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Mornington report - VIC
wats happening at morni pier?

r the squid on? and wen is the best time to fish for squid there?

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/oops.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' /> By the reports I am getting the squid are very active right around the bay

Morni peir is doing well, the squid are still on the small side but ones to 500 grams are not uncommon, the rocks arouns Mt Martha are producing better sized squid.

On the other side of the bay the spawning season has definatly started with boat anglers bagging out in the short amount of time in the Lonsdale bight using blue lures and baited jigs

Havent got out lately but as the season fires up more trips are definately on the menu

Anyone interested in joining me fishing the Bellarine area landbased in the next few weeks is welcome to message me will be planning to hit the Queenscliff area
Have stumbled across this site, and love it. Was an avid squid fisherboy back in the days when the Yozuir lure was the ducks guts and the scallop boats were fiar game when they were tied up alongside the mornington pier.

can't believe that poeple still fish there for squid.

Best of luck guys.
Gday folx! only recently found this forum. very glad to join youWink

thought id give a report of my first squid caught in port philip bay. the 1st and only other time ive had any luck catching them was up at the Tathra wharf just past merimbula during summer. never knew how much fun it could be! for years i didnt think PPB had anything decent to offer, but boy have i been missing out.

went down two days in a row this week-(mon-tues morning). on mon morning, there was only about 2 or 3 ppl on the pier, including one regular i always see down there. didnt catch a thing, but got to see a massive school of salmon come past the pier a few times. if only i had some lures with me !!! one guy bolted down the pier to where the school was, cast right into them and hooked up a very nice salmon. only 1, but still fun to watch. next time i'll be ready.

the 2nd morning got to portsea pier at bout 6am, few ppl there, not crowded. lots of ink on the pier-but conditions were really windy. got bored pretty quickly with not a single fish/ squid in sight. so i started to head home about 9am when i decided to pop by mornington pier again.

by that time i thought it was too close to lunchtime to catch anything but i was pleasantly surprised. seeing that most ppl at the pier use 2.5 weight, i started off with my 2.5 orange razorback, no luck. so i hesitantly decided to use the only other jig i had which was a Yamashita Green 3~4gm(sinker underneath )

On my first cast as i was retrieving, just as the jig came into the visibilty, i saw quite a large looking specimen dart out from the dark and hit the jig, i couldnt hook it, but it got me all pumped. cast out again str8 away and with a couple of minutes pulled in 2 of my first squid! yeeha. headed home about 11:30am.

i have a pic, but not sure how to post-i presume i need to put my pics onto a server to post?

sorry for a long post, will keep it short and simple next time <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

hi Calamarine,

WELCOME to the boards <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/beer_mug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer' />

i now the feeling when you see something come out of nowhere and follow the jig up to the surface,.. a bit of an adreneline rush hey? Its even better when you get the bugger on the next cast Big Grin

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />


PS. you can attach pictures by using the "file attachments" just above the "add reply button"
By using the file attachments it will automatically put it on the server!!

Love the sight of a squid following the jag and then nailing it!! Simply awesome feeling!!

Well Done mate!

May there be many more!


SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!
gday ppl, thanks 4 the welcome!

im actually planning to check out mornington pier this arvo/evening and maybe the mt martha rocks. has anyone heard any reports of squid from the mt martha ? because of the reports on here about the squid down there being a little bigger than the ones at m'nington pier, i guess i'll try out some baited jigs under floats.


fished for squid at sunnyside, from boat, on Sunday and only managed 3 in about 1.5hrs, water wasnt very clear <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

Tried a little south from Fishermans Landing and got nothing, another mate only managed one small one. Better luck next time...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
I fished off Mornington on Saturday from 7.00am to 10.30am, so much for the 5 to 10 knots, the water was so dirty I don't think any squid would of come out. A few boats out but not much action, a lot of people leaving early. Tried for garfish inside the pier after all the reports you hear but not even one, beryled up and everything, Crap. We did raise one small octopus but they always let go right at the boat. We fished the week before at Sorrento and the water was a lot clearer down there, and we caught a couple of squid, see pic under Robert. I dont think I will fish Mornington again, there is also a heap of those starfish <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> next to the ramp as well.

Good Squiding Rob
Hey all

This is a pic of a squid I got.

WERE = Snapper Point, Mornington

WHEN = Around 2:00 on the 7th of Oct 2004

SIZE = Measuring 63cm from its end to it mouth, and a total length of 82cm if also measuring its tentacles.

Happy Hunting to All

G'day All. Great Site!! Never been squidding before but now I'm intrigued

I was fishing off the pier at Mornington catching nothing as usual, then I see this little chinese man pull up this squid. It was going beserk shooting ink all over the place. I am going to have a crack at it next Monday. I might use cheap jigs to start with as i fear i will lose a few. Is it possible to 'snag' your jigs on weed? Also, what size (cms) would be regarded as 'too small' for a squid? Are there limitations in terms of size, and numbers caught?

Cheers guys.

I've learned heaps already and I've only been here for 20 mins!!
Hi Psychosis, welcome to the site, there are bag limits so read up on your states regulations, yes you can snag the bottom unless you use a float, colors are many also but generally blue, green, pink, then the multicolored are normally used, sizes vary also so the 4 inch ones are a good start, the rest is up to you how you work the jig, if you read all the posts on this site it will give you a head start on your learning curve, good luck and keep us posted on your progress, I'll go finish my snack now, yep, fried calamari in chilli sauce, mmmmmmmm donuts,,,,,Pete.
Gday Psychosis,

In Victoria we have a bag limit of 10 squid per angler. Also dont forget to buy a fishing licence or else you could get fined by fisheries.

Dont let the squid jig sink to far and you wont get snagged on the seaweed/bottom, how long you let it sink will depend on the location you are fishing and you will get a "feel" for it after a few trips!

Good luck <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />

Hi All,

Fished off mornington pier on the 23rd Dec in the evening (4-9pm). Finished up with 10, the bag limit. Not many other people catching squid along the pier. Used 1.5 jig w/ running sinker. Colours used were orange, red, multi and purple. conditions were great - 5 knot winds and quite warm.


Hi Guys, I went after some squid for the 1st time yesterday but I did not have any luck.

Went off the Mornington pier (Vic). Every man and his dog was there (prob because of the public holiday). Got there approx 2pm using 2.5 green jig and float. Tried both sides of the pier. No good. Saw a few catches of fish but no squid. Gave up and tied a flathead rig, casted, then spotted squid! Put squid jig back on (green and orange) but not interested. Only interest was from a pufferfish which kept having a go at my float (illuminated). Got a bit sunburnt as well. Will try again on the w/end.
Gday psychosis

Your experience of seeing a squid that shows no interest in your jig is a common one! Sometimes changing size or colour of your jig will bring results. Also fishing in the afternoon is the most pleasant but generally not the most productive for squid. I'd either try very early morning, or evening/night for best chance. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':au:' />

Let us know how you go

Went to Mornington a few days ago before dusk. Caught nothing.

Im starting to lose faith. I am using cheap jigs. I might buy a yamashita and see how I go. I reckon I have spent at least 20 hrs and got nothing. I have never caught a squid before.

The squids are driving me nuts. I even had a dream about squid recently. The strange thing is that in my dream, i was catching squid on a barb with no bait!! W/T/F??
Hi, regarding the cuttlefish.

I used to be a deckhand on a scallop trawler working out of Bundaberg, Qld.

Some of the by-catch that was normally thrown back overboard was LOTS of cuttlefish.

I thought I'd give them a try. I found the easiest technique for cleaning them was to insert my fingers inside the head and detach a couple of suckers that seem to attach the main innards of the beastie to the inside of the body. Then I would slip my fingers right up inside the body to the very top and pinch off the attached guts etc. A quick pull on the head/legs left you with the clean body with the cuttlebone still inside.

It was then a simple matter of turning the body inside out (like taking off a too-tight jumper), discarding the cuttlebone and using fingers to easily separate the remaining skin from the flesh in one piece. The whole process from start to finish would take from 5-10 seconds.

At the end you had a lovely white triangular piece of meat about 7-9 mm thick.

The way I prepared the cuttlefish for eating was to lay the body on a cutting board and bash it with a steak hammer until almost mushy, but still in one piece.

A quick dip in flour, eggwhite, then salted breadcrumbs and into the hot pan.

Usually only about 30-50 seconds per side, (when breadcrumbs turn light golden brown) then onto the plate.

This was my favourite seafood. (Much better than Moreton Bay bugs which we also caught a lot of) The steak hammer stopped the flesh from either curling up, or being rubbery. I can almost taste it now.... mmmmmm.

Regards, Ross
hi ross,

thanks for providing that info about cuttlefish cleaning.

much appreciated,

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
i went out to mornington pier a couple of times recently. on one occasion there was a big school of salmon working about 100 metres from the end of the pier. occasionally they came close enough to cast a lure to. i hooked 4 but managed to drop them all. it was pretty exciting!

lots of tiny pinkies were also being caught. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />

no squid to be seen.

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