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Manly Harbour , It's been a while
Friday night and I thought I'd go down and see if I could remember how to catch squid.

My daughter had said she'd like to come with me and take some videos so about 6.30pm off we went.

Walked the esplanade using a torch for the dark patches between the streetlights and managed to hook 4 and land 3.

( Don't like to use a torch out on the point as other squidders get upset )

Megan made me let one go as she said it was too small compared to the other squid. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

The things you do for your kids !

After Megan watched for a while I asked would she like to try and she managed to hook one on about her second cast.

Played it for a few seconds before it spat the jig and there was plenty of Oh God , Oh God he's taken it , he's hooked !

Pretty sure she would have let it go too had she landed it.

Unfortunately all the videos came out very dark so I have to get the setting right on the camcorder and we'll try again.

To sum up we had a nice walk , nice talk and a couple of squid to boot.

Went back down there this morning about 7.30.

The water was a bit dirty so I was just casting blind rather then sight casting to them.

Managed 5 in about 3 hours and and was on the way back to the car when I stumbled across a school of them.

Got another 5 as fast as I could put the jig back in the water.

Left them biting as 10 is plenty for the three of us.

Have taken photos and will post them when Megan gets home from work and shows me how to crop and post photos.

Doc Z
nice work doc not bad 4 an afternoon walk
good to hear Joel , cant complain about 10.

I did a couple of trips out in my boat over the weekend , got 21 saturday and 1 went a kilo along with a few that were not far off that mark and got 30 on sunday.

Paul...the mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
Thank you Master Yoda. ( RU12mug )

Would still be struggling to catch one if you didn't show me the Harbour way.

( When you can snatch these jigs from my hand you are ready Grasshopper. )

Quite work and start a school for "squid challenged"anglers.

You'll be rich !!!!!

Zoidberg. ( aka Joel )

HOLY CRAP!!! they must have been thick hahahahahahahahahahaha

good work mate , they all look to be a good size too.

start a school...quick way for me to go broke hahahahaha

Paul...the mug
make squid your friend...then bag them
nice Dr Z, very nice

you will need plenty of beer and breadcrumbs to go with that lot <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Had deep fried crumbed rings last night.

Salt & pepper squid tonight.

Not too shabby.

Will have to have a look around for some other way to prepare them.

First time Squidder here, thinking bout going for a bash, are they still running or have i missed out this season??

I have not been back since late June but I am told there are not as many about but the ones that are there are a good size.

Awesome Ill head out my next day of and try my luck.. and maybe my patience ha ha

Hey LC! Welcome to squidfish!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':zorro:' />
[quote name='glen' post='20075' date='Jul 19 2010, 05:03 PM']Hey LC! Welcome to squidfish!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':zorro:' />[/quote]

Went out today, cheated a lil took out the boat, good day for it, heaps out there but not many takers but got 4 decent sized squid, got really quiet so we changed targets not many big ones out today plenty of lil takers tho, took a few keepers not a bad day well no squid 'V' no more lol. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':zorro:' />
Just got back from fishing the reef at 1770. ( about an hour the other side of Bundaberg )

Got into Fitzroy lagoon to anchor for the night just on dark and look over the side of the boat and what do I see ?

Yep , two squid eyeballing me.

Did I have any jigs ?


Wasn't there to chase squid I suppose.

Went up there chasing reef fish but the trip was a real washout.

Barely managed a feed of fish between the four of us.

Wind was blowing all week and I managed to hurt my back pounding our way back from Fitzroy for three hours in big seas.

That's fishing !!!

Doc Z
almost the same thing happened to me up there Joel . woke up before daylight to find squid looking at us and no jigs.

but we did manage to score some trout , rte , reds , and a heep of hussar and other stuff before we were blown back to 1770.

make squid your friend...then bag them

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