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Winter Squid Run? Is there such a thing in Massachusetts Or Rhode Isla
Hi was wondering if there is really a Winter squid run in either Massachusetts or Rhode Island. I know about the spring and fall run. I was wondering if i should brave the cold and head out to Squid. I hear rumors of Mackerel and squid in the Cape cod canal. I just don't want to waste my time driving down. Any feed back would be appreciated.

Nov./Dec. sometimes sees a run of sea herring. They are also sometimes around Feb./Mar.


As for squid, I am sure they are around in small numbers. The question is, will you find them standing in one spot before you freeze to the ground? If you dropped a boat in the water on a nice day, you could probably cruise around until you found them. There are years when people are catching squid, in numbers in Dec. though, if you just want to try for some, I say give it a shot.

 I doubt there are any squid in these areas in the dead of winter. They can be caught well into Dec. but I have never heard of any being caught after the second week. They don't come in in the spring until the water reaches a certain temperature and I believe they disappear when the water temp gets too cold for their liking. They do hang around all summer, but not usually in the numbers of the spring and fall runs. I have hammered them good in August on Martha's Vineyard, and I see lots of tiny babies in the summer in harbors, but I think they go to deeper water in the summer months. They can be caught in numbers offshore fishing in summer in the northeast, but I have never seen them winter cod fishing.


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