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Spearfishing Around Melbourne, VIC
Hey guys luv the site and info you give, keep it up!

Recently iv'e been reading a few posts and topics you guys have submitted on spearfishing and i think it sounds quite fun and i'm always into trying new things <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

so..... do u guys know where i could purchase a Hawaiian sling or how i could make one....i live in sandringham and wouldn't be willing to travel somewhere to much out of my way. Appreciate anyones help and/or advice!!!

CHEERS <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/beer_mug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Yeah spearfishing is great fun, there's something magic about hunting fish in their own element.

There are a few diving shops quite close to the top of my head there's one in oakleigh (on centre road I think) and there's a dive shop in JV Marine World on Springvale Rd (and probably many others...a lot of fishing tackle shops sell spears). If you can, try and get the longest spear you can afford (8 foot is a good length), with a 6 prong cluster head. It's not a bad idea to get a spare rubber as well. My preference is for a speargun, but a sling is perfect to start with, while you build your breath holding and fish stalking skills. I'm not sure what price you should expect to pay for your spear, I haven't bought one in a while, certainly should be much less than $100, although some of the flashier ones might be this much.

Once the weather warms warms up you'll be able to chase mullet, whiting, gars, flathead, flounder, leatherjackets, and many other species close to Sandringham.

Should meet up for a spear over summer! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

i bought a neptune brand hawaiin sling recently for $30 from cranbourne tackle. though i have not tested it yet. i guess it was about 6 foot long.

welcome aboard! cheers, glen
dude buy a gun instead of a sling and a wetsuit snorkel mask flippers float and thats about it
I would have to agree with the other guys, about getting the biggest sling you can find, which is about 7ft or so I think. Because there more accurate and it’s also a hell of a lot easier to hit stuff, because with the smaller slings there always just out of rang. The larger aluminium slings cost around $45 bucks, and the smaller one around $35 bucks, so it’s worth paying the extra $10 bucks. You can also get long fibre glass slings which cost around $90 bucks. I have just recently got my self one of them myself. There meant to be a lot better because there meant to be more accurate and they won’t bend out of shape at all over time, as were the aluminium slings will. Because you will every now and then hit a rock or a strong fighting type fish which can slightly warp the shape of the sling over time. And my opinion on spear guns is that it really depends on were you go, because I mainly go out in Port Philip Bay, and pretty much most of the fish you will see, are capable of being speared by a sling, rather then a spear gun, and slings are a lot easier to use because if you miss you can swim after the fish and then have another go at it, as were spear guns require you to stop and concentrate on reloading it, and in that time the fish will be gone, you only times I’ve ever need a spear gun has been at Flinders, were you will come across the bigger types of fish, because anything smaller then about 50cm is able to be gotten with a sling, but anything much bigger will put up a fight and has a good chance of being able to get of the end of the sling.

and about trying to make your own sling, I wouldn’t bother, for the elastics are about $10 bucks to by on there own, and the spear heads are about $17 bucks, so it would be a hell of a lot easier to just buy one rather then make it our self.

I hope this helps you out mate. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
I picked up an aluminum hawain sling at rebel sport in southland for $30 the fibre glass were $50. Also there is a dive shop on boundary road in breaside next to the spa shop that sell them as well. But just a few dollars extra. Hope this is a help.
Just remember we are in a drought,

More fish in the one spot.
my advice.... look on ebay! they have plenty of aluminium slings for $20!!! i got my fibreglass 2pc land and sea spear, with rubber, spear and everything for just $30!!!

when on ebay dont type in sling or hawaiin sling type in "hand spear"

happy fishing,


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