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Cape Cod Bay
Hello!  I'm new to this forum.  We've started running into squid by accident while fishing in Cape Cod bay in a small boat. We got a few in the boat and boy were they tasty!   I plan to visit my parents this weekend (Labor Day) and wanted to target the squid for the first time. I'll be reading up on some tutorials  but wanted to ask if there are still squid around in Cape Cod Bay this time of year?  I appreciate any advice and look forward to contributing more to this forum once I learn how to fish for squid.  





 Hi Noah, there was a post a couple weeks ago that the squid were in fairly thick in Ptown. Other than that I know they jig squid in the canal at the Sandwich end. I think you can also get them in Sandwich just outside the canal. Squid are being caught on the Vinyard so I think they are in your area. Most sharpies use a light rod, 4-6lb test, and the hot lure has been the Yamashita Naory RH size 1.8, color white, orange or pink. Some use a high-low rig with a larger, heavier jig on the bottom if in deeper water. YoZuri 3&1/2" or 4" jigs are often used on the bottom. These jigs are available from Tomo's Tackle in Salem or online. Also available at Lucky tackle in Warren, RI. Hope this helps, squidding can be addictive once you get into them thick, good luck at it!! P S there should be a "fall run" all around the cape and islands from late Sept. through Oct.

Quote:Hi Noah, there was a post a couple weeks ago that the squid were in fairly thick in Ptown. Other than that I know they jig squid in the canal at the Sandwich end. I think you can also get them in Sandwich just outside the canal. Squid are being caught on the Vinyard so I think they are in your area. Most sharpies use a light rod, 4-6lb test, and the hot lure has been the Yamashita Naory RH size 1.8, color white, orange or pink. Some use a high-low rig with a larger, heavier jig on the bottom if in deeper water. YoZuri 3&1/2" or 4" jigs are often used on the bottom. These jigs are available from Tomo's Tackle in Salem or online. Also available at Lucky tackle in Warren, RI. Hope this helps, squidding can be addictive once you get into them thick, good luck at it!! P S there should be a "fall run" all around the cape and islands from late Sept. through Oct.

Thanks for the info. This is my first season squidding and I caught a few from the docks in hyannis in the spring. Good to know there is also a fall season. I hope to grab a few in Provincetown this fall.
I think you can only fish til 9pm in ptown Gilligan. So is a wast of time to go there
 I understand there are squidding restictions in Ptown for dock fishing, but BostonFisher said he was small boat fishing and there are no restrictions for boat squidding there. Squids are pretty good in Edgartown, friend caught a kitchen sized garbage can full a couple nights ago. If they are good in Edgartown they may well be good in Hyannis, Falmouth, and Woods' Hole. Jig 'em up everyboody!!! I'll be on the Vineyard for a month from late Sept, willl post action reports.


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