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29-09-2003, 11:31 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2005, 10:41 PM by glen.)
Hey guys,
As supersquid has indicated, I have finally put that bit of video of the squid attacking a squid jig in Photo/Video Gallery.
If anyone has a problem viewing this please let me know. I took this with my digital camera that also has a short video function. The water clarity wasn't the best.
I have some other snippets of footage but squid are pretty timid and i found it hard to get close to them. I will try again when the water warms up a bit.
Cheers, Glen :geek :geek
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I agree Glen, that footage is great. A note to anyone else who is on a Mac, make sure you download the right Windows Media Player for your operating system ie/ Mac OSX version won't work on Mac OS9 machines.
Also Glen, how the hell did you get that footage?
Were you waiting underwater next to your jig, or did you mount your camera underater and cast over it?
However you did it, most impressive!
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
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I was snorkelling with my water proof digital camera. Its a Canon Ixus v3 with a water proof housing. I can only shoot movies up to 30 seconds long cause it is a camera and not a dedicated movie camera.
My dad was casting jigs from shore while i was in the water. This particular squid was distracted by the jig and didn't notice i was so close. Most squid were quite timid and i could not get closer than 5 metres before they scooted off.
Wow, you must have been waiting in the water a while! I do quite a lot of spearfishing, and squid are always harder to approach than fish. We have been trying to work out how to make spearfishing videos 'on the cheap' ie/ without buying an underwater video camera, and a digital camera with a housing sounds like a good option.
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01-10-2003, 05:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2003, 05:51 PM by glen.)
Hi Jaz, here is a description of the camera:
and here is a picture of the water proof housing:
I think there would be other brands that also have a water proof housing.
But it is not as good as a video camera. my best resolution is 640 by 480 pixels. A good video camera would be better than that i think. plus my still photos underwater are usually blurry cause the flash is too weak. can only really take photos of very close objects.
Also one thing to consider. The movies i shoot are recorded at 15 frames per second but the PAL standard is 25fps so if you want to convert the movie into a DVD or Super VCD (on CD-ROM) then you have to "add" frames into the movie. So the image quality deteriorates.
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Glen, thanks for the info, you are a good man!
When we get our gear sorted out maybe I can send you a movie of a squid being speared!
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Hi Glen and fellow squider's, I have just seen the live video footage of Glen's squid taking a jig,
I slowed the video down so I could see it frame by frame, and followed the squid's movement's
1/ he follow's the jig
2/ make's the decision to attack it
3/ speed's up to grab it
But notice how he attack's ? he manoeuvred slightly above it and grabbed it in the middle from above !
if you slow the video as I have you'll see it, fascinating !
Which bring's me to a new line of thought, are we under estimating the "RAZOR BACK" jig's ?
I wish we had 6 to 12 separate video's to compare, if this was the standard way squid hunt, I would turf all my jig's and buy "RAZOR BACK'S" !
I don't own any razor back's because I thought they were just a gimick, after seeing the video I'm not so sure now !
I hope I"ve started to get you guy's thinking now, do you come to the same conclusion as me ?
LOVE THE FOOTAGE GLEN !! cheer's Peter d.
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hi skipper,
I got an arrow squid on the weekend in 20m of water with the jig sitting just off the bottom. This time i rigged my silver whitting with the tail towards the barbs and guess what happened? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />
The first hit i got the squid didnt get hooked because it had attacked the bait just behind head, big chunk of fish missing <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='  ' /> . i threw the baited jig back out and this time managed to get him.
If my baited jig had barbs where the razorbacks have them i would have got the squid first go <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='  ' />
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
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06-10-2003, 05:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2003, 05:08 PM by glen.)
To do a proper test you would really need to video a squid attacking a razorback jig. It might be that as soon as the squid felt the central barbs it would realise something is wrong and immediately let go.
Anyone out there from the razorback company able to comment? Perhaps they have some videos they can share with us!
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='  ' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
Great Movie Glen, will you be making more on jiging techniques and other realted squid movies?
Keep the good work up mate
Im with Glen a bit on this one.
I tend to think with shy squid whcich tend to feel the prey a bit with thier candles I believe many may shy off at the razor spines.
Squid are quite agressive and will hold on to a jig for some time and even bite big chunks out of them while not hooked(always on the jig where the vertabrae would be so to disable thier prey and devour at will)
a slight weight increase can be felt ,its then that you should jag him hard .
hey presto well hooked squid.
Some goes for baits AOK. passive fishing under a float is never as succesfull as active handlining.
Regards John
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Well, ditch all other jags and use razorbacks - already done it - well the others are still in my tackle box but only if i run out of razorbacks in any one trip..............
All the squid i catch are caught on the extra hooks..............
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!
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10-10-2003, 02:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-10-2003, 02:48 AM by skipper.)
Hello Mr Willy, From your reply post, I gather you have been using Razor back jig's for a while?
I used to think they were just a gimmick, but as I said in my post ------- " I'm not so sure now "
After looking at Glen's video footage of a squid attack,
In your opinion, has your / catch / hook up rate / losses / improved since you started using Razor back's ?
I'm really interested as I'm thinking of buying some,
But I already have heap's and heap's of standard yozuri jig's, It's a pity to ditch them unless
I'm going to improve the hook up rate, jig's arn't cheap so I would like to confirm my theory before
I commit myself to more tackle, I just about need a shopping trolley now every time I go fishing,
It alway's seem's there's one more piece of tackle I need,
best regards Pete.
Hi Peter D
Interesting observations there mate, you got a lot from the few seconds video. did you slow the media player then do single frame advance? I am using the latest version but don't seem to have this option . I can pause the play but sliding the play-bar has no effect.
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i viewed it in the old media player(and just stopped & started it quickly), and it sort of looks like it wraps its tenticles around the top(back) of the jig.. hrmmm..interesting..
im actually thinking of designing my own prawn jig.. :blink: ..
btw, wheres that video from?
Just behind the head of the prey is where you find most if not all squid aim they can attack from in frony from the side or behind .
Razor backs will spook more squid than standard type jigs and also catch more weed , a definate no no when squidding.
Dont waste your money .
Learn to feel for a squid gently hanging on as the squid attempt to chew your jig as the post up this line suggests.
I have lost count of the number of squid that hang on to my jigs all the way to the surface and are not even hooked, have a good look , if his tenticles are firmly grasping the jig he aint hooked yet,this is when you whack him . I f he IS hooked his tenticles will be fanned out as he tries to resist being pulled through the water.
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w0w.. i still am wondering how you managed to capture that footage of the squid.. :blink: :blink: <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
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ADAM, I to am embarking on a prototype squid jig, I have started with wooden model's, they are 15 cm
long, I'm still working out the dynamic's part of it, buoyancy, swimming action, that sort of thing, hence my
curiosity as to how a squid attack's it's prey, I have a few idea's on barb placement, but haven't fully
decided yet, but what work I have done already is looking good, it should be ready for field testing soon,
the next thing I need to do is choose the colour, this I feel is very important, it might be the greatest jig on
earth, BUT,------ unless the colour is right, it may not give the result's as to whether it work's or
not, if I can't get any taker's I won't know, if I can design a jig that will hold a squid tight, and there's no
way he can spit the jig, { read = let go, or by ripping his own tenticle's off } then I will have succeeded,
I still don't know what to call the proto type jig's ? EG; SG -1, +SG -2 and SG -3 ?
{ Short for "squid jig" not stargate ! } I'll post my result's on this board when I have completed my project,
I have just gone over my center consul and done all the prep work ready for the new season,
new battery's, flare's, bildge pump's, engine service ect, so I'm looking forward to the testing ahead,
cheer's Pete.
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Sounds good Pete, im keen to know how it works out..
If we could see some more squid video's [like glens one], we could compare how the squid attacks the jig, therefore giving us a better insight on how to design a "SuperSquidjig".
I would like to see footage of a squid attacking a baited jig [eg. silver whiting jig].. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Maby you should name your jig, the "Skipper" squidjig..
Good luck with your squidjig Pete.. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer' />
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Ive thought about making my own jags once, but dont think it is worth the effort.
And yes, i have been using razorbacks for a couple of years now, and live by them - they are the greatest advancement in squid jags ever!
All my squid are caught on the extra barbs.............
I believe the hookup rate is better - not so much when casting and retreiving but when sitting still - as the squid sometimes just touch the jag, and in the old style they dont hook, but now they do........
Catch rates also improved................
I would buy them - can get them for around $7.............
I only usually have two sitting under a float underneath where i bring my tommie pins into so that if the squid drops the tommie it will take the jags..........
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!