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Mornington report - VIC
fished mornington pier last tuesday morning 7-9:30am, had no luck with the squid, and saw only two medium sized ones caught near the shallow end of the pier....

was starting to get bored when suddenly a couta attacked my mates squid jig! so i immediately rigged up some ganged hooks with pilchard strips and pulled in 7 nice couta.

can anyone tell me what people are trying to catch at mornington pier with whole baits (pillch, bluebait etc) under a balloon float?? maybe big couta or salmon?

Fished off mornington pier last night. There were litterally thousands of small (8cm hood) calamari hanging about. You could see then swim around your jigs in large schools and see when they attack your jig! People everywhere where hooking them up one after another. Unfortunately saw many people empty their 10 in the car and come back for more. If you have some small squid jigs (very small) then i suggest going down there, you'll get your limit in no time. There were so many, and they would come right up to the surface to attack you jig in schools of 20-30

As for me, i didn't have small enough jigs, so i just watched everyone around me haul them up while i got nothing <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/crying.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Cry' />.

Hope that helps anyone out there.
hi calamarine,

the balloon people are after snapper <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Cry' />
[quote name='glen' date='Mar 1 2005, 06:10 PM']hi calamarine,

the balloon people are after snapper <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Cry' />


aah, so thats what the balloon people are hunting ;-) i'd be happy enough to pulll in a decent size pinkie off morni pier-let alone a fully grown snapper!...

its a shame ppl are catching so many squid around the size of 8cm(hoods)! thats so smalll....i wonder how the numbers of squid have changed in that area over the years..hope it'll be sustainable for a while longer..

any tried the yamashita 'fish-imitation' style jigs? i think they're quite small, maybe size 2.0 mark, and look like a baby mullet...
hi calamarine,

i haven't seen those jigs as which shops are they being sold?

cheers, glen
[quote name='Guest_calamarine_*' date='Mar 2 2005, 04:25 PM']its a shame ppl are catching so many squid around the size of 8cm(hoods)! thats so smalll....i wonder how the numbers of squid have changed in that area over the years..hope it'll be sustainable for a while longer..


These small calamari are the perfect size for snapper! I saw one man catch one and set it up on some gangs. Soon enough he had a 3kg+ snapper on mornington pier. Too bad it broke off just as he was about to land it...

However, i agree that the size is very small and that people shouldn't try to catch every last one. I sure hope that the squid numbers are still strong..
[quote name='glen' date='Mar 3 2005, 09:37 PM']hi calamarine,

i haven't seen those jigs as which shops are they being sold?

cheers, glen


Glen,...not too sure who stocks them, but maybe compleat angler or other retailers who already have a decent stock of japanese brand jigs.....i'd read about the 'mullet' style jigs on either '' or ''

Chick3n, yeh id imagine those small squid would be perfect size for bait!.....also heard that they are great for asian-style 'stuffing' recipes. but i do miss the big spawners tho!!;-)

can anyone tell me if mornington still yields leatherjacket? best baits/hook size?


I have seen Leatherjackets still being caught off Mornington pier. There are the odd few and they are very small... i think you'd have more luck going for squid.

Although i dont try to catch them, i hear fresh prawns can work. Not that many around however.

Hope that helps,

for leatherjackets use a very small hook. i use size 14 fly-tying hooks.

with such a small hook there is a chance you will get bitten off but at least you will hook some fish!

best of luck, glen
Went to Mornington last nite, it was chockers full of people taking heaps of small squid. Looked like they were taking their limit, going to the car and doing it again!!!

Thank god the fisheries officiers were there for the first time ever! Hope they busted some of these people.
fat boi was that the couple that got busted having 1000 small squids cause that was the rumour going around mornington pier this morning
I'm not sure, but yeah your prolly right, there were quite a few families there fishing out all the squid. Was pretty annoying coz those squid were tiny, let em grow and theres more big squid for everyone <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
fat boi it happend to me at blairgowrie i got 12 squids i threw 2 back but damn they were not very big i felt like throwing the whole lot back but i fished for 4 hrs so i go i have to take something home
Squid Off Mornington. I was down there easter Monday and within about 1 hour pulled up my bag limit mid-afternoon. Suprise suprise, not many other people were landing them.

I ahve tried all sorts of jigs yet the only successfull one I have is a small yamashita, yellow and orange. The size is one size up from the smallest. I have it ties directly to a very light mono leader of about 40 cm then a very small swivel onto fireline. I don't have ANY other wieght on the line. Everyone else I see has splitshot above or a sinker below the jig. Never been successfull this way...

cast out just between the first few boats on the start of the peir and let the jig sit and slowly swim down... when it is almost out of view, give it a tug and let it swim down again... no extra weight on the line. I had a guy next to me with the same lure, with extra weight and he was not geting anything. I scrapped the weight from his rig and he pulled up about 5 in about 30 minutes. OK size of about 10 - 15cm tubes.
thanks for the report freelance and welcome to squidfish! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Thanx for the tip Freelance!!.....

Although, I find with Mornington there doesnt seem to be a sure fire method for catching many different techniques seem to work...depending on time of day-weather etc...and which spot along the pier ure fishing at..

Personally, Ive only ever had success with small pink yamashita's(no bigger than size 2.0) , sometimes in orange or blue.....and only ever caught them with a bottom sinker rig......but last week some time i watched two guys bag out with a weightless rig towards the shallow end of the pier. as i watched them, i was tempted to change my rig as well, but then i'd turn and look at some where else along the pier and see some catching lots with a sinker rig!!

one day i was there, i had an old guy next to me who was reelin em in non stop...he eventually came over to chek my rig as i wasnt catching anything, and changed the length of my leader slightly and changed the bottom sinker to a much heavier one, and within minutes i was pulling em in...

next time i might try throwing two lines without a sinker and let it sink slowly...and use a my weighted one as well!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

has anyone seen any salmon come near the pier lately?
Was out at mornington pier again last nite, seems like theres a few people ruining it for everyone now.

There was a big group (around3-4 familes, 20 people all up) of people there catching squid, instead of bagging them or whatver, they just grilled them and ate them there and then. How the hell are the fisheries people suspose to impose the bag limit if they do stuff like that???

Also, when they see someone catche a squid, they all grab their rods and crowd around that area. Pushing out whoever was fishing there in the first place. I saw them crowd around a dad and his young sons trying to catch a the small school of squid that was there and pushing and shoving the kids out of the way. The dad got annoyed as you would, and the small mob started to turn on him and started swearing and becoming violent. Wasnt long before the dad packed up and so did we. I wanted to enjoy a quiet, nice night out fishing.

What the hell as we suspose to do in situations like that?? They are obviously flaunting the laws and taking more then their fair share, not to mention creating an unfortable atmosphere for all. I can gurantee I wont be heading to mornington again anytime soon. Not happy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />
That is pretty terrible. I have often had rude people cast lines across me and a few harsh words were exchanged....but its a whole different ball game if its 1 against 20 people!

Best you can do is call fisheries to come down since they recently built new headquarters in mornington so it should not be a big ask for them to pop by the pier.

I am not sure if there is an law preventing the eating of squid by the seashore. probably not. though if it becomes a problem (and people are using this as a way of exceeding the bag limits) i guess fisheries could prohibit it.

cheers, glen
glen its pretty craphouse. even if fisheries came down theres jack all they can do. last time 2 officers came down, but theres no way they can check everyone simultaneously. while they are checking 1 person, everyone else bolts, evidence etc intact.

i feel really angry and yet helpless at the same time.
perhaps they cannot check everyone, but if a few people get caught it still helps to put some fear into the others.....they may think twice because it might be them who gets caught next time. the fisheries officers need to be more visible. i never see them myself.

in terms of intimidation/abuse etc, perhaps the police would be more suited to deal with that type of situation. i believe the police station is only a few hundred metres from the pier.

cheers, glen

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