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Ardrossan Jetty
Geez, there's not much action on this S.A forum. Ok, I'll follow mr Willys lead and try and fix that. Last time I went squidding was last Tuesday at Ardrossan. Only squidded for two hours and only caught two squid, but they were VERY good size. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />

Come on folks let's see some reports, even if you only caught one squid. We need to fire up the South Aussie squidding community. I'll make sure I post a report up here every time I go squidding from now on.

Cheers, <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

hi hefree, welcome to the site. look forward to hearing your squid fishing reports from SA!

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Hey there,

Me and my mates have been going up to Ardrossan every week now for the past 3 weeks. The squid up there are MASSIVE! We usually go crabbing with the nets off the jetty but one night we brought a line with us and we caught a huge mama, we didn't realise until we got home that she had some eggs in her too. It's great up there, the snook are swimming in the shallow waters just taunting us, we didn't have any hooks - just jags - but they were chasing our line all night - we even tried to catch em in our nets!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> Best time for squid was probably about 5am, that's when we were leaving though, but an old Italian lady caught 2 in about 5 minutes! One of em squirted her right in the face <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> We're going up there again in a couple of days, we are from Adelaide so it's about an hour and a half drive up there but it's well worth it - fresh calamari and crabs are the BOMB! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
hi lazerchick, thanks for telling us about your trips to Ardrossan. do you target any spots around Adelaide as well?

welcome to the forum,

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
[quote name='Hefree' post='7291' date='Sep 5 2006, 04:17 PM']Geez, there's not much action on this S.A forum. Ok, I'll follow mr Willys lead and try and fix that. Last time I went squidding was last Tuesday at Ardrossan. Only squidded for two hours and only caught two squid, but they were VERY good size. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blueboxbullet.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />

Come on folks let's see some reports, even if you only caught one squid. We need to fire up the South Aussie squidding community. I'll make sure I post a report up here every time I go squidding from now on.

Cheers, <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />


G'day there, me and my mates went on the ardrossan jetty on tuesday the twelth of december at 2am we shined a torch in the water and all we could see were thousands of squid. Quickly got our squid lines in the water and caught a hell of alot more than your allowed to take. All the squid we caught were huge. It was awsome. If your not fishing for squid at 2am on the ardrossan jetty then where the bloody hell are ya.
nice one omen, thanks for the report ....if you get a chance to take any photos please share them with us! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' /> thanks, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
[quote name='omen' post='7787' date='Dec 14 2006, 03:25 PM']G'day there, me and my mates went on the ardrossan jetty on tuesday the twelth of december at 2am we shined a torch in the water and all we could see were thousands of squid. Quickly got our squid lines in the water and caught a hell of alot more than your allowed to take. All the squid we caught were huge. It was awsome. If your not fishing for squid at 2am on the ardrossan jetty then where the bloody hell are ya.[/quote]

Damn, i was probably struggling to hook up a small one in Botany bay NSW. The squids here are all lookers, coz there are too many people squiding there. Wrong state to live in <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/innocent.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
[quote name='Nautilusly' post='7789' date='Dec 14 2006, 06:04 PM']Damn, i was probably struggling to hook up a small one in Botany bay NSW. The squids here are all lookers, coz there are too many people squiding there. Wrong state to live in <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/innocent.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />[/quote]

You should go on a holiday to S.A and go tall around the york peninsula to places like ardrossan,edithburgh,wallaroo. You will have a good time there and catch awsome sized squid and whiting.And you have a good chance if you go fishing somwhere thats not in the metropolitan water.
hey new here

normally go to a little town on the york called stansbury what u mean no spuid once caught 184 in a week between 3 of us only fished bout 4hours morning and lunch and found the best time to catch the little buggers is around 6:00to 9:00am because then they r feedin. been to ardrossan jetty many times good jetty but idnt fish the common jettys like stansbury and ardrossan i fish the hidden spots with my dad more squid less people but my fav well knowen jetty would have to be pt jiles jess just past wool bay good in the shallows for sqid and also up the end for snapper, sharks, mulloway and really anythin else really good jetty if u have never tried it u must its a jem
port giles jetty is excelent fishn wide variety of all day tryd at giles for squid and ended up with salmon hitting my squid jag in a frenzy so swapt on to lures and cought plenty plus kingies....kliens just up the road another good spot but very well hidden
hi joey, welcome to the forum! and thanks for the info,

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
hi just spent 2 days squidin at ardrossan got my quota both days funny i was the only one on the jetty
hi savage, welcome to the forum, and well done with the squid catch.

i moved your post to the Ardrossan Jetty thread. I presume you are talking about the same fine spot in South Australia,

cheers, glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ink' />
I can't add anything recent so i thought i'd add something from a couple of months back. I went squiding down at Ardrossan with a mate as i had caught 2 or 3 there before. We had been squiding for 3 hours with absolutely no sign of squid and decided to pack it in because it was windy and cold. On my final cast i pulled in a decent squid which i was stoked to get as it had been a while. It just kept going from there and i kept on catching and catching, in the end i landed 12 squid and my mate got 4. Was the most amount i have ever caught and stocked up my freezer nicely, in the end ended up being a great day and a very fruitful trip <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

Most of my squid were caught with a red/orange yozuri shrimp hunter and a cheapie on a handline. From what i've heard squid don't chew when it windy, has anyone else had this? Every cast that produced squid was into the wind, i also didn't think that worked. Any thoughts fellow squiders?
In general squid don't have a shot during windy conditions because it churns the water and makes it murky. If the water was still clear I don't see why it wouldn't work. Although even if the water was murky, if it was a big enough and hungry enough school of squid, it still wouldn't matter.

Also I don't normally bother directing my casts from the wind conditions. I simply cast wherever looks like a good spot. Screw the wind. I know that casting into the wind means my jig will get back to me a lot quicker but I'm a stubborn person and if I want to fish a particular spot, I will!
The theory over here is that you can't feel the squid grabbing your jig on windy days. It's not that they're inactive but more that you can't feel their activity.

If the water was murkey, then the orange would have been the best bet. We tend to use bright colours in murkey water and natural colours in clear water.
This is nothing impressive but I thought i'd add something as not much gets thrown around. After a short fishing trip at Browns Beach my mates and i stopped off at Ardrossan on the way back to Adelaide. When we arrived i was not too optimistic about catching anything as the jetty was the busiest i'd ever seen it but we needed a rest and a stretch so we headed down the jetty. On my mates first cast he landed a squid with a mantle length of about 25cm which none of us could believe <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' /> Then about 5 minutes later I landed a slightly smaller squid with a mantle length just shy of 20cm. We didn't hang around much longer as we were very keen to shower and get home but it was cool to bring home something for tea.

Someone on the jetty said there had been not much action for few days and was surpised we had caught so quickly. Shortly after mine a lady opposite us on the jetty jagged one too and her husband had to get it in for her as she was freaking out a bit. All in all the weather was perfect for fishing, there was minimal wind and the water was crystal clear and it was nice and warm in the sun.

I used a daiwa squid jig (gold kin aji) and my mate used a cheapie multicoloured shrimp hunter that he swears by.
last time i headed up to adrossan i took my mate squidding for the first time,

i got no bites at all, but my friend who was jigging under the jetty caught a decent cuttlefish and two squid.

i obviously taught him well <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> haha

CLAY <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/as.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
i was there 2 nights ago with me and my friend, was there around 1am, landed 1 squid after dropping a cheap ass jig from a petrol station on grand junction road

well yeah 10seconds later caught a nice size 30cm squid. and that's the only action we had for the night

when we were there it was hide tide but 10mins later changed to low tide. and we just went home

edit: we used pilchard as bait and no burley.
hi 1s24k, thanks for the report! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':zorro:' />

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