at 2am and the only one I saw catch any was the bloke next to me who caught about 4. A few ppl told me that a couple of young blokes were flicking jigs around the far end and caught a 2kg beast, but all in all there didn't seem to be much happening apart from where I was. Don't know what it was but I couldn't seem to go wrong.
Fished the Lonsdale bight area for the first time this season on Sunday. The big spawners have obviously started to arrive. Went out on my own and got my bag (which is rare) in about two and a half hours. 5 small, 3 medium and a couple of large ones, all on jigs. Not sure what the biggest weighed as I don't have scales but I'm guessing about 2.5kg. Tenticles were as thick as my thumbs. Probably the biggest I've caught. Completely forgot to take photo's! Ah well, next time.

Hi ya Jimbob

Sounds like you gave them a good flogging well done

You picked an excellent time to go and if there was only six others on the peir then even better.

You will find that the guys who didnt catch many were those who use Aussie poles

I find this technique to be unproductive without a good westerly to make the baits move, cast and retrive is the way to go and is probably the reason you did better than others...

Fishboader Well done to you too, the area you fished is prime squid ground.

Would love to see pics of your next trip out so dont forget the camera

Its time for me to hit the JIGS
[quote name='fishboarder' date='Sep 7 2005, 05:34 PM']Fished the Lonsdale bight area for the first time this season on Sunday. The big spawners have obviously started to arrive. Went out on my own and got my bag (which is rare) in about two and a half hours. 5 small, 3 medium and a couple of large ones, all on jigs. Not sure what the biggest weighed as I don't have scales but I'm guessing about 2.5kg. Tenticles were as thick as my thumbs. Probably the biggest I've caught. Completely forgot to take photo's! Ah well, next time.



welcome to the forum fishboarder and thanks very much for the report! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

(also thanks to everyone else for posting squid fishing reports....keep em coming!)

cheers, glen
Thanks for the welcome Glen. I'm actually not that new though. I hadn't posted for quite a while and had forgotten my user name and password so re-joined.

[quote name='fishboarder' date='Sep 8 2005, 12:14 AM']Thanks for the welcome Glen. I'm actually not that new though. I hadn't posted for quite a while and had forgotten my user name and password so re-joined.



No worries! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> Welcome back then!
Here is a recent report from Shepparton News Online -

Quote:September 8 2005

Shepparton News

Peter Smallwood at Queenscliff said plenty of good catches of squid were being taken at night from the Pt Lonsdale pier using a pilchard wired to a squid jig.

He said squid were also being caught from boats in front of the cottage and among the weed at Portsea.

Fished Qeenscliff Tuesday night i must have been the young block at the far end of the pier with the 2.7kilo squid that took my jig in the first 30 seconds of fishing.

followed by 8 small ones all in 2hours of fishin i thinck about 1 to 3 am..not bad at all the area seems to be red hot at the minute...
Impressive squid From Geoff Wilsons Fishnet report

sounds like that cape nelson area is worth a shot! thanks for the link supersquid.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

fished PT LONSDALE a cold windy night no squid at all.

there was fresh ink on the pier so it must be productive.

still landed two leather jacket .seen a seal so he must have been eating them all...
hey all,im after a fewe tips on fishing qcliff pier,i was down there the other day and fished near the end,on that lower landing part, from about 5.30 to 8.30 pm for 2 squid,both on a retrieved orange jig,hoods of about 13cm and 22cm approx.we also had two jigs under flots and nothing,which surprised me. even with them set only about 1.5mtrs under the float,over the sand patches they still seemed to collect weed,we were obviously missing something as all the old european blokes were using the long poles,really close to the pier over plain sand,no sort of reef at all.It started to go a bit quiet at about 7.30 and we stuck it out for a while but as we had had a long day we decided to go home at about time however,i will stay longer if it is recomended,so wat time would be ideal to get there and till wat time do u fish?are baited jigs better than the artificials there?can u use a float with a jig under or a normal rod or should u use one of those poles?

I will be heading down that way at least once in the coming week so if anyone is up for a fish and to teach me a bit about fishing queenscliff please let me know.

Thanks in advance,BA.
Hi all and Bream addict

YIPPEEEE I finaly got out fishing

I fished Queenscliff last night and took my bag limit in just under an hour

The squid are around but you have to work to get them

All squid were caught on 3.5 pink Kokoka brand lures

The guys using Aussie poles also caught theie share but did not bag out

The use of these pole are good but not as effective as spinning as squid perfer a moving bait as oppsed to dead or still bait.

I arrived late but in time for the last part of the run in tide, I fished the start of the peir in about two feet of water as my favorite spot was taken up.

Bream Addict you are more than welcome to PM me with any questions, I might be headed down again before the weekend but think I might wait until holidays are over
thanks mate,pm sent. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Fished Queenscliff jetty last night from 4.30 - 10pm. Fished lowest landing for 7 squid. 3 small, 4 medium around 1kg. Most people seemed to snag a few but the larger ones seemed to favour my rigs, used very fresh silver whiting out deep and in close and a 4.0 orange spinning (only one caught one this way - unusual!!)

A hint for those planning to fish the lowest landing, bring waterproof gear and a spare set of clothes as the swell breaks over it as the tide rises.

The pier was completely packed without any spare room on the right hand side right to the end. Around 9.30 pm many started to clear out, so this would be a good time to arrive.

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