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Floundering With A Full Moon
I have been doing some floundering around the sorrento area, with some luck....

i went out on last thursday and the moon was out, my old man thinks that you never catch much with a moon.. is this a fact or a old wifes tale??

caught 2 flounder, but no squid or nothing..... there are a lot of these port jackson sharks out there but thats about it.
Sounds like you answered your own question mate!

A guy from this site got 3 flounder last Tuesday night, and I got 6 + 2 flathead on Saturday night, the moon was about 2/3 full.

So I think that you can still catch flounder during a full moon, but it's BETTER when there's no moon

I assume where you guys go, is in the sea??

Where i go is an estuary like river, and i reckon the Full Moons are best....

In the sea though, the big tides around the New Moon would probably be your best bet, as it would mean that more sand flats are covered with water.......
SA - the land of the bigger fish. The fish on the east, measure the least, but if you head west, you'll be bringing in the best!!
Ummm, i've been on full moon and no moon recently...and well...doesnt seem to affect anything as far as flounder go...but thats just my observation i'm a complete noob at this.
Hi Guys,

what are your thoughts on the best moon phases to go squidding and floundering?

Hi Mick,

I have found that fishing on a new moon (no moon) is most productive, however i have had some good catches on a full moon. In my experience a new moon produces better catches, however the moon should not let you stop getting out there.

To me, the moon isn't that important so much as the wind, tide and temp. So if those three are good, then ill be out there no matter how the moon is.


I've been waiting for a full moon (and the time) to try my first attempt, but I think you are right, it would not be any fun out there on a windy night .

I've been floundering on all sorts of nites...and humble opinion, the moon doesnt really affect whats there.

Might sound a bit unscientific, but if they're there, they're there. As long as theres not much wave action or surface wind and you can see thats all that matters to me.

My very best night out was a full moon though, me and my mate got 10 flounder each, could gotten more, but that was the catch limit.


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