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Darwin wharf, NT
OK, so I found this website while browsing the net.

I like eating squid, so I figured I might as well try my hand at catching them.

Nipped down to K-Mart and bought three $7 fishing rods and three $3 squid lures.

Sunday being Father's Day, I take the wife, 10yo daughter and 1yo son down to Darwin wharf to see if this squid fishing is all it's cracked up to be.

According to all your info, last night should have been perfect: sunset at 6.40pm, high tide at 6.50pm, and the night of the new moon.

Unfortunately, the wharf was packed with bloody tourists ... nowhere to park.

So I drove round to the Deckchair Cinema, and we started fishing off the rocks.

Within 2 mins, my daughter had hopelessly tangled her fishing line.

I spent about 10 mins untangling it for her.

Then the missus got savaged by giant mosquitoes.

Just as the baby started howling in his pram, all hell breaks loose.

A monster squid attacks my lure.

He's at least 18 inches long, and splashing around on the surface, making a sort of moaning sound (NB: this could have been me).

Luckily, I'm a quick-thinking sort of bloke.

A quick heave on the rod, and I rescue my lure from the jaws of this creature from the deep.

Daughter then shines her torch on the squid, and vows never to go swimming again.

Squid swims off.

Wife demands to be taken home.

Baby still howling.

Nearby fishermen suggest I accede to wife's wishes.

Pack up.

Go home.

Spend rest of evening untangling fishing line.

Nowhere on this website is there advice against taking family squidfishing.

This, I believe, is a serious omission.
Hi Ben

You poor poor man fancy losing a squid of that side

Notice how the mozzies only attacked your wife. This is natures way of saying that you dont take wives fishing especially if you have kids.LOL
from now on i will try to mention the problems of mixing kids, wives and squid more often!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />

welcome to the site! and thanks for the you think you will ever go fishing again? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

cheers, glen
Will I go squid-fishing again?

My oath!

Thursday night's on the cards ... better than watching the Poms give us another thrashing.

There's at least one squid in Darwin Harbour that's scoffing at me.

I'll wipe the smile off its face.

As for the mossies ... you're absolutely correct. I didn't get bitten once, while the missus was being bitten through her jeans.

What is it about women and insects?

I remember once reading something about women and trout ... women catch bigger trout than men ... something to do with pheromones. Maybe they attract insects the same way. Has there been any sort of statistical analysis on the average female-caught squid mass vs male-caught?

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