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A Couple Newbie Questions
Hey, I just started getting interested in squid fishing (damn they taste good), and I'm going to buy a setup soon. I've been looking around the shops, and have a few questions. I'm lucky (unlucky?) enough to live in Japan, so I have a huge selection of squid fishing (egi) gear available. But that's kind of the problem. There's so much that it gets a bit overwhelming for what I need, and what I don't need. I've read the FAQ, and I have a few more questions.

First, about a rod. They have specific "egi" rods here. But I have no idea what the difference is between regular fishing rods and "egi" rods. I remember people talking about how they're longer, and they do have the long ones, but they also have shorter ones. Is it a waste of money to buy specificly an "egi" rod, or should I just go with the cheaper regular rod?

Second, reels. There are a huge selection of reels available, some cheap, some really expensive. I haven't seen any specific "egi" reels, so I assume it doesn't make a difference. Does anyone have a suggestion on a good brand that isn't too expensive? Also I should mention I'll be fishing from shore, so no tangles is a big plus.

Third, line. I've pretty much read through the whole forum, and I'm surprised I haven't found anything about line color. The shop had a huge selection of lines and colors. Pink, green, white, clear, super visible, super visible/super invisible and so on. I'm definitely lost here. What am I looking for?

Fourth, spray. I know there's a big section on all the types of spray they have, but the number they have here is huge! I could probably double the amount you have on there. But anyways, which ones have worked for you? I saw Egi Max there. Does it work pretty well?

And lastly, lures. There are also a huge selection of lures here. But I have to say, I barely see any difference between the brand names. The Yo-Zuri and Yamashita were about $10 each, and there was another one (can't remember the name now) that was about $14. The rest were all lower. And while I was looking for a lure case, they had a case with 6 lures for $10. Great deal, and the lures didn't really look that bad. Is there a big difference between the big names and no names? Are the Yo-Zuri and Yamashita proven to catch more than the no-names? Are the squid more attracted to them?

Sorry for so many questions. Thanks for your help!

Messages In This Thread
A Couple Newbie Questions - by JimNasium - 24-05-2007, 09:03 PM
A Couple Newbie Questions - by mrzed - 25-05-2007, 04:10 AM
A Couple Newbie Questions - by JimNasium - 26-05-2007, 01:48 AM
A Couple Newbie Questions - by mrzed - 26-05-2007, 05:37 PM

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