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Puget Sound, Wa (2010 Season)
12/27/2010 Just got back from squidding in Seattle from 6pm-10pm. Got 18 Total in nonstop rain.


I was at the aquarium pier in seattle from 8-11pm! Got about a dozen squid, most of which were really small though. Finally bought a light, and it seems bright enough to get some squid with.
All black Northface everything... come say hi!
let ya know how tacoma is doing in few days, got my 24 inch humbolt jig now
got 20..some biggies at les davis last night from 10:30 till 2:30.
[quote name='moonchickin' timestamp='1293551072' post='21216']

got 20..some biggies at les davis last night from 10:30 till 2:30.


What color jigs were you using?
[quote name='MOON_DOG' timestamp='1293483875' post='21204']

keep in mind that using game fish for crab bait "salmon" is illegal. dont matter what you put in pot it wont fish unless it there for 18 hours, best thing is clams, best chance of getting crabs is find a mussel for bait and let the pot soak for a week then come back and get your crab when its full <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> nothing but jumbos, keep in mind that squid is 65 cents a pound in 25 pound boxes


only landlocked salmon are classified as game fish, anadromous are classified as food fish. and the exact phrase out of the regulation pamphlet is as follows - harvest and possession rules / you may not: "use SALMON, HERRING, or HALIBUT for anything other than human consumption or fishing bait." (pg 20)

So unless im missing something in the rule book i see absolutely nothing illegal about using the otherwise unusable bits of my saltwater caught salmon for crab bait. if you see something i haven't please point it out, using salmon head has been my go to bait for as long as i have been crabbing.
no problem if you got your salmon punch card and it has to be on you, problem is Indians sell it for bait when it could be sold for food so game wardens got really little mad, my suggestion is dont make bait at dock then nothing would be said. nothings a problem till some yahoo reports you <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' /> be careful, anadromous fish are salt water then spawn in fresh, but in washington they say salmon is game fish so we cant shoot them with a bow set up. trust me about fish cops i've seen them hide in dumpsters, and use 2 mile scopes, soak time is the key to crab fishing bait set up for commercial is 2 plastic jars with holes, one for squid, one for a half of razor clam but in the sound drill 1/16 inch holes cause the sea fleas eat your bait in 4 hours and use onion sack full of squid, herring, carcass, for hang bait, squid fishes for about 4-6 hours- bringing in fish and other sea life, crab follow then get in pot, while the herring fishes for 2 days cause the fish oils takes longer to break down, and chewy sack keeps them busy so they don't escape, but that half of a razor clam "spit the stomach" the black goo will fish for 4 days and bring in more crab.
Went down to the seattle pier again last night. Caught 2 fatty ones, about 7" and about 6 small 3" ones. Used a green 2.5" jig. Also use a small 1.5" pink jig that they seemed to go straight for. Will be there tonight again!
All black Northface everything... come say hi!
Are you going to pier 86 and if so what time?
[quote name='sir squid' timestamp='1293568881' post='21220']

What color jigs were you using?


pink and red
26 large squid a Las Davies in about 45 minutes.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />
Seattle Aquarium pier from 6:30-10pm... about 7 small ones. A little rough today, not very good. Nobody really caught much while I was there. Will try again tomorrow evening.
All black Northface everything... come say hi!
[quote name='sir squid' timestamp='1293691601' post='21243']

26 large squid a Las Davies in about 45 minutes.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />


what time ya go?
[quote name='moonchickin' timestamp='1293724917' post='21249']

what time ya go?


Got there at 5:30 about an hour before low tide. They were hitting 1 after another

for about 45 minutes then it was dead.
Edmonds was really rough last night, didn't catch anything so I went to Seattle. Caught 1 small one around 10:30 and then nothing. Packed up @ 11:15.
[quote name='Kevin' timestamp='1293736283' post='21251']

Edmonds was really rough last night, didn't catch anything so I went to Seattle. Caught 1 small one around 10:30 and then nothing. Packed up @ 11:15.


I haven't caught anything in edmonds yet. Do you have to bring your own power source for light?
All black Northface everything... come say hi!
there was a guy using a light and he pulled in a nice one when I first got there @ 8:30 but I didn't see anything else pulled in until 10:30 when I left.
hello im going to try squid fishing at edmonds tonight. i bought a couple of gigs and made a few of my own. where can i find the regs.? can you use a lantern? i remember that they use to get'em by the bucket full down there when i was a kid. this will be my first time so any info would be helpful thanks
you can use a lantern, some people take small generators and floodlamps out. The regs are available at any sporting goods store or online at the fish and wildlife webpage. I'll be the one in the green coat and khaki cargo pants- probably hit it around 5:30 so it leaves time to relocate if things are slow.
[quote name='slabs' timestamp='1293752411' post='21256']

hello im going to try squid fishing at edmonds tonight. i bought a couple of gigs and made a few of my own. where can i find the regs.? can you use a lantern? i remember that they use to get'em by the bucket full down there when i was a kid. this will be my first time so any info would be helpful thanks


You can use whatever light source you want.

The regulation for squid is attached.

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