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Yozuri Mini.. Anyone try?
I ran across some Yozuri mini jigs.  They are 2.75" and 1/8 oz.   Small small small.


They come in a "floating" and a "sinking" style.  I doubt it really floats, but probably just sinks slowly.


Has anyone tried these? 


I'm trying to downsize, though i've also ordered some 1.8b yami's.

I picked one up last Fall on Amazon. It was a pretty close match to the Yamishitas that I got at Sam's, but I haven't gotten a chance to use it yet. I got a feeling that I will be able to use it in 2 weeks though. Smile

I use 1.5's 50% of the time.


 There are two types of Yo-zuri Minis that I know of and they are very different although both say "floating" and "Mini" on the packages. The top one in this pic is a 1.6 and has pretty good action but I rarely see them for sale and not in a large varieties of colors. I see the bottom type fairly often in stores but usually only in pink or orange which are good colors. I have never tried the lower style, I am not sure if they actually float or not, but the weight is very small so I suppose they would sink very slowly if they do sink. Colors by the way can be important. I have been on large schools of squid and hammered them on say an orange jig and after killing a hundred they stopped hitting my jig. I then change colors (using the same type of jig), and they go right after it again. I purchased the lower model thinking it may work well as an upper jig on a hi-low rig although I seldom use such rigs. Janz says he uses the Yami 1.5s half the time, I use the Martinetti Prawn 1.5 sometimes and the Yami 1.5B occasionaly and the Yami 1.5S (very slow sinking) every once in a while. My main go-to jig these days is the Yami Naory RH Warm Jacket in 1.8B. I have not seen the Yozuri Mini in a "sinking" model, but I would like to see one. Greg, do you have a pic of the "sinking" Mini, or where did you see them? I am a very addicted squidder, have been doing it for forty years and I like to have most any small jig made.

I tried to find a specific link but now I'm coming up dry.  Amazon has one with "sinking" in the title, but the jig it shows looks like the orange one above.  Unfortunately they don't show the package.


Oh well, I got 2 of the orange 2.75" ones and two of the pink 2" ones.  They all say floating.  I'll try them out and see if they work.


It doesn't look like yo-zuri is making these anymore.  Their web site doesn't include them and the smallest squid jig is 3.75".  If you like them, beteer buy now while shops still have them.

 I talked to the US Yo-zuri rep at the World fishing Expo last year and asked him why there were so few different models of Yo-zuri squid jigs available since they do make a large selection of models, sizes, and colors. He told me that the problem was that a U.S distributor has to buy a minimum order of 5,000 jigs of one style and not many distributors are willing to risk that much of an investment on an item they are not sure of how it will will sell.

 Greg, I sent you a PM.

Just to follow up on my own thread in case anyone searchesit in the future.


Yes, they do work.  In fact, on an over/under combo with a 3.5 inch yozuri lazer, (or whatever it is called) it outfished the bigger jig about 4:1.


Shrink it and pink it.  At last in the northeast us.
I've just started squinting this season. I picked up the two minis pictured above and was doing well with the orange tiger one. Much better than the larger heavier yo zuri fished on the same line.

I picked up a couple of the orange version of the pink one in the above pic but haven't tried one yet.

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