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Puget Sound, WA (2006 season)
Most people in the Puget Sound area aren't aware of the summer time squid fishery we have here, as they are used to fishing them in the winter months.

Summer squid fishing can be quite productive, and not having to fight the cold and wet weather. Another difference in the summer squid fishing, is that often it can more productive fishing for them during the daylight hours.

Squid are smaller, but plentiful.

NOTE: With the small size summer squid, you want to use the smaller squid jigs. Having good results with our "Tiny Teaser" and "Micro-Prawn" squid jigs.


Bremerton Passenger Ferry Dock - Producing good numbers of squid.

Power is available for using your own lights. Must use a power adapter to use standard cords, use a standard 30Amp Twist-Lock adapter. You can make your own adapter by just buying the 30Amp plug end, and putting it onto your own cord. Dock generally closes at about 11pm

Waterman Pier (a few miles East of Port Orchard) - VERY GOOD squid fishing

Limited Parking, GOOD LIGHTING (was upgraded), not allowed to bring your own lights here, but no need as the dock lights work very well.

DesMoines - Hearing good fishing, but haven't been myself yet this summer.

Need a permit to park after 10pm (from Port Office)

Well lit pier

[url=""]WWW.SQUIDJIG.COM [/url] [color="red"]Seattle, Washington, USA[/color]

[color="blue"]Home of the World Famous Martinetti Squid Jigs[/color]
Hi - new the forum.

How is the summer squidding off the public Elliot bay pier? (pier 86 i think its called?)

I've never tried squid jigging before - I remember my dad used to come back from doing it and he looked miserable half the time but I figured I would give it a try this year and this talk about summer squid sounds a lot more palatable <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':woot:' />.

[quote name='bpm2000' post='7135' date='Jul 25 2006, 03:29 AM']Hi - new the forum.

How is the summer squidding off the public Elliot bay pier? (pier 86 i think its called?)

I've never tried squid jigging before - I remember my dad used to come back from doing it and he looked miserable half the time but I figured I would give it a try this year and this talk about summer squid sounds a lot more palatable <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':woot:' />.


It's definitely a lot more fun when you're not miserable doing it. I haven't heard anything about Pier 86 yet, I tried it once a couple of weeks ago, but didn't have any luck. I've done well at the SeaCrest pier by Salty's at Alki Pt. That's a good area, and often people bringing lights there, although haven't been there this season yet.
[url=""]WWW.SQUIDJIG.COM [/url] [color="red"]Seattle, Washington, USA[/color]

[color="blue"]Home of the World Famous Martinetti Squid Jigs[/color]
Seattle Times

Quote:Squid in Puget Sound: "Good squid jigging off the piers in Seattle, Bremerton and Des Moines," said Jerry Beppu, owner of Linc's Tackle Shop in Seattle. "I know a guy at Pier 86 [near the grain terminal off Elliott Way] who got a couple dozen squid, and that is pretty good for this early in the season."

By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times staff reporter

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Full article - [url=""][/url]
We've been pulling in 5-10 lbs (80-100 squid) a night in the Kitsap area (Bremerton)! Very productive the last week or so - nice size, too. If the reporter wants a reliable resource on this side on Puget Sound, he's more than welcome to contact me, I go almost every night.
Hi Squiggy2,

What area is it in Bremerton that you are fishing I would like to go and check it out.


[quote name='Squiggy2' post='7377' date='Sep 24 2006, 10:45 AM']We've been pulling in 5-10 lbs (80-100 squid) a night in the Kitsap area (Bremerton)! Very productive the last week or so - nice size, too. If the reporter wants a reliable resource on this side on Puget Sound, he's more than welcome to contact me, I go almost every night.[/quote]
Happy Squidding!!!
Hello Glenn,

I have been away for quite sometime and now I,m back just in time for the squidding season here in the Puget Sound, particularly in the Redondo, Des Moines and Pier 86. Is there any reports as to what areas are producing some of this ink squirters?

Happy Squidding!!!
hi calamariman, as soon as i get more reports i will post them <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />

welcome back! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
[quote name='calamariman' post='7379' date='Sep 24 2006, 02:23 AM']Hi Squiggy2,

What area is it in Bremerton that you are fishing I would like to go and check it out.


Illahee pier - it's between the state park and Brownsville. PM me and I'll email you directions. Squid are hitting hard between 8 p.m.-10p.m. Last night we got another 6lbs. each between 8p.m.-10p.m. The squid were timid at first adn then got very agressive. Good sized schools of squid.
Thanks for the update Squiggy2, I'm sure I will find myself squiddding there this season.


[quote name='Squiggy2' post='7383' date='Sep 25 2006, 01:20 AM']Illahee pier - it's between the state park and Brownsville. PM me and I'll email you directions. Squid are hitting hard between 8 p.m.-10p.m. Last night we got another 6lbs. each between 8p.m.-10p.m. The squid were timid at first adn then got very agressive. Good sized schools of squid.[/quote]
Happy Squidding!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006

By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times

Quote:Squid in Puget Sound: "Squid jigging has been decent around the Bremerton and West Seattle piers, and the guys at Pier 86 [near the grain terminal off Elliott Way in Seattle] are getting some too," said Jerry Beppu, owner of Linc's Tackle Shop in Seattle.

Hey there,

I'm about to check out squid fishing for an article I'm going to write. I was thinking of heading to Pier 86 this weekend but wondered if anybody knows when might be a good time? What about between 7-10?


[quote name='holly' post='7420' date='Sep 30 2006, 04:41 PM']Hey there,

I'm about to check out squid fishing for an article I'm going to write. I was thinking of heading to Pier 86 this weekend but wondered if anybody knows when might be a good time? What about between 7-10?



That's a good time (7-10p.m.) this time of year. The squid have been hitting around 8-9 p.m. the last week or so in Bremerton, don't know what they're doing in Seattle. I think pier 86 is kinda shady at night, even with all the squid fisherman there. I'd go with someone if you can (I don't go there by myself). Is this article for school or other (Are you looking to write about social aspects of the sport, scientific aspects? etc.)? Because there's Des Moines pier, Edmonds, and others. PM me if you want more info.

By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Quote:3. Squid in Puget Sound: "Squid jigging is pretty good along the Bremerton and West Seattle piers, and around Pier 86 [off Elliott Way in Seattle]," said Jerry Beppu, owner of Linc's Tackle Shop in Seattle.

Quote:Squid in Puget Sound: "Good squid jigging off the Bremerton and West Seattle piers, Pier 86 [off Elliott Avenue], and off the Des Moines pier," said Jerry Beppu, owner of Linc's Tackle Shop in Seattle.


By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times staff reporter

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Went squidding in Des Moines last night tried jigging for about two hours but didn't even have a bite. There was also about 11 people there doing the same but no one had any squid in their buckets. Jim the jig maker was there tried it for a short time jigging but also nothing but he managed to sell some jigs to some squidders like myself. lol
Happy Squidding!!!
Quote:Squid and smelt in Puget Sound: Expect fairly good squid-jigging off the Bremerton and West Seattle piers, Pier 86 off Elliott Avenue and the Des Moines pier. Evenings during a flood tide are best. The Cornet Bay fishing pier on North Whidbey Island has been good for smelt jigging.


Thursday, October 19, 2006

By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Quote:Squid jigging has been slow most nights lately on this side of the Sound, but good in the Bremerton area. ...

Quote:Squid in Puget Sound: "The water is muddy in Elliott Bay for squid jigging off the piers, but one guy was over at Bremerton and they're catching them," said Maria Beppu, owner of Linc's Tackle Shop in Seattle.

Once it clears up, try Pier 86 off Elliott Avenue and the Seacrest pier.

By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times

Thursday, November 16, 2006

[quote name='glen' post='7670' date='Nov 20 2006, 08:58 PM']By Mark Yuasa

Seattle Times

Thursday, November 16, 2006


The water down at the waterfront in Seattle has been muddy for several weeks now,even if it clears up don't expect to get any squid down there,that area has been a total blank now for about two years.Most guys that fish there KILL thier limit and don't know how to limit thier kill.Which is another reason no squid are left down there I have been fishing the waterfront for 40 yrs now and can tell you it will not recover when people like that kill the place off.Don't let Linc's fool you thinking they are there or will be when it clears up. The squid have moved on and soon DesMoines should be doing very good because of the muddy waterfront.The squid want to spawn and are not gonna wait till it clears up.Plus what do they eat muddy river sediment?

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