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Rhode Island & Massachusetts - Parking Availability
Hi all,

I've been reading the posts, and saw that G.I. parking has been restricted. At the very least, the police have been informed.

This is going on just about everywhere. Tiverton is going through the same thing. A lot of the locals in Tiverton can't even get into their own back yards to catch these things. On several occasions, I've talked to people that have come all the way from New Hampshire to catch squid. As much as I understand their want to catch these "smushy things", it cuts into neighborhoods, and the amount of trash left behind is mind-blowing. - For that reason alone, I understand their anger. If you do fish the Tiverton area, make sure you're using public areas. The cops have been chasing people out and ticketing people for doing ONLY 5 mph over the speed limit (I know, I was one of them). According to the management at one of the "commercial" docks in Tiverton that I've used, anyone caught using it that is not an employee WILL be asked to leave, or have the police called. I used one of them last year, and the inconsiderate jerks ruined it with litter. As I previously stated, the garbage (beer bottles and other garbage) was horrific!

Last year, several friends told me about a public dock and squidding area in Quincy Ma, and an area in Chatham (Cape Cod) where the squid run was THICK. I may try a couple of these areas when I find out exactly where they are.

Tight lines all, and please keep your areas clean!
Parking should not be any different this year than before, first of all there is probably only enough parking for 12 cars on the right before the bridge,and it has a 2 hour limit and the police chalk your tires and check as usual,then there is about a dozen parking meters in front of Long wharf resort. But there is a large public parking lot at the visitors center with all day parking ,its no further walk than the meters and you wont get a ticket or towed,Ive been going to Newport fishing over 40 years, then there was no builbings on Goat Island
[quote name='usergopats' post='10736' date='Apr 23 2008, 10:23 AM']Parking should not be any different this year than before, first of all there is probably only enough parking for 12 cars on the right before the bridge,and it has a 2 hour limit and the police chalk your tires and check as usual,then there is about a dozen parking meters in front of Long wharf resort. But there is a large public parking lot at the visitors center with all day parking ,its no further walk than the meters and you wont get a ticket or towed,Ive been going to Newport fishing over 40 years, then there was no builbings on Goat Island[/quote]

Having trouble with the local law enforcement chalking tires?

Toss half-a-bottle of cod liver oil on the ground around your tires. After that covers the bottoms of their shoes and settles into the carpet of their cars, they'll have to buy stock in the company that manufactures those scented pine trees.

[quote name='TentacleWrestler' post='10700' date='Apr 22 2008, 02:03 PM']Hi all,

I've been reading the posts, and saw that G.I. parking has been restricted. At the very least, the police have been informed.

This is going on just about everywhere. Tiverton is going through the same thing. A lot of the locals in Tiverton can't even get into their own back yards to catch these things. On several occasions, I've talked to people that have come all the way from New Hampshire to catch squid. As much as I understand their want to catch these "smushy things", it cuts into neighborhoods, and the amount of trash left behind is mind-blowing. - For that reason alone, I understand their anger. If you do fish the Tiverton area, make sure you're using public areas. The cops have been chasing people out and ticketing people for doing ONLY 5 mph over the speed limit (I know, I was one of them). According to the management at one of the "commercial" docks in Tiverton that I've used, anyone caught using it that is not an employee WILL be asked to leave, or have the police called. I used one of them last year, and the inconsiderate jerks ruined it with litter. As I previously stated, the garbage (beer bottles and other garbage) was horrific!

Last year, several friends told me about a public dock and squidding area in Quincy Ma, and an area in Chatham (Cape Cod) where the squid run was THICK. I may try a couple of these areas when I find out exactly where they are.

Tight lines all, and please keep your areas clean!

Where in tiverton, please im dying to know


skipper <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/boat.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
[Image: av-32800.jpg]

G.I.S.S. #011
don't know about rhode island but massachusetts has some great resources for its residents.

Here are just two that i mainly use. great tax money at work!



gives every detail you could ask for. Please be polite at the ramps. and to the boaters. and boaters be polite to less fortunate. regardless if you speak american. whatever that is.


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