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Newport Ri 2015 Squid Season
Like I said some people would step on your head to get a squid.

FF had a pretty good night last night   that figures, the night before and the

night after I go its good.   About losing access to areas its not just the squid

folks it also occurs for all fishing and hunting.   Sometimes I think its the PETA

people dressed as anglers.

Quote:Like I said some people would step on your head to get a squid.

FF had a pretty good night last night   that figures, the night before and the

night after I go its good.   About losing access to areas its not just the squid

folks it also occurs for all fishing and hunting.   Sometimes I think its the PETA

people dressed as anglers.
It's becoming more pain in my neck than relaxing.

However next week will be better, I noticed water temperature is rising and it will be half moon too.
Encouraging reports for a change.  i'm in montana this week (went to jellystone today) so too far from salt.  hopefully i'll chase squid again this week once the boat is cleaned up.  My freezer is full but I have the need for sqeed.  Smile


Once i get the gremlins vanguished i'll probably have space in case anyone wants to leave crowds behind....

I WENT TO JT YESTERDAY ONLY 12 squid for about 7 hrs so I went home ..,
Went looking for stripers last night in Newport (Fort Adams). I should have switched over to squid though. Guys out there had a slow pick of squid but as soon as a pod would come up, it would be scattered by schoolies. On the way home, I went past GI just before midnight. People seemed really apathetic jigging. There were even a couple parking spots on the bridge so it must have been slow.
haven't posted here in quite awhile.

went out Thursday on the FF managed 25 squids and last night 23 squid. it was a pretty packed boat compared to Thursday. last night they also had a private charter on their largest boat. fished sided by side with them, don't know how they did.

the yuzi mini jigs was the key on both trips. with no more than a half oz sinker. sometimes I went even lighter to a half or quarter oz, that worked real well.

pass two years I opted to stay away from GI and JT because all the bs and drama. much nicer on a boat, squid or no squid.
The squid are still hitting pretty well in Bristol just gotta bring a light and fish the top dock so nobody bothers u.they are there.
Will they bother you if you use a generator on top dock in Bristol
Not likely there's no houses in the area and I've seen a few people with them before and there were no issues.
Quote:Not likely there's no houses in the area and I've seen a few people with them before and there were no issues.
Where is this dock in Bristol?
Themes street behind the old armory.parking is limited so u may have to park on the road
Quote:Themes street behind the old armory.parking is limited so u may have to park on the road

Quote:Themes street behind the old armory.parking is limited so u may have to park on the road
Thankyou are many people fishing during the day
Some people do fish during the day off the main pier, for Scup/porgy, but not yet as they aren't in.  You can't fish off the lower docks unless you have a boat there. Also, you have to park on the road as the parking lot is for permit parking.


Play by the rules and everyone wins. Pick up your own trash or others.

Went out last few nights with friends and filled about 4 1/2 buckets worth offshore.
Aquidneck Island Striper Team
Anybody catching squid in Newport  day or night ,

spoke to the francis fleet on squidding today. It is hit or miss from a 5 gal bucket to zip. Last night was a zip night. They did say they will still keeep bookings open as long as the squid are still around.
Hey guys, I'm still relatively new at squidding, but from the messages posted thus far this season, is it fair to assume that this isn't like your "typical" year for squid? I recall a few things from last year -- such as a mid-April start to the season, FF anglers coming in with bucketfulls, and the presence of gynormous pods in most places -- that lead me to belive this will be a very slow season. I mean, we're almost in June ... meaning that stripers are flooding the bays already and it won't be long till the blues show up and clean house. Bottom line question: Has squid season already "busted wide open" (as many anglers predicted would happened weeks ago), or are we still waiting for it? Apologies in advance for the venting, but my hauls from Norwalk and back have been getting really exhausting -- especially when I'm not catching much. Thanks again, guys!
Quote:Hey guys, I'm still relatively new at squidding, but from the messages posted thus far this season, is it fair to assume that this isn't like your "typical" year for squid? I recall a few things from last year -- such as a mid-April start to the season, FF anglers coming in with bucketfulls, and the presence of gynormous pods in most places -- that lead me to belive this will be a very slow season. I mean, we're almost in June ... meaning that stripers are flooding the bays already and it won't be long till the blues show up and clean house. Bottom line question: Has squid season already "busted wide open" (as many anglers predicted would happened weeks ago), or are we still waiting for it? Apologies in advance for the venting, but my hauls from Norwalk and back have been getting really exhausting -- especially when I'm not catching much. Thanks again, guys!

Well, there will be squid around until Oct./Nov. June is usually pretty decent. This is one of those years where the bulk of the squid seem to be going elsewhere. Hyanis had a banner year. And there have been great days here, or, at least, great hours on a couple days. Two years ago, it was worse. I considered driving over to Town Dock Seafood and buying 50 lbs. of frozen squid. I didn't do it though because I didn't want to try to convince my wife that they come that way from the ocean. Smile in any case, I would still keep trying. I would also try to find some spots in the Sound where you can squid. Lastly, 2 years ago, when we had a bad spring, we had a great fall run.
Quote:Well, there will be squid around until Oct./Nov. June is usually pretty decent. This is one of those years where the bulk of the squid seem to be going elsewhere. Hyanis had a banner year. And there have been great days here, or, at least, great hours on a couple days. Two years ago, it was worse. I considered driving over to Town Dock Seafood and buying 50 lbs. of frozen squid. I didn't do it though because I didn't want to try to convince my wife that they come that way from the ocean. Smile in any case, I would still keep trying. I would also try to find some spots in the Sound where you can squid. Lastly, 2 years ago, when we had a bad spring, we had a great fall run.

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