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Phillip Island...vic
Hey champs, how do you put a picture up 'cos I got a massive butterfish/dusky morwong out the back of rye the other day with a perfect head shot in poor visibility. I wont brag because they're an easy target god love 'em... petty it tasted like it had been marinated in warm bilge water for 3 weeks.

One other thing worth noting is that the old butterfish have hardly any guts in them. They're nearly all flesh, horrible blue-grey flesh...

So how do ya get the photos up? I've got a few good catches to show you peoples.

On another note, I went down to port cample the other day and its cray fish galore down there at the moment. Although I was too hung over to actually catch the little blighters, I can tell you that I must of seen about 20 of them in reasonably shallow waters!
Hey Rohan, there are a few steps to post images. Ill tell u how i do my image uploads and anyone else can also give their own views. Not everyone does it the same way but this is the way i find works for me.

1. First of all i have a photobucket account ( and this gives me netspace to host images. Basically i have some space to upload an image off my harddrive and i can access these pics whenever i want (and also remove them as well). So, go sign up with photobucket and upload some images that u wanna show us.

2. After u have uploaded ur images, each image should be given a URL path directory. This is basically an internet address for that image. Just copy (clt+C) the URL path so that u have it ready to paste when in the forum.

3. Come onto the squidfish forum and get into the post a reply page. You should see an icon with a tree image at the top of the post box, right near the other icon for changing font colour etc. Click on the icon and you will be prompted to enter a full URL address for the image u want to post.

4. Paste the previously copied URL address from photobucket and press enter. You shuld now see the address appear in ur post as text, not image. Dont worry the text will appear as an image when u actaully post.

5. Thats it.

Hope i made some sence to you. Show us ur biggest now!!!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
Try this on for size....

[Image: fish.jpg]
and while I'm at it here's a snapper I pulled outa western port last year.... 6kG it was

[Image: snapdaddy.jpg]
Nice fish! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
hey guys,

jaz let me rephrase my question, "are red morwong a type of seacarp". what i meant was that im pretty sure they are related to sea carp. ill just have a look on the web now.

oh and great fish rohan! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />

happy fishing,

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' /> hey guys, me again, found a list of the types of morwong in the world... sorry if its a bit big.



C. fasciatus, Redfingers

C. nigripes, Magpie Perch

C. pixi, Barred Fingerfin

C. quadricornis

C. rubrolabiatus

C. variegatus, Peruvian Morwong


C. brachydactylus, Twotone Fingerfin

C. grandis, Bank Steenbras

C. jessicalenorum, Natal Fingerfin


D. nigricans, Dusky Morwong


G. ephippium, Painted Moki

G. fuscus, Red Morwong

G. gibbosus, Western Crested Morwong

G. plessisi, Plessis's Morwong

G. spectabilis, Red Moki

G. vestitus, Crested Morwong

G. vittatus, Hawaiian Morwong

G. zebra, Redlip Morwong

G. zonatus, Spottedtail Morwong


N. bergi

N. douglasii, Blue Morwong or Porae

N. gayi

N. macropterus, Jackass Morwong or Tarakihi

N. monodactylus, St. Paul's Fingerfin

N. valenciennesi, Blue Morwong, Sea Carp, Queen Snapper

N. vemae
happy fishing,

Damn Rohan, thats a big ass morwong! And a very nice snapper. Oh and the 2 pics look like they are of different Just an observation.

Im guessing u understood my advice about image posting then...

Are any morwongs good eating??? I mean do they all taste like rubbish??? Anyone???
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
[quote name='leaveit' post='6262' date='Mar 9 2006, 06:03 PM']Damn Rohan, thats a big ass morwong! And a very nice snapper. Oh and the 2 pics look like they are of different Just an observation.

Im guessing u understood my advice about image posting then...

Are any morwongs good eating??? I mean do they all taste like rubbish??? Anyone???[/quote]

Yeah thanks for the tips leaveit - I'll be posting a lot of fish pics now in the future now I've got the hang of it and I look forward to seeing everyone elses catch. And for the record, both those pics in the photos were me, pre and post hippy hair.
LOL...i love the fish, but i dunno if i actually love the hair even more!
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
in my opinion morwongs are very good to eat. my top 3 are reds, bandeds and blue. well there the only ones ive had actually but i reckong reds are the best. im not sure why morwong taste good as their diet mainly consists of weeds and seaplants (similar to carp).

happy fishing,

Iv only tasted one type of morwong so far, the Magpie Perch (also banded morwong i believe) . And i felt that the meat was ok. Could have been better but it was ok. The main quarell with the flesh was that it was way too soft to BBQ. It kinda fell apart. But that could have also been because of the olive oil/lemon juice/salt/pepper marinade i had let it soak in before the cook up. I would still catch them, because if u dont end up with a cod or a nice boarfish or something, Magpie's will still feed a hungy tummy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
Went back last Sunday (12th). A few hours and we got 10 or so fish. Ate them yesterday...yummy.

Here are a few shots...the Sweep and Boarfish have been gutted and scaled, but in the bottom 2 pics the fish have only been gutted...

[Image: IMG_71741.jpg]

[Image: IMG_71771.jpg]

[Image: IMG_72291.jpg]

[Image: IMG_72311.jpg]
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?
Some nice fish there, the brown ones are herring cale - did you eat them? I speared one once and it tasted pretty ordinary.
some good fish there leaveit - how big was the boar fish? I speared a massive one once with a hawain sling and it just brushed it and the damn fish took off at the speed of light. Also for the record of what dusky morwongs eat, the one I caught had mostly weed in its gut but it looked like it had little pieces of crab in there as well.
Thanks for the comments guys!

Jaz - yeah we did eat all the fish...they were all quite good actually (but the garlic marinade helped give them a top-noch flavour). I didnt personally have any Herring Cale but my family said it tasted good and had nice white flesh.

Rohan - the Boarie was about 30-35cm in not that big. I did get to see a few more in the water, below the surface at about 4-6m but they were quite quick as you said. Only managed to get 1 so far. But yeah, tasty!

Those damn Sea Sweep...soo hard to fillet!! Make sure they are reasonable sized me! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
O Wahoo, Whahoo! wherefore art thou Wahoo?

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