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Tuna Bite
We hit past the bank yesterday on the hunt for yellow fin tuna there were schools of squid everywhere so We know the tuna's would be out there feeding and We were right! We left the docks at 5 am and heading out past the banks for yellow fin tuna, right when We arrived by Islands the tuna's were boiling We got a double hook up with a couple gogle eyes's, 1 got away but Dan reeled in a nice 40 lb football, The next hook up Captain Steve Casted in some live bait and Hooked another nice tuna and then boom another double hook up 2 more yellow fins about 50-60 lbs! After that catch, We drove around in a cricle and starting drifting into the school of tuna and hooked up another 60 punder! Next Dan was up again and this time Hooked probable the biggest tuna of the day after fighting it on 50 lb test for about a 1/2 hour He reeled it in and We decided to start trolling for dorado. about a 20 minutes later We had a bite it was a huge 60 lb dorado as the Dorado got closer to the boat We noticed there was another dorado right behind the one We had hooked so Freddy casted some live bait and and again We had a double Hook up We have been eating alot of dorado so we released one and brought one home. after that We headed back it was great trip and We brought home alot more then supper. We heard on the radio there was alot of dorado action off the point of punta de mita also so all the boats had a great day staying inside or going all the way out!

[Image: CIMG0524.jpg]

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