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Herring Regulations

Consist of three species in the northeast.

These species are:


Blueback herring

Atlantic herring

Alewives and blueback herring are more commonly known as river herring. They both breed in freshwater.. Alewives tend to breed in slow moving water aka lakes ponds and empoundments. Blueback herring bread in faster moving water. They usually migrate into these "head" waters in the spring.

Atlantic herring spawn in the ocean. They never run up the actual river. They are known to come into coastal areas and even into estuarine environments to feed during certain times of the year. Most of their lives are spent offshore.

Now why the moriturium.. rather the ban.. with all the closures of fisheries.. mid water trawlers have risen in numbers. The vast numbers of herring the ocean can produce is endless. Atlantic herring are in massive numbers out there in the high seas. Now the unfortunate thing is that all three herring sometimes intermingle out there in the deep blue sea. So they end up getting caught as well. HOWEVER that is not the main reason for the decline.. Pollution, dams, and other various human activities in the spawning environment have caused great impact on these RIVER species. Not to meantion the dramtic increase and rebound of striped bass in new england waters. Now throw in the commrants and seals and we have a buffet.

So the real reason for the ban is clear. herring numbers rather returns are at historic lows. When i mean low. a number off the top of my head.. it went from like 100000 to 10. in a matter of a few years. You can find out the exact numbers through various sites.. example google merrimack river watershed herring counts.. or connecticuit river fish counts and check the historic numbers..

Now counting varies.. some years they can't pass any because of high water.. does not mean the fish aren't there.. but in general speaking.. river herring runs along most of the eastern shore have seem significant decline.. hence the ban on the taking of these fish that have survived all this to breed. We use to net herring in the river and streams.

Now.. bluebacks and alewives are illegal to posses, take, or whatever floats your boat.

Atlantic herring have no regulations.. meaning you can take as many as you want. So how the hell do you tell the difference between the three?

[url=""]CLICK HERE[/url]

Now.. atlantic herring is free for grabs.. however be warned, herring being used for bait in massachusetts I have heard of stories of EPOs asking for receipts from which bait shop it was purchased as herring PERIOD is illegal to posses.

Now my suggestion is to print this flyer.. and carry with you.. make sure you have the right herring. if you get busted it can go both ways. But those that know. understand the differences between the three species.. also.. not all EPOs are enlightened about the differences so pass this on to them..

Now for those that are gonna call every herring a sea herring cause you caught them in the sea.. SHAME on you. I hope you have the worse squid year. and years to come. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Those that know what the hell they are doing.. yes atlantic herring come into shore in the spring.. I have caught them and have used them for bait.. but they generally disappear before the arrival of striped bass.. They tend to stay away from warm coastal waters.. I have only caught them in the spring near shore if not onshore or in the summer out on stellwagen bank.

Those that didnt know and now know.. feel enlightened or your welcome.

Those that did and dont care.. sorry this was a waste of your time.

woooo.. feels good to vent..
Hum...I just started fishing last year so I am not that well equiped with laws and regulations. Just wondering if there is a regulation for Atlantic Mackerel?

I remember seeing people caught them like 5 years ago during one of my two trips ever to Goat Island for squid fishing.
ahhh the atlantic mackerel.. once abundant throughout new england.. they use to come in shore and spawn in the harbors.. people could catch them in the 100s from shore.

There are currently no regulations in MA for mackerel that I am aware. No size or bag limit.

I believe this is true of RI. However in MA there is a restriction of 2 hooks per a line, I do believe RI may impose the same rule

Now how does that work? for mackerel i use to use what I call Xmas tree rigs.. which consist of 4-6 hooks.. Now i use sabikis which have 6 hooks.. SCRatch your head.. it dont make sense.. but the EPOs generally allow you to use those bait rigs.. however if your fishing for bass scup whatever.. non bait fish.. your suppose to use two hooks in MA... now if you were bait fishing and you flip the bird to the EPO cause your adhereing to the law.. (just a bad ass) he may write you a ticket for your sabiki cause in the BOOK it states 2 hooks per a line. no questions asked. its up to the EPO or whatever enforcing the word of the law.
Good info 1tym.

Just to add 99% of the Herring caught from GI Bridge is Blueback. 99% of the DEM officers will not know the difference among species. You will pay big time if ever caught.
[quote name='Tatonka' post='14718' date='May 2 2009, 12:12 AM']Good info 1tym.

Just to add 99% of the Herring caught from GI Bridge is Blueback. 99% of the DEM officers will not know the difference among species. You will pay big time if ever caught.[/quote]

hmm... send the DEM officers station an email with the MA herring flyer PDF. see what they say.

I haven't noticed what kind are swimming down there.. I know up here theres been many sea herring.. have not seen any bluebacks or alewives in mix yet.. will b soon though.. they are prob in the rivers now.. did not see em on the island yet.. they usually come there after they drop back from the rivers to feed.
If " it went from like 100000 to 10. in a matter of a few years", How come it is ok for CT, NH, Maine (need to check for sure) to catch them, Isn't that we are trying to protect the same thing? How do you increase number of herring if RI and MA are not allow to catch and you can catch freely on other states. So, RI and MA can breed them so other states can catch ... it sounds fishy to me !!! At the end of the day, we are live in USA, we have only one president and we have diff laws for the same species !!!! I know we don't make the law, but do you think that is fair ? my 5 cents

again. spawnle

your facts straight





is banned.. NH has such a small coastline that it is not regulated but i am sure Asfmc is pushing for a ban.

ME i beleive is still open which restrictions.. herring use to be managed by towns.. which still regulated by ME towns for local runs.. MA use to be run by towns too.. but because of significant declines the FEDS steped in.

Now understand this if you ever went to CIVICS classes..

USA is a country.. US gov governs states.. it consist of 50 states that govern themselves.. there are federal guidelines but states have the power.. now in states there are towns or countys that also have their own rules and regulations..

why does one state manage different than another? why is weed illegal in some states but not others.. why is there gay marriages in some but not others.. etc. etc.. now.. back to the we dont make the laws.. how come states and even towns have different laws? well GEEE.. its cause its citizens help form these laws.. town meetings are held.. state meetings are held.. and even federal meetings are held to discuss what we should do to manage stuff.. as for the herring... there are meetings open to public.. they want the public input.. you have the power to make the laws.. if not.. influence them..

NOW back to NH and ME.. they are northern states.. apparently their runs are good.. hence no emergency action of a ban.. seems lik global warming could be a cause of decline.. but i do not know the true answer..

BTW.. fish here in mA is not neceassrily the same fish in CT..

RIVER HERRING ARE ANADAMROUS.. they return to the same river they were born in.. now yeah its a big ocean and they comingle.... but are generally targeted when they spawn cause it is easy to target as they come back to the same spot they were born in super numbers.. try to find a grown alewife out at sea is next to impossible.. well not really but nothing like their spawning runs in shore............ but this ban like i said before if you werent paying attention is beyond states.. the feds have stepped in just like they are doing with that saltwater licensing crap..

Was there this evening ... DEM officers stop by. It seems someone did report catching of herring <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

I stop him and ask what are the different herring. He's actually show me the different <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> Great guy!

It's atlantic herring ... tons of people got them ...

DEM officers told me that he doesn't understand why atlantic herring comes in so close to shore, but feel free to take them, he said!

They actually smell really bad! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

btw, I got two squids <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
I was the first one the DEM officer checked on herring, He told me it is illegal to catch them at first. Good thing i printed out the herring ID, I sure checked on my first catch, it is Atlantic Herring. I was happy that he checked on me. I saved some of them for the bass later on .... fish on

im glad the confusion is clearing up. epecially with DEM EPOS whatever.. catchem up!

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