01-05-2009, 08:56 AM
Consist of three species in the northeast.
These species are:
Blueback herring
Atlantic herring
Alewives and blueback herring are more commonly known as river herring. They both breed in freshwater.. Alewives tend to breed in slow moving water aka lakes ponds and empoundments. Blueback herring bread in faster moving water. They usually migrate into these "head" waters in the spring.
Atlantic herring spawn in the ocean. They never run up the actual river. They are known to come into coastal areas and even into estuarine environments to feed during certain times of the year. Most of their lives are spent offshore.
Now why the moriturium.. rather the ban.. with all the closures of fisheries.. mid water trawlers have risen in numbers. The vast numbers of herring the ocean can produce is endless. Atlantic herring are in massive numbers out there in the high seas. Now the unfortunate thing is that all three herring sometimes intermingle out there in the deep blue sea. So they end up getting caught as well. HOWEVER that is not the main reason for the decline.. Pollution, dams, and other various human activities in the spawning environment have caused great impact on these RIVER species. Not to meantion the dramtic increase and rebound of striped bass in new england waters. Now throw in the commrants and seals and we have a buffet.
So the real reason for the ban is clear. herring numbers rather returns are at historic lows. When i mean low. a number off the top of my head.. it went from like 100000 to 10. in a matter of a few years. You can find out the exact numbers through various sites.. example google merrimack river watershed herring counts.. or connecticuit river fish counts and check the historic numbers..
Now counting varies.. some years they can't pass any because of high water.. does not mean the fish aren't there.. but in general speaking.. river herring runs along most of the eastern shore have seem significant decline.. hence the ban on the taking of these fish that have survived all this to breed. We use to net herring in the river and streams.
Now.. bluebacks and alewives are illegal to posses, take, or whatever floats your boat.
Atlantic herring have no regulations.. meaning you can take as many as you want. So how the hell do you tell the difference between the three?
[url="http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dmf/publications/herring_id.pdf"]CLICK HERE[/url]
Now.. atlantic herring is free for grabs.. however be warned, herring being used for bait in massachusetts I have heard of stories of EPOs asking for receipts from which bait shop it was purchased as herring PERIOD is illegal to posses.
Now my suggestion is to print this flyer.. and carry with you.. make sure you have the right herring. if you get busted it can go both ways. But those that know. understand the differences between the three species.. also.. not all EPOs are enlightened about the differences so pass this on to them..
Now for those that are gonna call every herring a sea herring cause you caught them in the sea.. SHAME on you. I hope you have the worse squid year. and years to come. <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
' />
Those that know what the hell they are doing.. yes atlantic herring come into shore in the spring.. I have caught them and have used them for bait.. but they generally disappear before the arrival of striped bass.. They tend to stay away from warm coastal waters.. I have only caught them in the spring near shore if not onshore or in the summer out on stellwagen bank.
Those that didnt know and now know.. feel enlightened or your welcome.
Those that did and dont care.. sorry this was a waste of your time.
woooo.. feels good to vent..
Consist of three species in the northeast.
These species are:
Blueback herring
Atlantic herring
Alewives and blueback herring are more commonly known as river herring. They both breed in freshwater.. Alewives tend to breed in slow moving water aka lakes ponds and empoundments. Blueback herring bread in faster moving water. They usually migrate into these "head" waters in the spring.
Atlantic herring spawn in the ocean. They never run up the actual river. They are known to come into coastal areas and even into estuarine environments to feed during certain times of the year. Most of their lives are spent offshore.
Now why the moriturium.. rather the ban.. with all the closures of fisheries.. mid water trawlers have risen in numbers. The vast numbers of herring the ocean can produce is endless. Atlantic herring are in massive numbers out there in the high seas. Now the unfortunate thing is that all three herring sometimes intermingle out there in the deep blue sea. So they end up getting caught as well. HOWEVER that is not the main reason for the decline.. Pollution, dams, and other various human activities in the spawning environment have caused great impact on these RIVER species. Not to meantion the dramtic increase and rebound of striped bass in new england waters. Now throw in the commrants and seals and we have a buffet.
So the real reason for the ban is clear. herring numbers rather returns are at historic lows. When i mean low. a number off the top of my head.. it went from like 100000 to 10. in a matter of a few years. You can find out the exact numbers through various sites.. example google merrimack river watershed herring counts.. or connecticuit river fish counts and check the historic numbers..
Now counting varies.. some years they can't pass any because of high water.. does not mean the fish aren't there.. but in general speaking.. river herring runs along most of the eastern shore have seem significant decline.. hence the ban on the taking of these fish that have survived all this to breed. We use to net herring in the river and streams.
Now.. bluebacks and alewives are illegal to posses, take, or whatever floats your boat.
Atlantic herring have no regulations.. meaning you can take as many as you want. So how the hell do you tell the difference between the three?
[url="http://www.mass.gov/dfwele/dmf/publications/herring_id.pdf"]CLICK HERE[/url]
Now.. atlantic herring is free for grabs.. however be warned, herring being used for bait in massachusetts I have heard of stories of EPOs asking for receipts from which bait shop it was purchased as herring PERIOD is illegal to posses.
Now my suggestion is to print this flyer.. and carry with you.. make sure you have the right herring. if you get busted it can go both ways. But those that know. understand the differences between the three species.. also.. not all EPOs are enlightened about the differences so pass this on to them..
Now for those that are gonna call every herring a sea herring cause you caught them in the sea.. SHAME on you. I hope you have the worse squid year. and years to come. <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

Those that know what the hell they are doing.. yes atlantic herring come into shore in the spring.. I have caught them and have used them for bait.. but they generally disappear before the arrival of striped bass.. They tend to stay away from warm coastal waters.. I have only caught them in the spring near shore if not onshore or in the summer out on stellwagen bank.
Those that didnt know and now know.. feel enlightened or your welcome.
Those that did and dont care.. sorry this was a waste of your time.
woooo.. feels good to vent..