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2016 Fall Squid Run...
Has anyone heard of the start of the fall run down in either The Cape Cod Canal or Newport Area? 

 My buddy in Edgartown saw a little ink on the dock yesterday, but his kids spent a couple hours for a single squid. I think it will be another two weeks before the fall run gets underway.

Boat show is this weekend in Newport so probably a zoo there.  Might go give it a try in a week or so once I check out the tides, moon and my schedule.

Cold, windy and a bit too much chop last night.  Did a bit of fishing at Fort Adams before sunset.  Blues were running.  My guess, it is going to be a late start this year.  Next full moon and favorable high tide is Oct 15th.  Might try again in a couple of weeks.

Squid being caught in Edgartown but not super thick yet. I'll be up there next weekend for a month and will have fresh Edgartown and Menemsha squid reports. Hopefully they come in as thick as they have the last few years. Hopefully the big bass come in too, been pretty poor fall striper fishing on the Vineyard the last few years. Albies now in the harbor, should stay for a few weeks.

I was in Boston Harbor the squid fishing was thin during the day, but there was some fresh ink on the dock. I did notice the squid bite was more active during the night.

Squid action heating up in Edgartown!! Had to hit the right times but there has been some great squidding the last couple of days. Big schools seen in the harbor, catching them as fast as you can get the jig in and out of the water at 5AM yesterday morning an some hot action last night. Not so great this AM but hopefully will be another good night tonight. I think the fall run is just heating up and it should get hotter and stay that way for a few weeks here. Go get 'em guys!!!

Anyone try Stonington CT lately? Any squid off the R.I beaches?  I would like to get on a few more before winter. Got a little obsessed with them this year.

Well the fall run seemed off to a slow start on the Vineyard, but the squid action heated up last week in Edgartown. Some guys were finally getting daytime squid action again, 2-3 weeks later than last year, and the Menemsha action never really took off before I had to leave. Anybody else find a slow fall run, and is anybody still getting good action?


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